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New York National Guard Federal Award and Decoration
Issuance Procedures

  1. AR 600-8-22
  2. AR 670-1
  3. DMNA Regulation 672-1

1. General. New York Army National Guard Soldiers are authorized to wear both federal and state awards. Reference 1a, above provides guidance concerning the eligibility and issuance for federal awards, while reference 1c, provides guidance concerning state awards.

2. Order of Wear. Order of wear for federal awards is provided in Chapter 28, AR 670-1 and for state awards in DMNA Reg. 672-1, Chapter 4.

3. Awards Criteria. Federal awards criteria are established in AR 600-8-22, with state award criteria provided in DMNA Regulation 672-1.

a. Commanders and Awards Boards will review the applicable portions of this pamphlet on a continuing basis in order that members of their commands may be considered for the appropriate level of award. Each award board will review the criteria for each federal and state award carefully just prior to convening an Awards Board.

b. In peacetime, military decorations recognize achievements that have significantly contributed to the readiness and effectiveness of a unit or organization, or have made notable contribution to the morale or esprit de corps of units or organizations. Exceptional command or leadership of a crew, team, section, squad or similar unit may be considered meritorious achievement or service. Recommendations for awards must be based on specific achievements.

c. The decision to award an individual a decoration, and the decision as to which award is appropriate, are both subjective decisions made by the commander having award approval authority. Awards for meritorious achievement or service will not be based upon the grade of the intended recipient, except in those cases where selected grades are ineligible for a particular award. Rather, the award will reflect both the individual's levels of responsibility and individual's achievement or service enhanced the readiness or effectiveness of his or her organization will be the predominant factor.

d. No individual is automatically entitled to an award upon departure from an assignment. Awards presented in conjunction with a permanent change of station will be limited to exceptional cases. Certificates of Achievement and Letters of Commendation or Appreciation are appropriate means to recognize departing personnel.

e. No preconditions for an award may be established; for example, when soldiers are informed in advance that attainment of specific goals will result in the automatic award of given decorations. Military decorations will not be used as prizes in contests.

f. Once an award is received by the requesting official, it must be issued in a timely fashion to ensure that the recognition for an outstanding accomplishment is not made less significant.

g. Issuance.

  1. Recommendations for all federal and state awards will be submitted to the appropriate major command or to this headquarters, ATTN: MNP-ARB.
  2. Commanders must forward all requests to arrive to this headquarters not later then 60 days prior to requested presentation date to allow for review and processing. Legion of Merit (LOM) requests must arrive at least 90 days prior to the presentation date and at least 120 days for grades 0-7 and above.

4. Procedures.

a. State Awards. State awards will be requested utilizing procedures contained in DMNA Regulation 672-1. The New York Army Guard Physical Fitness Ribbon and Certificate procedure is provided within this pamphlet as an exception, because only Army National Guard soldiers are eligible for its issuance. These awards are issued by each GOCOM and not this headquarters.

b. Federal Awards. Federal awards that are frequently requested are addressed in this chapter in conjunction with AR 600-8-22. Each procedure is designed to show who is eligible for each award, the particular standards, and how it is requested and processed. Each procedure is followed by a sample DA form 638, as well as a sample narrative as applicable.

  1. All requests for personal type federal awards will be forwarded through command channels utilizing a DA form 638. Recommendations may be typed, handwritten or hand-printed in black ink in a clear, legible manner. Specific blocks by block instructions are contained in Table 3-4, AR 600-8-22.
  2. Requests for federal service awards and badges will be prepared on a NYARNG Form 205, with the appropriate supporting documentation enclosed.
  3. A copy of completed DA Form 638 for awards issued at each command will be forwarded through the chain of command to this headquarters, ATTN: MNP-ARB. Once entered into the database the DA Form 638 will be forwarded to MNP-ARB, for inclusion in the soldier's Military Personnel Records Jacket (MPRJ). This allows the chain of command to ensure the soldiers receive the appropriate award, the award is prepared properly, and the soldiers under adverse action are not erroneously processed. This routing applies to all DA Form 638s. For officer and warrant officer personnel a copy of the award certificate must be forwarded along with the DA 638. The reason for submission of the certificate is to update the soldier's Official Military Personnel Jacket (OMPF) located at National Guard Bureau.
    1. a) Army Achievement Medal
    2. b) Army Commendation Medal
    3. c) Medal for Meritorious Service
    4. d) Legion of Merit

5. Retirement Recognition. Procedure 1-11 provides guidance concerning the Presidential Certificate of Appreciation, Presidential Letter of Appreciation, and spouse recognition.

