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New York Army National Guard
Warrant Officer Information

How to Become a New York Army National Guard Warrant Officer

  1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this guide is to provide enlisted soldiers, former warrant officers, and commissioned officers with an overview of the process required to become a New York Army National Guard warrant officer. This guide is also intended as a tool to assist commanders in understanding the entire application process, from requesting Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Predetermination, to Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS), and Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC) attendance.
  2. DEFINITION OF A WARRANT OFFICER: The complete Army definition is as follows:

    An officer appointed by warrant by the secretary of the Army, based on a sound level of technical and tactical competence. A warrant officer is a highly specialized expert and trainer who, by gaining progressive levels of expertise and leadership, operates, maintains, administers, and manages the Army's equipment, support activities, or technical systems for an entire career.
  3. CONTENTS. The following areas are addressed within this guide.


1. FIRST APPOINTMENT. The first appointment of an American Warrant Officer was within the U.S. Navy on December 23, 1775, on the American Ship Andrea Doria. The first Army Warrant Officer was appointed on 7 July 1918, when the Army Warrant Officer Corps was created by an act of Congress.

2. DEFINITION. In 1956 the first official definition of a Warrant Officer was published in AR 611-112. The first professional development program for warrant officers was established in 1969, with the Warrant Officer Career College at Fort Rucker, Alabama, created. A Warrant Officer Division, at Headquarters, Department of the Army, was established in 1974 to provide personnel management for all warrant officers.

3. ENTRY COURSE. By the 1980s Warrant Officers were an integral part of virtually all branches of the Army, serving in 70 career fields, totaling about 15,000 men and women. The first Warrant Officer entry course was established in 1983, at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland for Ordnance.

4. TWOS. By 1984 The Chief of Staff of the Army chartered a study called the Total Warrant Officer Study (TWOS). This was the most definitive study of the Army Warrant Officer and resulted in numerous changes to warrant officer programs. Changes involved accessioning, recruitment, training, promotion, utilization, and separation.

5. WOMA. Legislative recommendations from TWOS were introduced to Congress in 1988 as the Warrant Officer Management Act (WOMA) and became law in December of 1988. It ensured that all warrant officer entry courses were standardized.

6. WOLDAP. Based on WOMA, a Warrant Officer Leader Development Action Plan (WOLDAP) was developed and approved by the Chief of Staff of the Army in 1992. WOLDAP brought many changes to include; changes in structure, training, clarification and grading of positions, and the creation of the CW5 position.

7. CAREER CENTER. The Total Army Warrant Officer Career Center and the First Warrant Officer Company at Ft. Rucker, Alabama were created and became the centerpiece of the warrant officer education system in October 1992.


Visit the Warrant Officer Accessions page for Elligibility Requirements.


1. SECURE A VACANCY. To become a Warrant Officer, a soldier must be able to fill an existing or projected unit vacancy in an MOS. This step is the same for an enlisted soldier, former warrant officer, or commissioned officer. This MOS must be one for which the enlisted soldier has an awarded PMOS, SMOS, or AMOS listed as a feeder MOS (See DA Circular 601-6). If there are no vacancies in the current unit of assignment, qualified soldiers are encouraged to apply for appointment in another unit where vacancies exist, or are projected to occur. Former warrant officers should apply for an MOS they previously were qualified in, while commissioned officers may apply for the MOS they have the best qualifications for, using both commissioned and former enlisted service.

2. REVIEW PROCESS. Unit Commanders of the unit where the vacancy exists must conduct an interview with the applicant(s), and if necessary conduct a unit review board to select the best applicant and alternates. This process is based on obtaining a soldier with the best technical ability and leadership potential. This is an important responsibility, in that the individual selected must have demonstrated the ability to understand, convey, and execute orders, while serving as a trainer, a teacher, counselor, and team leader. The ability to continue to think and make good decisions under pressure is of particular importance. For the sake of the service and the individual selected this should not be just a reward for service in the unit, it should be a careful, well thought out decision.

3. SELECTION BOARD/MENTOR. The Selection Review board should include, if possible, a warrant officer qualified in MOS for which the applicant is being considered. After the commander makes his/her selection, an officer or warrant officer mentor should be assigned to assist the candidate in preparing the "Predetermination Packet" covered in the next section.


1. REQUEST. The first step in the qualification process is the requirement for requesting approval from the Department of the Army MOS proponent for entry into the career field. This is called a request for predetermination. The request will be prepared utilizing the Predetermination Packet Checklist, NYARNG Form 611-2-11, and the Resume format shown on this web site. The Predetermination Packet Checklist is the first of the three available (all within a single file) in either MS Word or Adobe Acrobat format at the bottom of this page.

