Guard Times Magazine Survey help

  1. Have you or any member of your household ever read the Guard Times Magazine?
    Answering “Yes” to this question will display nine additional questions about your experience reading the Guard Times Magazine: This question must be answered to submit the survey.
  2. How many issues of the Guard Times have you read in 2008?
    There have been 4 issues of the Guard Times Magazine released in 2008, they can be found @ Select how many you have read.
  3. How many members of your household have read the Guard Times (including yourself)?
  4. How useful or relevant is the information about the National Guard provided in the Guard Times Magazine?
    Choose the option which best describes the usefulness and relevance of the information in the Guard Times Magazine.
  5. How timely is the information provided in the Guard Times Magazine?
    Choose the option which best describes the timeliness of information in the Guard Times Magazine.
  6. How valuable is the information about military services other than your own in the Guard Times Magazine?
    Choose the option which best describes the value of information of the other branches of service. For example, if you are in the Air National Guard, what is your opinion of the Army National Guard, Naval Militia and New York Guard sections of the Guard Times Magazine?
  7. How valuable is the information regarding military benefits and services in the Guard Times Magazine?
    There are many benefits available to military members, especially veterans returning home from overseas. The Guard Times Magazine makes a concerted effort to advertise these benefits to its readership. Choose the option which best describes the quality, timeliness and number of benefits and services advertised in the Guard Times Magazine.
  8. How would you rate the writing quality of the Guard Times magazine?
    Choose the option which best describes the writing quality of the Guard Times Magazine. Some questions to ask yourself might include: Are the articles written clearly? Are the story subjects interesting to you? Are they informative?
  9. How would you rate the quality of the photographs in the Guard Times magazine?
    Choose the option which best describes the quality of the photographs in the Guard Times Magazine. Some things to look for might include color, composition, lighting, cropping, etc.
  10. How would you rate the overall visual layout and design of the Guard Times magazine?
    Choose the option which best describes the layout/design of the Guard Times Magazine. This might include photo and text placement on pages, font readability, etc.
  11. How would you rate the Guard Times magazine as a recruiting item?
    Would you suggest the Guard Times Magazine to someone interested in joining the military?
  12. What sections of the Guard Times Magazine interest you?
    At least one section must be checked to submit the survey.
  13. Current military status Select your military status or “Family Member” if you are a fmaily member of someone in military service. Select “Other” if none of the other options apply.
  14. How many years of service? Select your time range in military service. If you have no prior or current military service time, select either the “Family Member” or “Other” options for “Current military status”.
  15. Are you aware the Guard Times Magazine is available on-line?
    The Guard Times Magazine is available online @ Issues are available dating back to 2001.
    Answering “Yes” to this question will display three additional questions about your experience with the online version of the Guard Times Magazine:
  16. Do you regularly read the online version of the magazine?
    Answer yes to this question if you prefer reading the magazine online; otherwise answer no.
  17. Do you print out articles/pages from the online version of the magazine?
  18. Do you refer others to the online version of the magazine?
  19. Gender:
    This question is asked for the purpose of gathering statistical data on our readership.
  20. What is your education level?
    This question is asked for the purpose of gathering statistical data on our readership.
  21. Please provide any suggestions for improving The Guard Times magazine below
    Possibly the most important field in this survey. Although we do not require this portion of the survey to be completed for submission, we appreciate any suggestions you may have.

Further questions or comments can be emailed to

© NYS DMNA: Guard Times Magazine: Survey Help
Page Last Modified: 25 Nov 08