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Apr, 1861
May, 1861
Jun, 1861
Jul, 1861
Aug, 1861
Sep, 1861
Oct, 1861
Nov, 1861
Dec, 1861
Jan, 1862
Feb, 1862
Mar, 1862
Apr, 1862
May, 1862
Jun, 1862
Jul, 1862
Aug, 1862
Sep, 1862
Oct, 1862
Nov, 1862
Dec, 1862
Jan, 1863
Feb, 1863
Mar, 1863
Apr, 1863
May, 1863
Jun, 1863
Jul, 1863
Aug, 1863
Sep, 1863
Oct, 1863
Nov, 1863
Dec, 1863
Jan, 1864
Feb, 1864
Mar, 1864
Apr, 1864
May, 1864
Jun, 1864
Jul, 1864
Aug, 1864
Sep, 1864
Oct, 1864
Nov, 1864
Dec, 1864
Jan, 1865
Feb, 1865
Mar, 1865
Apr, 1865
May, 1865
Jun, 1865
Jul, 1865
Aug, 1865
Fort Sumter Attacked : New Yorker fires backApr 12, 1861
New Yorker is 1st Civil War DeathApr 14, 1861
New Yorker is 1st POW of Civil WarApr 14, 1861
New York asked for 13,000 SoldiersApr 15, 1861
Legislature authorizes 30 regimentsApr 16, 1861
testApr 16, 1861
7th Regiment New York Militia Ordered to WashingtonApr 17, 1861
7th Regiment DepartsApr 19, 1861
Varian’s Artillery leaves New YorkApr 19, 1861
Troops Leave New YorkApr 21, 1861
69th Infantry Leaves NYCApr 23, 1861
New York goes rifle shoppingApr 24, 1861
Albany Militia leave for frontApr 27, 1861
5th Regiment NYS Militia LeavesApr 28, 1861
Firemen Go to WarApr 29, 1861
28th Regiment leaves BrooklynApr 30, 1861 - Apr 20, 1861
Former President sends Soldiers to warMay 04, 1861
20th Militia Regiment leaves Hudson ValleyMay 07, 1861
Brooklyn Troops March off to WarMay 18, 1861
82nd Infantry leaves NYC for Washington.May 18, 1861
Duryee’s Zouaves leave for Fort MonroeMay 23, 1861
New York Regiments March into VirginiaMay 24, 1861
7th NY Volunteer Regiment departs NYCMay 24, 1861
Elmer Ellsworth KilledMay 24, 1861
City’s 9th Regiment Heads for WashingtonMay 27, 1861
Onondaga Troops Leave for WarMay 29, 1861
Rochester Volunteers Off to WarMay 30, 1861
New York Highlanders go to warJun 02, 1861
4th NY Volunteers Go to WarJun 04, 1861
New York Zouaves go to warJun 06, 1861
10 Volunteer Infantry mobilizedJun 06, 1861
The 9th Militia regiment leaves for warJun 08, 1861
Battle of Big BethelJun 10, 1861
12-year old is 1st Brooklyn Soldier killedJun 11, 1861
Turner Rifles go to warJun 13, 1861
New York Soldiers go to FloridaJun 15, 1861
1st Buffalo Regiment departsJun 18, 1861
Albany volunteers mobilizeJun 19, 1861
Oswego Soldiers go to warJul 02, 1861
New York Cavalry Mount UpJul 03, 1861
Union Rangers leave from NYCJul 03, 1861
Herkimer County Soldiers go to warJul 03, 1861
The Mozart Regiment goes to warJul 04, 1861
Southern Tier Soldiers March SouthJul 05, 1861
Ontario Regiment leavesJul 08, 1861
German Americans fight for the UnionJul 08, 1861
North Country Soldiers go to warJul 09, 1861
Western New Yorkers leave for warJul 10, 1861
Washington Volunteers march awayJul 12, 1861
Lincoln Cavalry Musters InJul 16, 1861
Tammany Hall sends Soldiers to fightJul 18, 1861
1st Battle of Bull RunJul 21, 1861
More New York Militia Cavalry rides south.Jul 23, 1861
A 19th Century Bad boy becomes a ColonelJul 23, 1861
New York needs more troopsJul 26, 1861
New York Says No to African American SoldiersJul 26, 1861
69th New York State Militia returns.Jul 27, 1861
More men for the warJul 30, 1861
Mutiny in Highlander RegimentAug 14, 1861
74th NY Volunteers DepartAug 20, 1861
