Guard Times Magazine

Volume 10, Number 6     November - December, 2002

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Homeward Bound

MPs Return from Noble Eagle Mission

Story and photos by Staff Sgt Steve Petibone Guard Times Staff UTICA Family members gathered, the 199th Army Band played, The Adjutant General, Maj. Gen. Thomas P. Maguire, Jr. heralded his soldiers and then it was over. The 107th Military Police Company, headquartered at Utica's Parkway East armory, was released from federal active duty and went home to their families and their lives.

"As Commander of New York State's military forces, I could not be prouder of the professionalism and dedication with which the 107th Military Police Company completed this critical mission," said Maguire.

As with any longterm deployment, there are separation factors to deal with. "I am always amazed by the personal sacrifice my fellow Guardsmen and women are willing to make to serve their state and nation, but without the encouragement and support of our families and employers, we could not do what we do," Maguire noted.

Spanning a nine-month deployment beginning last February, more than 100 soldiers of the 107th were called up under a Presidential Selected Reserve mobilization order for Homeland Defense. They provided 24-hour security for Fort Drum, as part of Operation Noble Eagle while other 10th Mountain Division soldiers deployed to Afghanistan.

Being deployed stateside and in the soldiers' own home state does not necessarily mean a five-day work week and weekends off. "Being deployed so close to home was good in the event of family problems, but the Army puts the demand on us to do the mission." stated Sgt. 1st Class Ted Jandzio, 107th Military Police Company.

There were also the same mission-related work details and training obstacles that had to be dealt with when working with an active duty unit.

"We were working around the clock," said Jandzio. "Swing shifts for 12-hours that sometimes lasted as long as 18- hours, also working six-days on and two off, but that wasn't always guaranteed."

Terrorism, drugs and regular crime were part of the package deal because for the 107th Military Police Company, security was more than checking personal identifications at the front gate. In addition, the company was fully integrated in the 10th Mountain Division's Military Police Battalion, alongside active duty peers as well as mobilized MPs from the Army Reserve.

Concluding the 107th's homecoming was the presentation of the New York State Defense of Liberty Medals by Maj. Gen. Maguire. Ten soldiers received the award from Maguire as representatives of the entire unit.

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Guard Notes

DoD Looking to Change Active and Guard Mix WASHINGTON (Army News Service) - The Department of Defense is looking at changing the reserve- and active-component mix, according to its top civilian leader. Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld made that observation Nov. 4 to the Pentagon press corps amid questions of reports that Reserve and National Guard soldiers were being overtaxed with mobilization requirements since the terrorist attacks on this nation.

"There's no question but that there a number of things that the United States is asking its forces to do," Rumsfeld said. "And when one looks at what those things are, we find that some of the things that are necessary, in the course of executing those orders, are things that are found only in the Reserves."

Within the Army, the National Guard and Army Reserve comprise 54 percent of the force, according to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs. These units provide essential combat, combat support, and combat service support to the Army. For example, by percentage of the Army, the Guard and Reserve provide the following capabilities: chemical brigades (100 percent), water supply battalions (100 percent), public affairs (82 percent), civil affairs (97 percent), medical brigades (85 percent), psychological operations units (81 percent), engineering battalions (70 percent), and military police battalions (66 percent).

Rumsfeld said that DoD is considering how it might migrate some active activities that are not always going to be needed into the Guard or the Reserve and vice-versa. When asked about the opinion that the Total Force Concept is at risk due to repeatedly calling back reservists, Rumsfeld responded that you still have a TFC with a certain amount of active soldiers and a certain amount in the Guard and Reserve. "But you'd have it better allocated between the two (Active and Reserve)so there would be less stress on the Guard and Reserve on a continuing basis," Rumsfeld continued.

ESGR Freedom Awards Presented for Employer Support to Guard, Reserves WASHINGTON, D.C. (Army News Service) - The 2002 Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Awards were presented Nov. 8 at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to five regional winners for their support of National Guard and Reserve personnel. Paul Wolfowitz, deputy Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, presented the annual awards to the state of Wyoming, United Parcel Service Airlines of Kentucky, General Dynamics Land Systems of Michigan, Public Service Company of New Hampshire, and Autoliv Inc. of Utah.