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Reference: AR 600-8-22

To whom awarded. The Legion of Merit is awarded to any member of the United States or of friendly nation who has distinguished themselves by exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements.

Standards. The performance must have been such as to merit recognition of key individuals for service rendered in a clearly exceptional manner. Performance of duties normal to the grade, branch, specialty or assignment, and experience of an individual is not an adequate basis for this award. Service will be for a special requirement or an extremely difficult duty performed in an unprecedented exceptional manner. Justification may accrue by virtue of exceptionally meritorious service in a succession of important positions.

How awarded. DA Form 638, narrative summary, height and weight statement, and a copy of the soldier's DA form 2-1 will be forwarded through channels to this headquarters, ATTN: MNP-ARB. See sample DA Form 638 and Narrative, Figure 1-3a, 1-3b and 1-4. The award application will then be for signature by the appropriate signature authority and if approved, forwarded to First U.S Army for consideration, if the Adjutant General does not concur he does not have the authority to disapprove or downgrade. Applications must be submitted to this headquarters at least 90 days in advance of planned presentation date. Normal processing time is 60 days from the time it leaves this headquarters and 120 days for brigadier generals (07) and above.


For exceptionally meritorious service while serving in positions of great responsibility during the period of 12 March 1985 through 11 March 1995, Chief Warrant Officer W-4 Charles R. Bono Consistently demonstrated his professionalism, executive management skills and leadership Ability while serving the Army National Guard and the State of New York with great Distinction In key assignments.

While serving as the 42d Infantry Division senior Supply Technician, during the period 12 March 1985 through 1 April 1989. Chief Warrant officer W-4 Bono was responsible for the extremely, complex transitions of the Division to an automated property book system. He personally oversaw the highly successful and complex transition, to include the inventory and equipment adjustment review for the entire division. His outstanding technical and management ability was necessary for this successful transition.

While serving as assistant administrative officer for the 107th Brigade, 42d Infantry Division, during the period 2 April 1989 through 11 March 1995, Chief Warrant Officer W-4 Bono was responsible for coordinating critical support for units deploying for Desert Storm. He provided for outstanding personnel readiness support to involved soldiers. He also provided unparalleled administrative guidance to the brigade staff during the highly successful exercise, "Operation Bold Shift."

His final mission was serving as action officer, for the successful integration of two diverse major command headquarters into the 107th Support Brigade. Chief Warrant Officer W-4 Bono's vast knowledge of the complex personnel and logistical systems provided for a highly successful conversion, providing a final noteworthy achievement to his forty-year military career.

Sample LOM

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(Reference: AR 600-8-22)

To whom awarded. The Medal for Meritorious Service is awarded to any member of the Armed Forces of a friendly foreign nation who, while serving in a non-combat area after 16 January 1969, has distinguished himself or herself by outstanding meritorious achievement or service.

Standards. AR 600-8-22 does not provide any additional criteria information other then that in paragraph a, above. Recognizing that this award is higher in precedence than the Army Commendation medal (ARCOM), individuals preparing recommendations must review the criteria necessary for the ARCOM to ensure the soldier's accomplishment exceeds it's requirement, therefore warranting an MMS.

The Approval authority for this award is the General occupying the first federalized recognized Major General position in the soldier's chain of command.