City and LI Regiments DepartAug 21, 1861
Second German Rifles Off to WarAug 24, 1861
65th New York Leaves the CityAug 27, 1861
New York’s 4th Cavalry Regiment Ready for ServiceAug 29, 1861
Lafeyette Guard departs NYCAug 31, 1861
Tragedy at Willet’s PointSep 09, 1861
New York POWs in CharlestonSep 10, 1861
German Troops Off to WarSep 14, 1861
Brooklyn Troops Off to WarSep 17, 1861
Washington Grays Leave NYSep 19, 1861
Second Buffalo Regiment Leaves for DCSep 20, 1861
Albany Rifles off to WarSep 21, 1861
More Fire Zouvaes go to warOct 08, 1861
2nd Cavalry musters inOct 08, 1861
A German regiment leavesOct 09, 1861
Battle of Balls BluffOct 21, 1861
Ellsworth Avengers leave Albany for warOct 21, 1861
Work begins on the USS MonitorOct 25, 1861
Military Department of New York createdOct 26, 1861
Ulster County Soldiers mobilizedOct 26, 1861
51st Infantry leaves to Invade North Caroline IslandsOct 29, 1861
54th NY leaves for war.Oct 29, 1861
North Country boys go to warNov 04, 1861
Hudson Valley Soldiers leaveNov 07, 1861
Poles and Russians go to warNov 07, 1861
Clinton Guards leave NYCNov 09, 1861
Sigel Rifles join Army of the PotomacNov 11, 1861
66th New York goes to warNov 16, 1861
Tuscaroras Go to War for the UnionNov 18, 1861
The 69th goes off to become "The Fighting 69th"Nov 18, 1861
Zook’s Voltigeur’s go to warNov 19, 1861
The 16th New York participates in the Grand ReviewNov 20, 1861
59th New York goes to warNov 23, 1861
Steuben County troops musterNov 23, 1861
Bemis Heights Boys go to warNov 28, 1861
Another Irish regiment goes to warNov 28, 1861
Rochester’s 8th Cavalry Regiment goes to warNov 29, 1861
87th New York goes southDec 02, 1861
Western New Yorkers go to warDec 03, 1861
Central NY Troops off to FloridaDec 06, 1861
Cattaraugus County men go to warDec 10, 1861
Mrs Meagher’s Boys go to warDec 16, 1861
The 6th Cavalry goes away for ChristmasDec 23, 1861
The Irish Brigade Spends Christmas in CampDec 24, 1861
90th Volunteer Infantry goes southJan 05, 1862
Albany and Schenectady Soldiers go to warJan 09, 1862
U.S.S. Monitor launched in BrooklynJan 30, 1862
New Yorkers take their cannon to warFeb 10, 1862
A song captures the Union CauseFeb 12, 1862
Father of half-tone engraving forms a regimentMar 03, 1862
St. Lawrence County sends a regiment to war.Mar 05, 1862
The Washington County Regiment goes to the front.Mar 07, 1862
Wayne County’s Soldiers go to warMar 08, 1862
Monitor versus the MerrimacMar 09, 1862
100th Infantry from Buffalo leavesMar 10, 1862
102nd Infantry is musteredMar 10, 1862
The 96th New York goes from Plattsburgh to warMar 11, 1862
5th Heavy Artillery Guards New YorkMar 11, 1862
Col Wheelock’s 97th Infantry leaves BoonvilleMar 12, 1862
A Train Wreck "depresses" the 94th New YorkMar 15, 1862
The 95th Regiment Leaves for the warMar 18, 1862
The 104th Infantry leaves for warMar 22, 1862
The 105th New York goes to war without the Rev. FullerApr 04, 1862
A New Yorker demands New Orleans’ SurrenderApr 25, 1862
The Excelsior Brigade Takes Horrible lossesMay 05, 1862
New York National Guard Answers Stanton’s CAllMay 24, 1862
2,117 New Yorkers killed, wounded or missing at Fair Oaks.May 31, 1862 - Jun 01, 1862
President visits cannon foundryJun 24, 1862