Wolfowitz said more than 50,000 Reserve and National Guard members are serving across the world-flying combat missions and performing civil affairs missions in Afghanistan, performing peacekeeping duties in Bosnia and Kosovo, patrolling over Iraq's no-fly zone, and guarding U.S. airports.

"This is a time of enormous stress and strain on the Guard and Reserves," he said. "Their service wouldn't be possible without the support of their employers." Recognized employers provided continued medical benefits, supplemented salaries and organized family support organizations for employees called to active duty, Wolfowitz said.

"You are all freedom's builders," Wolfowitz told the assembled employers. "They go way beyond the requirements to support the Guard and Reserve," said Bob Hollingsworth, executive director of the national committee of the ESGR. "Employers are inextricably linked to our national security."

"We are doing it because it's the right thing to do," said Bob Lekites, vice president for Airline and International Operations for UPS, about his company's program, which costs UPS more than $800,000 per month. More than 650 of the company's employees have been called to active duty and have taken advantage of the program since September 2001.

The Employer Support Freedom Awards were established in 1996 by the National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve to recognize the nation's top employers who have provided outstanding support to their National Guard and Reserve employees.

All 54 regional ESGR committees that make up the national committee are eligible to nominate employers to receive the Freedom Award.

Employers are judged based on their company policies, practices, programs, and the support they provide to their employees serving in the National Guard and Reserve, above and beyond what is required by law, ESGR officials said.

Since reserve components make up nearly 50 percent of U.S. armed forces, civilian employers play an increasingly critical role in national defense as their employees serve in worldwide missions, an ESGR representative said.

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TAG Talk

Maj. Gen. Thomas P. Maguire, Jr., The Adjutant General ESGR is the Linchpin for a Supportive Boss: Vital to National Guard Mission If our "citizen-soldiers" and airmen and women don't have the backing and full support of their Boss for duty in the National Guard - particularly during our War on Terrorism - they're an endangered species. It's as simple as that.

Survey after survey tell us that ranking near the top of the list of why troops exit the program is non-support or criticism by employers of their membership in the Guard. More precisely, it's the time it takes away from the work place that is the biggest stress. Particularly vulnerable are employees of smaller, private sector companies where the loss of a Guard member for a federal duty combat zone activation, annual training tour, extended, involuntary active duty, even weekend training, may be sorely felt on the job.

Unit commanders and all chain-of-command operatives - particularly in this era of the War on Terrorism and heightened Op Tempo - have a clear responsibility to ensure that our members understand their rights and responsibilities under the U.S. Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Act of 1994 (USERRA), U.S. Department of Labor and applicable state codes.

Fortunately there is a mechanism which, if properly applied, can make that job easier for unit level commanders. It is the Department of Defense Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Committee, better known as ESGR. It's primary purpose: get the word to the troops and the employers that they both need to understand, mutually support and appreciate each other if the Total Force Policy, as we know it today, is to thrive.

Time was more than a decade ago when the acronym ESGR was almost as widely known as other abbreviations so common in our military vocabulary: IG, ORI, EEO, SRP, BPED or ETS. Not so today. The latest generations, our newest members, if quizzed, would have a hard time identifying the purpose of ESGR, much less knowing what the letters stand for. We have a BIG building job to do.

Recently, I met with David A. Duffy, chair of the New York State ESGR Committee. A retired Marine Corps officer and Vietnam War veteran, Dave Duffy's most recent assignment with ESGR, prior to becoming state chair, was head of the Syracuse- Central New York region; one of the most active and customer-oriented for ESGR in the state. His "hands on" style of leadership helped make ESGR work in Syracuse.

I have every reason to believe we together can bring that same sense of responsibility and accomplishment to the rest of the state.