How awarded. DA form 638 will be prepared (Figure 2-1 and 2-2). The citation in block 21 of the DA 638 is limited to six lines single-spaced restricted to the space allowed on the DA 638. The narrative description of the meritorious service or achievement for the award of the MMS will be limited to block 20 of the DA 638. Use bullet comments, not paragraphs to describe the achievement (s). A maximum of four achievements may be used. The request will be forwarded through command channels to the applicable major command. Forwarded to this headquarters, ATTN: MNP-ARB must arrive at least 60 days prior to the proposed presentation date.

Succeeding awards. For each succeeding award a Bronze Oak leaf Cluster will be issued. Upon award of the sixth award is sliver Oak Leaf Cluster will be issued.

Sample MMS

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(Reference AR 600-8-22)

To Whom Awarded. The Army Commendation Medal is awarded to any member of the Armed Forces of the United States who, while serving in any capacity with the Army after 6 December 1941 distinguishes himself or herself by heroism, meritorious achievement or meritorious service. General officers are not eligible.

Standards. Awards may be made for acts of valor performed under circumstances described above, which are of lesser degree than required for award of the Bronze Star Medal. It may be awarded for noncombatant related heroism which does not meet the requirement for award of the Soldier's Medal.

Authorization is delegated to the first 0-6 commanders in the soldier's chain of command for approval and issuance of the Army Commendation Medal.

How Awarded. The DA 638 will be prepared see figure 3-1a and figure 3-1b. The citation in block 21 of DA 638 is limited to six lines single-spaced restricted to the space allowed on the DA 638. The narrative description of the meritorious service or achievement for award of the ARCOM will be limited to block 20 of the DA form 638. Use bullet comments, not paragraphs to describe the achievement (s). A maximum of four achievements may be used. The request will be forwarded through command channels to the applicable major command. Awards forwarded for STARC personnel must arrive at least 60 days prior to the proposed presentation date.

Succeeding awards. For each succeeding award a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster will be issued. Upon award of the sixth award a Silver Oak Leaf Cluster will be issued.

Sample ArCOM

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(Reference: AR 600-8-22)

To Whom awarded. The Army Achievement Medal is awarded to any member of the Armed Forces of the United States, or to any member of the Armed Forces of a friendly foreign nation, who while serving in any capacity with the Army in a non-combat area on or after 1 August 1981, distinguished himself/herself by meritorious service or achievement of lesser degree than required for award of the Army Commendation Medal. General Officers are not eligible.

Standards. An AAM may be awarded for actions similar to those required for an ARCOM, although of a lesser degree. Outstanding work performance for a year period is a good example of an achievement warranting an AAM.

Authorization is delegated to the first Lieutenant Colonel in a command position within the soldier's chain of command for approval and issuance of this medal.

How awarded. A DA Form 638 will be prepared. See Figure 4-1a and 4-1b. The citation in block 21 of the DA Form 638 is limited to six lines. The narrative description of the meritorious service or achievement for award of the AAM will be limited to block 20 of the DA Form 638. Use bullet comments, not paragraphs to describe the achievement (s). A maximum of four achievements may be used. The request will be forwarded through command channels to the applicable major command. Awards request for STARC personnel must arrive at this HQ's ATTN: MNP-ARB NLT 60 days prior to the proposed presentation date.

Succeeding awards. For each succeeding award a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster will be issued. Upon award of the sixth award a Silver Oak Leaf Cluster will be issued.

Sample AAM

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(Reference: AR 600-8-22)

To whom awarded. The Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal (MOVSM) is awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the United States and the Reserve Components (Army National Guard and the U.S. Army Reserve), who subsequent to 31 December 1992, performed outstanding volunteer service of sustained, direct and consequential nature.

Minimum standards.

