Press Release Index
CONTACT: Lt. Col. Paul Fanning, 518-786-4581
FOR RELEASE: Tuesday, Oct 06, 2009

Syracuse National Guard Unit Receives Joint Meritorious Unit Award

27th BCT Headquarters Awarded Only Department of Defense Ribbon Award

SYRACUSE, NY (10/06/2009)-- The Headquarters of the New York Army National Guard's 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) has been awarded the Joint Meritorious Unit Award for serving as the headquarters of Combined Joint Task Force Phoenix VII (CJTF-Phoenix) in Afghanistan in 2008. The Joint Meritorious Unit Award is the only ribbon award granted by The Department of Defense. It is given in recognition of organizations for outstanding heroism or exceptionally meritorious achievement or service performed during periods of war, international tension, national emergencies, or extraordinary situations that involve national interests. Soldiers who served in the headquarters are entitled to wear the award on their dress uniforms for the rest of their military careers. There were 247 Soldiers from the 27th IBCT Headquarters Company which filled the majority of the CJTF-Phoenix Headquarters. The remainder of the headquarters, which numbered over 300 positions, was filled with Marines, Airmen, Soldiers, and Sailors from other active duty, reserve and National Guard units. The award citation states that Headquarters CJTF-Phoenix distinguished itself during the period of 27 April through 19 December 2008 for significantly expanding the capabilities of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) though the training and mentoring of the Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan National Police (ANP) that contributed to successful Afghan-led operations in the field. Because of CJTF-Phoenix VII, the ANA has increasingly taken the lead in combat operations against insurgent forces and the ANP has both grown in size and effectiveness in its abilities to secure and protect the Afghan people. More than 1700 members of the 27th IBCT were mobilized in January 2008 for service in CJTF-Phoenix, with the brigade headquarters assuming command and control of the combined task force of nearly 9,000 U.S. and coalition personnel operating at more than 90 Forward Operating Bases and Combat Outposts across Afghanistan. The Soldiers came from communities across New York to form the New York National Guard's largest single deployment so far. About 230 Soldiers were mobilized in September of 2007 as security force platoons while the main body was called up in January 2008. Hundreds of New York Soldiers served as trainers, advisors, mentors, security-forces, logisticians and staff. Many came with experience in state and later federal active duty following the 9-11, 2001 terrorist attacks. There were many civilian police officers among the deploying team including members of the NYPD, New York State Police and other city and county police agencies. Roughly a third of the deployed 27th IBCT in Afghanistan had already served in previous deployments for Operation Iraqi Freedom. CJTF-Phoenix VII Accomplishments: • The ANA grew by 6 Kandaks (Battalions), resulting in 7,382 additional Afghan Soldiers • 24 ANA Kandaks were validated CM-1 for independent operations, resulting in 25% of the ANA Kandaks validated as capable of independent operations • Assisted in the planning and execution of over 100 major named operations with the ANSF • The ANA fielded thousands of modern NATO weapons and equipment, including M16A2 rifles and Up Armored Humvees, improving their capabilities while reducing their vulnerabilities to enemy actions • Established a Counter Improvised Explosive Device (CIED) team that trained thousands of Afghan Soldiers and Policemen • $202 Million was been committed to more than 700 separate construction and improvement projects at Forward Operating Bases, Company Outposts and District Centers across Afghanistan in support of U.S. and ANSF • $39 million obligated through the Commander's Emergency Response Program to build roads, schools, clinics, dig wells, etc. to improve living conditions for the Afghan people • Over 1,250 tons of humanitarian assistance aid delivered to women, children, schools and orphanages, an average of approximately 150 tons per month • CJTF-P also conducted hundreds of humanitarian assistance and civil medical assistance operations in conjunction with ANSF, improving quality of life for ordinary Afghans while enhancing the bonds between the people, ANSF and their government • Established CJTF-P Logistics Cell enabling the ANSF to receive more of the equipment and weapons they need sooner through increased support and development of the Afghan logistical system and capabilities, expediting modernization and long term sustainability of its forces • During CJTF-P VII, significant improvements were made in the CJTF-Phoenix vehicle fleet, including the installation of the latest electronic counter measures to help defeat the threat posed by Improvised Explosive Devices and the fielding of new Mine Resistant Ambush Protected armored vehicles and additional armor kits for humvees. As a result, the safety and survivability of task force personnel has been enhanced along with their ability to perform the mission assigned.


© NYS DMNA Press Release:Syracuse National Guard Unit Receives Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Page Last Modified: Oct 06, 2009