Significantly, he and the ESGR's state leadership are committed to initiating or revitalizing the committee's most relevant programs for the troops:

-A meaningful, ESGR awards recognition program for deserving bosses needs to be functioning at the unit level. ESGR makes it easy by providing several levels of award categories for different size employers. For starters, citizen-soldiers and airmen and women can personally nominate their boss for the "My Boss is a Pro" award by calling up the ESGR web site: http://

-Boss lifts, or orientation information tours, for actual employers of National Guard members and reservists, while they are undergoing field training in New York, or CONUS locations. We have found that creative, one-or-two day trips for employers of our own people, while they are training, sends a powerful, reassuring message of support to both boss and the Guard member.

-Accessible Ombudsman services for all Guard members to aid the chain-of-command in employer and soldier job conflict resolution. Members experiencing problems with service conflicts may call the National Guard State Headquarters Legal Affairs Office, 518-786-4541, or the state ESGR Ombudsman Services Coordinator, Norbert J. Rappl, 716-458-1920.

-The appointment of dedicated, volunteer Mission One representatives at armories, air bases and reserve centers to assist troops with awareness of their special obligations to their own employer.

I have directed that all troops undergoing federal mobilization receive the ESGR sanctioned reemployment rights, federal USERRA, and state Soldiers and Sailors' Act job protection briefings.

Ultimately, in order for ESGR to work effectively, it must have the commitment of our leadership, the total chain-of-command, and the hearts of our members. In the next months, this headquarters will be exporting detailed materials to the field in an effort to recharge and revitalize this most worthy "Quality of Life" service. Stay tuned!

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Bush Proclaims National ESGR Week 2002

Guard Times Staff WASHINGTON, DC President George W. Bush issued a proclamation in early November to honor the men and women who employ and support members of the National Guard and Reserve. With more than 50,000 memnbers of the Guard and Reserve currently on active duty to support Operations Noble Eagle and Enduring Freedom, the tempo of mobilizations and deployments is comparable to the Gulf War of ten years ago.

The text of the White House proclamation states:

A Proclamation

Our National Guard and Reserve units comprise 38 percent of America's military forces, and we are grateful for the commitment of these brave men and women. During National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Week, we pay tribute to those serving our Nation in the National Guard and Reserve, and to the civilian employers whose continued support enables our Reserve component soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coast guardsmen to defend our country with honor and distinction.

Through their service, National Guard and Reserve personnel play an important role in our efforts to advance democracy, peace, and freedom across our Nation and around the world. These dedicated men and women train vigorously and work closely with our active-duty forces, serving as equal partners in our integrated Armed Forces. As our need for their efforts expands, these citizen-soldiers will spend more time away from their families, homes, and workplaces protecting our Nation and the ideals that make us strong.

As we face new challenges and welcome new opportunities, the continued support of patriotic employers remains vital to the success of our National Guard and Reserve. Our volunteer National Guardsmen and Reservists rely on their employers for essential support and encouragement that often come at the employer's expense. These employers reflect the spirit of our Nation, and during this week I join with members of our Armed Forces and all our citizens in recognizing those who serve in our National Guard and Reserve and all who support them, and all Americans whose contributions and sacrifices help our military remain the finest fighting force in the world.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 10 through November 16, 2002, as National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week. I encourage all Americans to join me in expressing our heartfelt thanks to the civilian employers of the members of our National Guard and Reserve for their extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of our Nation. I also call upon State and local officials, private organizations, businesses, and all military commanders to observe this week with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here unto set my hand this eighth day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand two, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty-seventh. GEORGE W. BUSH

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ESGR Committee Recognizes Central NY Employer

Guard Times Staff SYRACUSE On October 30, 2002 at the Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, the New York State Technol ogy Enterprise Corporation (NYSTEC) was presented with the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Committee Chair Award.

The ESGR award presentation was hosted by the 174th Fighter Wing during its monthly community luncheon. This award, given by the ESGR National Committee, is presented to employers in appreciation of their outstanding support of their employees who are "Citizen Soldiers." These employees wear "two hats," working full-time for their civilian employers while simultaneously serving their state and nation as a military reservist.