  1. Must have been an active member of the Armed Forces of the United States, United States Army, National Guard of the U.S. Army Reserve during the period of consideration.
  2. Soldier cannot be flagged during the period of consideration.
  3. Standard. Soldier's volunteer service must:
    1. (1) Be to civilian community, to include the military family community
    2. (2) Be significant in nature and produce tangible results.
    3. (3) Reflect favorably on the Army, the Department of Defense, and this organization.
    4. (4) Be of a sustained and direct nature.
  4. Additional factors.
    1. (1) There is no specific time period to qualify for the MOVSM (for example 500 hours community service within 24 calendar months)
    2. (2) The MOVSM is intended to recognize exceptional community support over time and not a single act or achievement.
    3. (3) It is intended to honor direct support of community activities.
    4. (4) Attending membership meetings or social events of a community service group is not considered qualifying service.
    5. (5) Manning a community crisis action telephone line is considered qualifying service.
    6. (6) Service member must be performing service on a voluntary basis, not detailed or tasked.
    7. (7) Services performed may not be part of any military mission for example a unit project) and may not result in a personal gain for the service member.
    8. (8) The MOVSM may be awarded posthumously.

Authorization is delegated to the first Lieutenant Colonel in the soldier's chain of command. for approval and issuance of this medal.

How awarded. A DA Form 638 will be prepared. See Figure 5-1a and 5-1b. The citation in block 21 of the DA Form 638 is limited to six lines. Service or achievement for award of the MOVSM will be limited to block 20 of the DA Form 638. Use bullet comments, not paragraphs to describe the achievement (s). A maximum of four achievements may be used. The request will be forwarded through command channels through the applicable major command or this HQ's , ATTN: MNP-ARB.

Succeeding awards. For each succeeding award a Bronze Service Star will be issued for subsequent periods of community service justifying award of the medal.

Sample MOVSM
** Pure Edge Viewer is needed to view the MOVSM sample **

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(REFERENCE: AR: 600-8-22)

To whom awarded. The Good Conduct Medal is awarded for Active Duty federal military service to soldiers who distinguish themselves by exemplary conduct, efficiency, and fidelity. It is primarily an enlisted award; however, officer personnel may qualify based on prior enlisted service.

Standards. Qualifying periods of service must be continuous enlisted active federal military service. A 24-hour break in service renders that portion of service prior to the interruption not creditable. See AR 600-8-22 for specific qualifying periods of service guidance.

The approving authority for the Good Conduct medal is the unit commander, and the awarding authority is The Adjutant General.

Enlisted members of the full-time Recruiting and Retention (FTRF) and Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) are now eligible for this award once eligibility criteria outlined in AR 600-8-22 has been met.

The initial eligibility service date for all FTRF and AGR personnel is 1 September 1982. For FTRF personnel, all previous Title 10 USC service as a recruiter is creditable. The eligibility of current Title 32 AGR enlisted soldiers is not addressed in AR 600-8-22, however the National Guard Bureau has directed that the medal continue to be processed.

Requests. Request using a NYARNG Form 205 (Figure 6-1a and 6-1b) will be submitted along with copy of previous permanent order issued (if not first award) and AGR order(s) to MNP-ARB for issuance.

Succeeding awards. For each succeeding award, a device (clasps) will be issued and attached to the service ribbon. These devices are bronze to represent each additional award, a silver devices to represent the sixth through tenth award, and gold devices to represent the eleventh through fifteenth award.


(For use of this form, see NYARNG Pam 600-8)

PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: Authority: Title 32 section 502(F) United States Code.

PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To permit NYARNG members to apply for Federal Service Awards and Badges

ROUTINE USE: Used by NYARNG commanders/soldiers to request Federal Service Awards and Badges

DISCLOSURE: Voluntary. Failure to provide required information would result in the soldier not receiving an award they may be qualified for.

FOR: Commander, New York Army National Guard

ATTN: MNP-ARB, 330 Old Niskayuna Road, Latham, NY 12110-2224

Request for consideration for Federal service awards/badges issuance for the following soldier.

NAME: ______________________ __________________ __________


UNIT: _________________________________________ __________




(Check applicable box and enter required information)

____ GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL: For AGR personnel only. Indicate number of award:____

Attach previous GCMDL order and current AGR order. ARCAM cannot be

Received for the same period as GCMDL.