Over 4,000 New Yorkers killed wounded or captured in Seven Day BattleJun 25, 1862 - Jul 02, 1862
The Excelsior Brigade is hit hard at Oak GroveJun 25, 1862
New Yorkers at Gaines MillsJun 27, 1862
New York Governor urges more troop call upsJun 28, 1862
44th New York Charges at Malvern HillJul 01, 1862
Lincoln Calls for 28 New York RegimentsJul 02, 1862
107th Infantry Goes to WarAug 13, 1862
5325 New York casualties at Second Bull RunAug 16, 1862 - Sep 02, 1862
108th Infantry Heads for the FrontAug 19, 1862
111th Infantry Leaves New YorkAug 21, 1862
The 117th Volunteer Infantry Leaves Oneida County.Aug 22, 1862
The 8th Heavy Artillery starts out as infantryAug 22, 1862
The 120th Infantry Goes to WarAug 24, 1862
The 126th Regiment goes to WarAug 26, 1862
The "Onondagas" muster inAug 28, 1862
St. Lawrence Regiment goes to war.Aug 28, 1862
Duryee’s Zouaves at 2nd Bull RunAug 29, 1862
Oswego Regiment musters and leavesAug 29, 1862
The "Railway Guard" goes to the fightAug 30, 1862
Iron Heart Regiment goes to war and is surrended in 2 weeksAug 30, 1862
Onondaga Regiment Musters for WarAug 31, 1862
Capital Region Troops Head to Battle, Capture at Harper’s FerryAug 31, 1862
The 8th New York Cavalry escapes Harpers FerrySep 12, 1862 - Sep 15, 1862
The 12th Regiment New York National Guard Fights and SurrendersSep 15, 1862 - Sep 17, 1862
New York loses 3762 at AntietamSep 17, 1862
the Rochester RaceHorses go to warSep 19, 1862
The Chaplain of the 104th Infantry QuitsSep 20, 1862
148th Infantry heads for garrison dutySep 22, 1862
Three New York Regiments Go to WarSep 25, 1862
New York’s Native Americans Go to WarSep 27, 1862
Two more regiments march awaySep 27, 1862
The 154th New York leavesSep 30, 1862
The Ironclads Go to the FrontOct 03, 1862
St. Lawrence County Soldiers leaveOct 06, 1862
New York City sends another regimentOct 08, 1862
Three regiments leave New YorkOct 11, 1862
The 143rd answers the callOct 15, 1862
153rd Volunteer InfantryOct 18, 1862
Western New York Soldiers leaveOct 23, 1862
The 152nd Infantry Leaves NYOct 25, 1862
155th Infantry Goes to WarNov 10, 1862
The USS Passaic tests its guns on the PalisadesNov 15, 1862
The 117th New York Volunteer Infantry Gets Its BannerNov 23, 1862
The 156th New York goes to warDec 04, 1862
New York Regiments lose 2,807 at FredericksburgDec 11, 1862 - Dec 15, 1862
"Ironsides" Regiment heads to New OrleansJan 11, 1863
14th Cavalry leaves for New OrleansFeb 08, 1863
Draft Act SignedMar 03, 1863
Experimental Ironclad Ship Leaves New YorkMar 11, 1863
USS Keokuk, NYC-built vessel sinksApr 08, 1863
Lincoln Meets a 14-year old New York SoldierApr 09, 1863
Corcoran Distinguishes Himself at Siege NorfolkApr 11, 1863 - May 04, 1863
New Yorkers Battle at Irish BendApr 14, 1863
New York legislature provides bonus to reenlisting SoldiersApr 17, 1863
New York creates "Soldiers Home"Apr 24, 1863
Two-Year Regiments Muster OutApr 25, 1863 - Jul 04, 1863
$1 Million for New York FortsApr 27, 1863
Cavalry at WarMay 01, 1863 - May 30, 1863
23rd NY to WarMay 01, 1863 - May 30, 1863
New Yorkers at ChancellorsvilleMay 01, 1863 - May 03, 1863
8 New York Regiments Fight in War’s Largest Cavalry battleJun 09, 1863
Federal Gov. Calls for New York MilitiaJun 15, 1863