NYSTEC, with offices in Rome and Albany, saw its employees mobilized following the attacks at the World Trade Center and continued to support its employees during various mobilizations, military training events and exercises. NYSTEC recognizes the value a military reservist brings to the company, especially in terms of training and leadership skills.

Along with its sister corporation, Syracuse Research Corporation (SRC), the two companies comprise Syracuse Management Inc. (SMI). Over 30% of the total SMI work force of over 300 employees has prior military service, many of which continue to serve as military reservists.

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Encore Performance for 105th Infantry

By Staff Sgt. Steve Petibone Guard Times Staff COMBAT MANEUVER TRAINING CENTER,HOHENFELS, GERMANY High wispy clouds, moderate temperatures and bright blue skies. These conditions definitely did not exist for the 1st Battalion, 105th Infantry Regiment while training with 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment in Hohenfels.

On the contrary, the weather was overcast, vaporously cold and constantly raining. With conditions like these, one would think there would be attitudes to match. But these were Light Infantry troops of the Orion Brigade, and the soldiers relished draggling through the mud, picking off enemy scouts, and generally keeping their opponents on their toes.

In what was an encore performance for the 105th, they were asked by the active army to return to the Combined Maneuvers Training Center to provide an opposition force for dismounted infantry training.

"It's not all the time that a National Guard unit gets to come to an active duty post in a foreign country and train with them." Explained 1st Sgt. Joseph Herald from A Company. "It mirrors the way we train and helps us to train better."

So, is all this Hooah mentality for real? According to Spec. Janhoi M.B. Reid from B Company, 1-105th Infantry, it is real.

"The conditions aren't always the best, but you suck it up and drive on." For Spec. Reid, the worst part of training isn't the adverse weather to deal with, but the waiting around. "I'm the type of soldier that likes to keep moving, I want to do what I came here to do in the time allowed."

Staff Sgt. Tony Coluccio, the battalion's training noncommisioned officer is a two-timer. He has been to Hohenfels once before. "This is what we came to Hohenfels to accomplish, to be put in the field with adverse conditions, countless hours of training with very little sleep to test our limits." he commented. "So far this type of training has met my expectations."

So, do these soldiers ever have a bad day? Staff Sgt. Coluccio continues, "It's not training at its worse, but rather more realistic training. All soldiers need to be prepared to go out into a sustained battle environment and win."

Now, if you're thinking about joining the infantry, take some tips from Sgt. Kevin J. Lynch, a team leader from B Company. "Some of the new soldiers need to be in a cold and wet environment." he stated. "It's not all the time that we go someplace nice under nicer conditions; sometimes you need to be muddy, dirty and wet so you can learn to deal with it."

Now for a larger-than-life problem. When the battalion arrived in country, the consolidated express container (CONEX) with some of their essential training supplies inside, had not yet arrived. "One of our biggest problems during the exercise was the CONEX arriving a week late," explained Spec. Chris Mansman, the Headquarters Company supply specialist. "Our soldiers were preparing to go to the field with out the proper equipment, but we made some adjustments so they could continue the mission."

The light infantrymen of the 1-105th all concur that this kind of training with active-duty units is a valuable tool for the New York Army National Guardsmen to help them implement their own training plans for the future.

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Just What is Hooah, Anyway?

By Sgt. Audrey Brunson U.S. Army Soldiers Magazine WASHINGTON, DC You can hear it echoing from the hallowed halls of Fort Benning, Ga.'s Infantry Center to the ranges of Fort Lewis, Wash. It is uttered at award ceremonies, bellowed from formations, and repeated before, during and after training missions. Visit just about any Army office building, sports field, dining facility, gymnasium or academy and you will probably hear someone exclaim "HOOAH!"

No matter how one might spell the word - with or without a hyphen, a U instead of two Os or so on - the word is still an expression of high morale, strength and confidence. And, when powered by an overwhelmingly proud, and usually loud, tone of voice, hooah seems to stomp out any possibility of being bound by the written word.