The predetermination checklist includes

  1. Soldier's current Company Commander will submit a Letter of Recommendation. For applicants requiring WOCS, the commanders recommendation must include: "I certify that (Rank and Name) successfully passed the Army Physical Fitness Test consisting of pushups, sit-ups, and the two mile run with a score of (score) on (date); the verified height is (feet and inches) and the verified weight is (pounds)."
  2. DA Form 2-1, Personnel Qualification Record. Certified by Chief, Army Records Branch.
  3. Resume in the format enclosed.
  4. All related training certificates/DA Form 1059
  5. Transcripts documenting college level training and, specifically, those that are related to the MOS applied for.
  6. OERs/NCOERs covering the period of service in the feeder MOS and leader experience relating to that period of service.
  7. Military Education: Related DA Form 1059, NGB Form 22, ASD, DD Form 214.
  8. Civilian Documentation supporting or directly related to the MOS plus performance evaluations, position descriptions, licenses, etc.
  9. Awards and Decorations (performance/achievements)
  10. DA Form 705, APFT (within 6 months)
  11. Recommendation from CW3 to CW5 who holds the MOS, the soldier is requesting.
  12. DA Form 5500/5501 (Body Fat Worksheet - if applicable)
  13. Security Clearance Verification Statement if available. Interim Clearance required prior to WOCS attendance.

2. PROPONENT REVIEW. Once the packet is complete is scanned to the Proponent of that particular MOS. If the packet is disapproved it will be returned through command channels to the requestor for additional documentation. If the packet is approved it will be forwarded from the MOS proponent to MNRR-OSF. This process takes between 30 and 60 days, depending on the MOS proponent. If the packet requires an NGB waiver then the packet is processed thru NGB. This process takes between 60 and 120 days, depending on the MOS proponent.

3. DISPOSITION. Once the Predetermination packet is returned approved, then the Warrant Officer Screening packet is prepared. This packet, which is the second step in the process, is covered in the next section of this guide.


1. WOCS APPOINTMENT SCREENING. Upon receipt of a favorable predetermination package the applicant must complete an appointment screening packet for consideration by the Federal Recognition Board held at Joint Forces Headquarters. These boards are held on a monthly basis. The board is conducted by the Senior Army Advisor and selected New York Army National Guard field grade officers. The purpose of this board is to determine eligibility for attendance at the Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS) and appointment.

2. WOCS APPPOINTMENT SCREENING PACKET. The Warrant Officer Appointment Screening Checklist, NYARNG 611-2-10, is comprised of. (Checklist is provided at end of this guide)

  1. The approved predetermination package.
  2. NGB Form 62E, Application for Federal Recognition as an Army National Guard Officer or Warrant Officer and Appointment as a Reserve Commissioned Officer or Warrant Officer of the Army in the Army National Guard of the United States.
  3. Birth certificate.
  4. Statement in lieu of security clearance. The applicant must have a Secret clearance, or interim clearance. A final or interim secret clearance is required for appointment, unless a higher clearance is specified by the MOS proponent.
  5. Copy of a Report of Medical Examination and Report of Medical History for a Chapter 2, AR 40-501 physical, conducted within two years. Flight physicals require Fort Rucker, Alabama flight surgeon approval.
  6. Copy of High School Diploma or equivalent, college transcript.
  7. DD Form 214, DD Form 220, or similar documents for prior service.
  8. Copy of Social Security Card.
  9. Copies of orders relating to awards, decorations, and citations.
  10. Statement of understanding if unable to complete 20 yrs retirement service.
  11. DA Form 705, APFT, within the last 6 months.
  12. * Written statement from technicians on compatibility, TPR 300.
  13. * Aeronautical aviation orders if applicable.
  14. * Statement of military service obligation IAW AR 135-91 if applicable.
  15. * Conditional release from another component or state transfer order.

3. FEDERAL RECOGNITION BOARD REVIEW. Completed warrant officer screening application will be reviewed by MNRR and forwarded to MNP-OPM for submission to Federal Recognition Board. Boards are held on a monthly basis with dates announced by the Senior Army Advisor. Packet submission must be submitted 10 days prior to FRB.

4. BOARD RECOMMENDATION. If the board finds the applicant qualified, an order appointing him/her as a Warrant Officer Candidate (WOC) is issued and a primary MOS of 09W00 is awarded. If the board does not find the applicant qualified the packet will be returned with any additional requirements noted. Packet may then be resubmitted for consideration once requirements have been met.

5. WOCS APPLICATION. After appointment as a WOC, the unit/command will request a class quota at the Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS) at Ft. Rucker, Alabama, or RTI via ATRRS. Each command will ensure that a mentor, preferably a recent WOCS graduate, helps prepare the candidate.

6. Former Warrant Officers and Commissioned Officers. Applicants in this category must complete a packet using the Warrant Officer Reappointment/New Appointment Checklist, NYARNG Form 611-2-3, which may be found at the end of this guide. MNRR-OSF in conjunction with MNP-OPM will prepare a board package and forwarded it to the federal recognition board for approval. Once approved, and the board package is returned back to MNP-OPM with the completed NGB Form 89 (Federal Recognition Board Report) and an appointment order will be prepared with a package and forwarded to the National Guard Bureau requesting federal recognition.