New York National Guard mustered to defend the northJun 18, 1863
16th New York Cavalry departsJun 19, 1863
New Yorker is 1st Soldiers killed in Gettysburg CampaignJun 22, 1863
13th NY Volunteer Cavalry goes to warJun 23, 1863
New Yorker Fires 1st Shot at GettysburgJul 01, 1863
New Yorker is 1st death at GettysburgJul 01, 1863
1000 New Yorkers killed, 4000 wounded, 2000 captured or missing at GettysburgJul 01, 1863 - Jul 03, 1863
New York City Draft RiotsJul 13, 1863 - Jul 16, 1863
Troy Anti-Draft RiotJul 15, 1863
New Yorker is 1st female Army doctorAug 31, 1863
15 New York Cavalry leavesSep 02, 1863
21st New York Cavalry formedSep 04, 1863
18th New York Cavalry mobilizedSep 26, 1863
20th New York Cavalry leaves New YorkSep 30, 1863
New Yorker Takes Charge of Confederate Naval AcademyOct 01, 1863
295 New Yorkers killed, wounded or missing at Bristoe Station.Oct 14, 1863
Michal Corcoran dies in riding accidentNov 22, 1863 - Dec 22, 1863
New Yorkers fight in Chattanooga CampaignNov 23, 1863 - Nov 27, 1863
81 New York Units participate in Mine Run campaignNov 26, 1863 - Dec 02, 1863
148th New York Spends Christmas in Fort NorfolkDec 25, 1863
20th United States Colored Troops OrganizedFeb 09, 1864
Battle of OlusteeFeb 20, 1864
Brooklyn Sanitary Fair and the Albany Relief BazaarFeb 22, 1864
New York City Sanitary Fair HeldApr 04, 1864
4,500 New York Casualties at WildernessMay 05, 1864 - May 07, 1864
New York General Dies at Spotsylvania CourthouseMay 08, 1864
4,500 New Yorkers Die at Cold HarborMay 31, 1864 - Jun 12, 1864
New Yorkers attack Kennesaw MountainJun 27, 1864
Prison at Elmira OpensJul 06, 1864
Albanian Phil Sheridan Wins BigSep 19, 1864
8 New York Medals at Cedar CreekOct 19, 1864
New York Votes for LincolnNov 08, 1864
Plot to Burn New York CityNov 25, 1864 - Nov 22, 1864
76th Infantry Mustered OutJan 01, 1865
Col. Newton Curtis Wounded in Fort Fisher AttackJan 15, 1865
10 New York Congressmen Vote against 13th AmendmentJan 31, 1865
New Yorkers Join Shermans March Through CarolinasFeb 01, 1865
New York ratifies 13th amendentFeb 03, 1865
New Yorkers fight at Hatchers RunFeb 05, 1865 - Feb 07, 1865
New Yorkers help Isolate Wilmington, NCFeb 11, 1865 - Feb 22, 1865
New York Herald Reports on the Burning of Columbia South CarolinaFeb 17, 1865
Lincoln writes of speech to New YorkerMar 15, 1865
Elmira Prisoner of War Camp FloodsMar 17, 1865
New Yorkers fight in North CarolinaMar 19, 1865 - Mar 21, 1865
New York Artillery saves day at BentonvilleMar 19, 1865
New Yorkers fight against last Confederate offensiveMar 25, 1865
New Yorkers Defeat Confederates at Five ForksApr 01, 1865 - Apr 09, 1865
New Yorkers Raise US Flag over Confederate CapitolApr 03, 1865
NY Private Captures Robert E. Lee’s SonApr 06, 1865
New Yorker one of last casualties of the Civil WarApr 08, 1865
188th New York Guards Appomattox Court HouseApr 09, 1865
Ely Parker drafts Lee Surrender DocumentApr 09, 1865
Canandaigua, New York learns of Lees surrenderApr 10, 1865
Seward Stabbed as part of Booth PlotApr 14, 1865
Abraham Lincoln mourned in AlbanyApr 20, 1865
New Yorkers Track Down John Wilkes BoothApr 26, 1865 - Jan 08, 1865
New York Battle Flags presented to governorJul 04, 1865