"It's an affirmation that I fully agree with and support the idea or intent expressed by the person to whom I make that response," said Maj. Gen. F. A. Gorden, Military District of Washington commander. "It applies not only to the letter of what was said, but to the spirit of what was said."

Former Army Chief of Staff Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan has his interpretation. "I don't know how exactly to spell it, but I know what it means," Sullivan said. "It means we have broken the mold. We are battle focused. Hooah says 'Look at me. I'm a warrior. I'm ready. Sergeants trained me to standard. I serve America every day, all the way.' "

The modern hooah, primarily associated with, but not restricted just to the infantry, originated with the Second Dragoons in Florida as "hough" in 1841. In an attempt to end the Second Seminole War, a meeting was arranged with the Indian Chief Coacoochee (known as Wildcat in English).

After the meeting, there was a banquet. Officers of the garrison made a variety of toasts, including "here's to luck!" and "the old grudge" before drinking.

Coacoochee asked Gopher John, an interpreter, the meaning of what they said. Gopher John responded, "It means, How d'ye do," whereupon the Chief, with great dignity, lifted his cup above his head and exclaimed in a deep, guttural and triumphant voice, "HOUGH!"

And so the expression was born. It has since achieved high popularity - having lasted for more than 150 years, through the American Civil War, two world wars, the Korean conflict, the Vietnam war, Operation Just Cause in Grenada and the Persian Gulf war.

And the expression continually grows in popularity. Once heard mainly from infantry soldiers, hooah has spread throughout the rest of the Army.

Soldiers will continue to acknowledge a mission to be accomplished, a job well done, victory at a sporting event or any occasion imaginable with loud and thunderous... "HOOAH!"

Hooah (who-ah), adj. U.S. Army Slang. Referring to, or meaning anything and everything except “no.” Generally used when at a loss for words. Also:

  1. Good copy, solid copy, roger, good or great; message received, understood.
  2. Glad to meet you, welcome.
  3. I do not know, but will check on it, I haven't the vaguest idea.
  4. I am not listening.
  5. That is enough of your drivel-sit down.
  6. Stop sniveling.
  7. You've got to be kidding.
  8. Yes.
  9. Thank you.
  10. Go to the next [briefing] slide.
  11. You have taken the correct action.
  12. I don't know what that means, but am too embarrassed to ask for clarification.
  13. That is really neat, I want one too.
  14. Amen.

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'Hands-on' College Education

Story and photos by Sgt. Peter Towse 138th MPAD History students from Cornell Uni versity visited the Cortland Ar mory last November to learn about the M-1 Abrams tank.

The tour also gave the students a chance to see what New York Army National Guard Rainbow Division tank crews do for training in armored warfare.

The visit was coordinated to support a Cornell University History Class, "World War Two in Europe," a theater of operation where maneuver warfare and the impact of armored warfare became dominant for the 20th Century.

Professor John Weiss, the class instructor, approached the Army National Guard two years ago to form a partnership to add realism to the class instruction. "It is important for these students to get close to tanks in training," the professor noted, "to see a tank, both World War Two and modern, if possible; to talk with armor officers, learn about their training and their own experiences; and to experience the distances of engagement, speed of maneuver, sound and killing power of a tank."

Students have since visited a live-fire tank gunnery range at Fort Drum and static tank displays to increase their appreciation for armored warfare in Europe.

"My students and I basically like the idea of having contact with as many real live American soldiers as possible," Weiss said.

"Part of their class is to become familiar with the armaments and systems of the time," said 1st Lt. Thomas O' Buckley, a platoon leader in C Company, 1st Battalion, 127th Armor Regiment in Cortland. "The instructor thought it would be wise for them to see what some of the more modern systems are."

The experience and doctrine of today's armored tank crews serve as valuable lessons for students of World War Two tactical maneuver warfare. Shooting, moving and communicating remain fundamental for success in armored warfare.

"Although we don't have the most modern systems here, we have the M-1 tank which is relatively modern. We gave them a static display and orientation of the system," O'Buckley said.

After receiving a quick safety briefing, the students climbed onto the Abrams tank for O'Buckley's briefing and a familiarization with the tank's components and employment. The armor company has an M1 tank in the armory for crew simulation training.