SERVICE: FROM: ___________TO:_____________

____ ARMED FORCES RESERVE MEDAL: SERVICE FROM: ___________ TO: _____________


SERVICE FROM: ___________TO: _____________


evidence of eligibility. Indicate 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. award. Provide order directing

Training in a foreign country.









NYARNG FORM 205, 1 February 2002


COMMANDER REQUEST: ___________________________/_____________________ DATE: ____________


BATTALION REQUEST/RECOMMENDATION: _______________________________DATE:_____________


_____ _________________________


APPROVAL UPGRADE TO: _________________________DISAPPROVAL

DOWNGRADE TO: _____________________

BRIGADE REQUEST/RECOMMENDATION: _________________________________DATE: ______________


APPROVAL UPGRADE TO: _________________________DISAPPROVAL

DOWNGRADE TO: _____________________

GOCOM REQUEST/RECOMMENDATION: _________________________________DATE: ______________


APPROVAL UPGRADE TO: _________________________DISAPPROVAL

DOWNGRADE TO: _____________________

NYARNG Form 205 1 February 2002

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(Reference: AR 600-8-22)

Armed Forces Reserve Medal (AFRM) Program. This program has been designed to allow for the timely and equitable issuance of the Armed Forces Reserve Medal. This Headquarters administratively issues the award. This award is given for honorable and satisfactory service or being mobilized, as a reservist, in one of four contingency operations. If a commander determines that a soldier does not meet minimum requirements for this award, he or she may request its revocation by written request through command channels to this headquarters ATTN: MNP-ARB.


a. Awarded for honorable and satisfactory service in any Reserve Component for a period of 10 years within of 12 consecutive years.

b. Awarded for mobilization service, as a reservist, in one of the following contingency operations:

(1) Desert Storm

(2) Restore Hope

(3) Uphold Democracy

(4) Joint Endeavor

c. Service: Service may be in any Reserve Component of the Armed Forces of the United States, including Coast Guard reserve.


a. For each 10 years of service the following hourglass will be issued:

(1) Bronze 10 years

(2) Silver 20 years

(3) Gold 30 years

(4) Gold & Bronze 40 years

b. For each contingency operation served as a mobilized reservist, the following "M" device with appropriate number will apply.

(1) M device only - one operation

(2) M2 - 2 operations

(3) M3 - 3 operations

(4) M4 - 4 operations

C. Wearing of devices (Figure 7-1)

AFRM Entry Date (AFRED): The award will be computed from the date of enlistment/reenlistment into the New York Army National Guard unless the soldier is coming directly from another component (to include the Coast Guard Reserve).

If the soldier is coming from Active Component, (not incurring a break in service) and the time in service in the active component exceeds 2 years, the date of enlistment/reenlistment into the New York Army National Guard is entered.

If the time in service in that Active Component is 2 years or less, determine the date of the last break in service. If the enlistment was into one of the Reserve Components, this date is used to determine the AFRED. If enlistment was not into one of the Reserve Components, this date is disregarded, with the first Reserve Component enlistment date after the break utilized. Using this date, the date when the soldier will have completed 10 qualifying reserve years of service within the 12 consecutive year period authorized is determined. Ten years will then be subtracted from this date. (Note: Time in a Active Component will not be considered creditable for this award,) The resulting date will be the AFRM entry date.

Requests: If missing, utilize NYARNG Form 205 (Figure 6-1a and Figure 6-1b), attach a copy of DD Form 214 for Covered service.



1 M Reservist who participated in Desert Storm with 8 years of Service

2 M2 Reservist who participated in Desert Storm and Restore Hope with 9 years


3 M3 Reservist who participated in Desert Storm, Restore Hope, and Uphold

Democracy with 9 years of Service

4 XM Reservist with 10 years of Qualifying Service who participated in Desert Storm

5 XM2 Reservists with 20 years qualifying service who participated in Desert Storm and

Restore Hope

6 XM3 Reservist with 30 years qualifying service who participated in Desert Storm,

Restore Hope, and Joint Endeavor

(X = Hourglass

Figure 7-1 Sample of wearing of AFRM devices

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(Reference: NGR 672-2)


Under the provisions of NGR 672-2, The Army National Guard Recruiter Badge is authorized for issue to qualified applicants.