1. Each WOC will either attend the Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS) at Fort Rucker, Alabama or the RTI based WOCS program. Warrant Officer Candidate School is conducted under the guidance and direction of the Warrant Officer Career Center (WOCC). This school is a high stress environment that challenges the soldier both physically and mentally.

2. The objective of this school is to ensure the candidate possess the mental and physical stamina, leadership, communication skills, and the attention to detail to become a Warrant Officer. Both the Active and Reserve components must meet the same requirements for entry and graduation of this course.

  1. There are three options for the completion of WOCS.
    1. Technical and Aviation Candidates in the grade of SGT and above, with WLC (Warrior Leadership Course) may complete PHASE I of WOCS via on-line DL Course, and attend the five week WOCS at Fort Rucker, Alabama.
    2. Technical and Aviator WOC'S who do not hold the grade of SGT or above, prior to being appointed as a WOC, will attend a straight seven week resident course at Fort Rucker, AL.
    3. Technical warrant officer candidates in the grade of SGT or above, prior to entrance in the WOCS program, with WLC completed, may attend the WOCS at a participating RTI.

3. APPOINTMENT. The school notifies MNP-OPM of expected graduates approximately two weeks prior to the course end date.

  1. A state order is published separating the enlisted soldier from the NYARNG and appointing the candidate as a WO1, effective the day of graduation, and furnished to Fort Rucker. After the successful completion of WOCS the soldier is officially appointed as a WO1 during ceremonies on graduation day.
  2. If the candidate does not graduate the order is then revoked.
  3. Once official notification of graduation is received by DA Form 1059, six months temporary federal recognition is granted, with permanent federal recognition requested from the National Guard Bureau. It is at this time that the appointment order is forwarded to MNAR-ARB for processing.


1. The final event of becoming a fully qualified warrant officer is the completion of the Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC) or Initial Entry Rotary Wing (IERW) for Aviators. WOBC must be successfully completed within two years from the date of appointment as a warrant officer. This can be extended by NGB on a case by case basis for one additional year when extenuating circumstances exist.

2. The Warrant Officer Basic course trains and certifies newly appointed Warrant Officers who are technically qualified to perform in the assigned MOS. There are three methods for completion of WOBC:

  1. Active Component (AC) course. Soldiers in the AGR program must attend the AC course. The AC courses vary from 5 to 20 weeks depending upon the MOS.
  2. b. Reserve Component (RC) configured course. The RC courses are normally shorter AC versions to accommodate reserve components. Most RC courses are shorter resident phases that include correspondence phases.

3. Attendance at the RC or AC version for traditional soldiers and military technicians is based on the proponent's determination for each applicant. If a MOS proponent specifies applicant must attend the AC course then the individual must do so to be MOS certified. No waiver of this requirement is authorized.


1. GENERAL. The following information is provided concerning individuals who desire to apply for Warrant Officer Candidate (WOC) training in the aviation field.

2. BASIC QUALIFICATIONS. Applicants must be at least 18, but not have reached 33 years. Age waivers may be granted.


Step 1: Each applicant must first contact MNRR-OSF, CW3 O'Keefe to schedule aptitude test for aviation (AFAST). The test is administered by a Facility Test Control Officer. A score of 90 or higher is required.

Step 2: Once the FAST requirement has been met, then the applicant is required to schedule a Class IA, Flight Physical, at the closest military medical facility, such as Fort Hamilton, West Point, or Fort Drum. The phone number and point of contact will be provided by CW3 O'Keefe.

Step 3: Once the physical has been taken, it is forwarded to the US Army Aeromedical Center, Ft. Rucker, Alabama for review. For those applicants who successfully pass the physical examination, the next step is to coordinate with CW3 O'Keefe to prepare the flight school packet.

Step 4: Once the packet is completed Facility Commanders will conduct Flight Evaluation Board (FEB).

Step 5: If approved, the State Aviation Officer will select a position vacancy, notify the individual selected, and forward the application for flight school. Once selected for school, notification will be provided with school attendance orders and administrative instructions issued.


1. NGR 600-101, Warrant Officers - Federal Recognition and Related Personnel Actions, dated 1 October 1996, w/interim change 1.

2. NYARNG Regulation 611-2, The Warrant Officer System, dated 1 December 2001.

3. DA Circular 601-6, Warrant Officer Procurement Program, dated 14 June 2006.

4. DA Pamphlet 611-21, Military Occupational Classification and Structure, dated 31 March 1999.

5. DA Pamphlet 600-11, Warrant Officer Professional Development, 30 December 1996.


Visit the Officer Accessions Contact page.


All three required checklists identified and described above are available as a single PDF, and can be downloaded here.

© NYS DMNA: Warrant Office Information
URL: https://dmna.ny.gov/arng/wopm/?id=join
Page Last Modified: 19 Jan 23 13:37