Individuals will forward applications using DMNA Form 106F-R through the Commander to ATTN: MNAR- RR, Watervliet, NY.

Each award will be announced in orders issued by MNAR-RR.

Recession of award of this badge will be announced in orders issued by MNAR-RR.

Presentation, recording, and wearing of this award will be prescribed in NGR 672-2.


(For use of this form, see DMNA Reg 672-1, Proponent is MNHR-AD)

DATE: ________________________

MEMORANDUM THRU (Command Channels)

FOR (Approving Authority)

_________ Approval __________Disapproval


Award Recommended by: __________________________ TEL NO. _____________________

Request consideration for the State award for the following soldier.

UNIT: ______________________________________________________________



RANK/DUTY POSITION:__________________PRESENTATION DATE__________

DMNA Form 106 D-R

14 July 1995

Check applicable box and enter required information

___ Long & Faithful Service Award: For _____ years.

Dates of Creditable service: From ________________ To ____________________

___ Recruiting Medal/Bar: List names of recruits enlisted/appointed.

Recruit Name Unit Date of Enlistment

__________________ _____________________ _______________________

__________________ _____________________ _______________________

__________________ _____________________ _______________________

__________________ _____________________ _______________________

__________________ _____________________ _______________________

__________________ _____________________ _______________________

__________________ _____________________ _______________________

___ Duty in Aid to Civil Authority: Provide unit and dates of duty performed and indicate

1st/2nd/3rd etc award.

____________________ ___________ ____________ _______________

Unit From To Award Number

___ Medal for Humane Service to New York State : Provide unit and dates of duty performed

and indicate 1st/2nd/3rd etc.

____________________ ___________ ____________ _______________

Unit From To Award Number

___ New York State Physical Fitness Ribbon: Attach copy of DA Form 705

(Army Physical Fitness Test Score Card.) Indicate 1st/2nd/3rd etc.

___ Exercise Support Ribbon: Provide unit, dates of duty performed, and indicate

1st/2nd/3rd etc. Award being recommended.

(Must be Joint Chiefs of Staff directed exercise)

____________________ ___________ ____________ _______________

Unit From To Award Number

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(Reference: AR 600-8-22)

Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal (ARCAM) Program. This program has been designed to allow for the timely and equitable issuance of the Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal. This award is automated and administratively issued by this headquarters, MNP-ARB. The award is given for honest and faithful service in accordance with standards of conduct. If a commander determines that a soldier cannot receive this award, then he/she may request its revocation by written request through command channels to this headquarters, ATTN: MNP-ARB.

Criteria: Awarded on or after 3 March 1972. It was awarded for four consecutive years of satisfactory Reserve Component service up until 27 March 1995. The number of years of qualifying service was reduced to three years effective 28 March 1995. It is currently awarded for three consecutive years of satisfactory RC service. The ARCAM is authorized for award to Army personnel in the rank of colonel and below. Individuals must have been a member (inactive duty traditional Guardsman or USAR). AGR soldiers and officers/warrant officers are not authorized the ARCAM.

Service: Active Reserve (drilling) service with the Army National Guard or Army Reserve counts. Reserve service in other components does not qualify for issue of this award.

ARCAM Entry date (ARCED): The award will be computed from the date of enlistment/reenlistment into the New York Army National Guard unless the soldier is coming directly from the Army Reserve, Ready Reserve (Control Group) or the Army National Guard from another state. If coming directly from one of the above components, eligibility time is compiled (backward in time), until continuous service with the Army Reserve, Ready Reserve (Control Group) or Army National Guard is broken. The date the soldier entered this consecutive period of service or 3 March 1968, whichever occurs last, will be utilized to determine ARCED. The total of all periods of Ready Reserve (Control Group) service since this date will be added to the period from the enlistment/reenlistment date. The resulting date will be the ARCAM entry date.

NOTE: Ready Reserve (Control Group) time will not constitute a break and will not be considered creditable service for this award.

Requests: If missing use NYARNG Form 205 (Figure 6-1a and 6-1b)

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(Reference: DMNA Regulation 672-1)

To Whom Awarded. Awarded to any member of the New York Army National Guard who scores 290 or above on or after 1 October 1992, while taking the Army Physical Fitness Training (APFT) for record. One NYARNG Physical Fitness award will be issued per training year (1 Oct - 30 Sep).

How Awarded. Recommendations for this award will be submitted on DMNA Form 106D-R, to GOCOM with copies of score card and certification by unit commander (Figure 10-1 and 10-2).

Responsibility. The unit commander will be responsible for identifying the award due on requested memorandum. I.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd award etc.

Authority. The awarding authority for the NYARNG, Physical Fitness Ribbon is the Headquarters NYARNG commander.

Initial award. A ribbon and certificate will be issued.

Succeeding awards. For each succeeding award, a device (silver shield) will be attached to the service ribbon, and a gold shield to represent five additional awards.


(For use of this for, see DMNA Reg. 672-1.)

PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: Authority: Title 32 section 502(F) United States Code.

PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To permit NYARNG members to apply for Federal Service Awards and Badges

ROUTINE USE: Used by NYARNG commanders/soldiers to request Federal Service Awards and Badges

DISCLOSURE: Voluntary. Failure to provide required information would result in the soldier not receiving an award they may be qualified for.

FROM: _____________________________________________ DATE: ___________________




MEMORANDUM THRU ________________________________________________






FOR (Approving Authority)


330 Old Niskayuna Road

Latham, New York 12110-2225


Award Recommended by: ______________________________ Tel No. ____________________________

Request consideration for the state award for the following soldier.

UNIT: _________________________________________________________________

(Requesting unit)

NAME: _______________________________________________________________



RANK/DUTY POSITION: _________________________________ PRESENTATION DATE:______________

DMNA Form 106D-R (Replaces the 14 July 1995 edition which will no longer be used)

Check applicable box and enter required information

____ Long & faithful Award: For _______________________ years.

Dates of creditable service: FROM: _________________________ TO: _________________________

____ Recruiting Medal/Bar: List names of recruit's enlisted/appointed.

Recruit Name Unit Date of Enlistment







____ Duty in Aid to Civil Authority: Provide unit and dates of duty performed and indicate

1st,2nd,3rd etc award

___________________________ _____________ ____________ __________________

(Unit) (From) (To) (Award Number)

____Medal for Humane Service to New York State: provide unit and dates of duty performed and indicate

1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. award

___________________________ _____________ ____________ __________________

(Unit) (From) (To) (Award Number)

___ New York State Physical Fitness Ribbon: Attach copy of DA 705 (Army Physical Fitness test ScoreCard).

Indicate 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. award

___ Exercise Support Ribbon: Provide unit, date of duty performed, and indicate 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. award

(Must be Joint Chiefs of Staff directed exercise)

___________________________ _____________ ____________ __________________

(Unit) (From) (To) (Award Number)

DMNA Form 106D-R

Top of Page


Retirement. There are several items that may be requested for recognition at the time a soldier's retirement. Each item will be requested for recognition at the time of a soldier's retirement. Each item will be requested by a Retirement information Fact Sheet.

a. Presidential Letter of Appreciation.

(1) A presidential letter of appreciation is issued to soldiers who are retiring with 30 or more years of service.

(2) Requests for the letter will be submitted on Retirement Info Fact sheet (Figure 11-1) ATTN: MNP-ARB, to arrive not later then 90 days prior to the retirement date.

b. Presidential Certificate of Appreciation.

(1) To Whom Issued. Issued to soldiers who are retiring with 15 years or more of service.

(2) Requests for certificate will be submitted on Retirement Info Fact Sheet, ATTN: MNP-ARB, to arrive not later then 90 prior to retirement date.

c. NGB Form 35, Certificate of Service, is issued to the soldier with total years service and number of years in the National Guard annotated.

Spouse Recognition.

a. A certificate of Appreciation is issued to the spouse of a retiring NYARNG soldier.

b. If a soldier has 30 years or more, the spouse receives a lapel pin.






LATHAM, NY 12110-2224

NAME: ______________________________________________________


SSN: ______________________________________________________


UNIT: _______________________________________________________


HOR: _______________________________________________________



SPOUSE: _____________________________________________________


RETIREMENT DATE: __________________________________________


YEARS OF SERVICE: __________________________________________


PRESENTATION DATE: ________________________________________


POINT OF CONTACT: _________________________________________


TELEPHONE: ________________________________________________

Figure 11-1 Retirement Information Fact Sheet

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(Reference AR 600-8-22)

To whom awarded: The Army Reserve Component Overseas Training Ribbon was established by the Secretary of the Army 11 July 1984. It is awarded to members of the Reserve Components of the Army (RC/NG) for successful completion of annual training or active duty training for a period of not less than 10 consecutive duty days on foreign soil.

How Awarded. Recommendations for this award will be submitted on Unit LetterHead (see figure 12-1), along with unit roster and copy of AT & ADT orders and submitted to MNP-ARB.

Responsibility. The unit commander will be responsible for identifying the award due on requested memorandum. I.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd award etc.

Authority. The awarding authority for the NYARNG, Army Reserve Component Overseas Training Ribbon is the Headquarters NYARNG commander.

Initial award. A ribbon and certificate will be issued.

Succeeding awards. For each succeeding award, a numerical device will be attached to the ribbon.



11 December 2001



This is to certify that SGT AFANADOR LUIS A SUC: 790 participated in

Overseas Training in Grafenwoehr, Germany, during the period 6 - 20 March 2001 and is authorized wear of the Army Reserve Components Overseas Training Ribbon (2nd award) in accordance with paragraph 5-3, AR 600-8-22 and PERMANENT ORDERS 114-027, dated 19 October 2001, OTAG-SNY.

This Certificate will be filed as a permanent document in each participating soldiers Military

Personnel Records Jacket.


Figure 12-1

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(Reference: AR 600-8-22)

Commanders are authorized to approve or disapprove individual military awards based on their military position. The three individual awards authorized to be issued at commands below this headquarters are, the Medal for Meritorious Service (MMS), the Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM), and the Army Achievement Medal (AAM).

The following table provides the approval authority for each award. It should be noted that approval authority is based on assignment to a position and not the officer's rank. For example, a Major who is assigned to a LTC position as a Battalion Commander, may approve the Army Achievement Medal.

Approval Authority Highest Award May Also Approve
Brigadier General MMSs ARCOM; AAM
Lieutenant Colonel AAM None

Numerous commands have requested issuance of medal sets and/or certificates from this headquarters on a recurring basis. It is the responsibility of each GOCOM and subordinate command, to request and maintain awards stock in the form of medal sets, ribbons, and certificates. Information concerning these awards is provided below.

Medal Nomenclature/NSN Unit of Issue
Medal for Meritorious Service Decoration Set, Meritorious Service
NSN: 8445 00 450 3728
Army Commendation Medal Decoration Set, Army Commendation
NSN: 8455 00 269 5750
Army Achievement Medal Decoration Set, Army Achievement Medal
NSN: 8455 01 164 6632
Certificate Form Number
Medal for Meritorious Service DA Form 4980-12
Army Commendation Medal DA Form 4980-14
Army Achievement Medal DA Form 4980-18

Medal Sets may be requested through normal supply channels. Award certificates may be requested through DMNA publications. It should be noted that the above awards certificates do not appear on the DA Forms Index, but are available per MNRM.

As a reminder approved DA Form 638s must be forwarded to this headquarters, ATTN: MNP-ARB. Once these awards have been entered into the database they will be provided placed in each soldier's Official Military Personnel Record (OMPF) on PERMS.

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© NYS DMNA: Federal Award Issuance Procedures
Page Last Modified: 16 Jun 2015