"I try to imagine being in that space for practically most of the day," said Rebecca Meyer, a history major. "With three people it seems rather cramped. I think about the size of the tank and the logistics involved with getting it into combat must be tremendous. It is a lot more than just the tank and how it shoots."

Aaron Ross, a Cornell University Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) cadet, was surprised to discover that the math and physics he learns Cornell applies to the angles and trajectories of the tank's cannon.

"The college students were very enthusiastic and that enthusiasm is contagious," O' Buckley commented. "Whether it's training soldiers or teaching people it's always fun for me."

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Army Announces New Training Doctrine: Goodbye FM 25-100

By Lt. Col. David Ecker Army News Service WASHINGTON, D.C. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric K. Shinseki announced a new Army training manual Oct. 22 in a speech at the annual meeting of the Association of the United States Army in Washington D.C.

The new field manual is "FM 7-0 Training the Force." This new document differs from the earlier field manual (FM 25-100) in that it combines training and leadership development into one program, establishes the linkage to joint, multinational, and interagency operations, and synchronizes Army Training doctrine with the full spectrum of Army operations.

These changes came about from the findings in the CSA's Army Training and Leader Development Conferences. This feedback emphasized that leadership development is most effective if it is integrated into all of a unit's training activities, and recommended that Army training doctrine be updated to adapt for full spectrum operations.

The new manual, which was developed after 21 months of reviews by senior Army officers and NCOs, integrates lessons learned from recent military operations and is applicable to all segments of the Army-active, reserve, combat, combat support, combat service support.

In his speech, Shinseki noted that while the old training doctrine in FM 25-100 enabled "soldiers to win the cold war, defeat Iraq in Desert Storm, and dominate the battlefield during operations in Panama, Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan," interviews showed it could be improved.

FM 7-0 retained the basic tenants of FM 25-100, which were fundamentally sound, and updated them to reflect the contemporary operating environment, Army Transformation, and technology.

Shinseki noted that this new training doctrine is "designed to leverage the war-fighting and collective training experience from across our formations and more fully utilize the knowledge of our master trainers - our Non- Commissioned Officers."

FM 7-0 will be followed soon by the publication of FM 7- 1, "Battle Focused Training," which updates FM 25-101 of the same name. FM 7-0 is the capstone, overarching Army training doctrine, while FM 7-1 deals with the specifics of "how to" train.

Shinseki said America's Army would continue to prepare to fight and win the nation's wars and train soldiers and grow leaders. This updated doctrine is intended to provide a vehicle to enhance Army training based on the new strategic environment. While the doctrine may be changing, the commander of each unit maintains responsibility for all training. Similarly, training and leadership development continue to be the Army's top priority for the current and future operating environment that will endure into the Objective Force.

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Troop Command to Host Warrant Officer Career Day

By Chief Warrant Officer Ron Sardanopoli HQ, 53rd Troop Command VALHALLA On Saturday March 1, 2003, the Headquarters 53rd Troop Command will conduct their first Warrant Officer Career Day. This year's event is planned for all soldiers in the region who desire to become an Army Warrant Officer.

During the day-long event, senior Warrant Officers from across the New York Army National Guard will represent their different specialties (i.e., Ordnance, Quartermaster, Adjutant General, and Aviation) to provide insights on career progression for a Warrant Officer career. Personnel will be available for interviewing soldiers that meet the basic requirements and want to apply for Warrant Officer candidate school on this day.

The basic requirements for applying to the Warrant Officer Candidate School focus on age, education and aptitude. Soldiers must be between the ages of 18 and 46 and be able to attain a score of 110 or above on the General Aptitude Area Test. Candidates must be a high school graduate or pass the General Education Development test (GED). They must be a U.S. citizen by birth or naturalization and be able to pass all events on the Army Physical Fitness Test (no profiles allowed). Interested applicants must be able to meet mandatory technical qualifications for your specific career field occupation (in accordance with New York Army National Guard Regulation 611-2). Lastly, individuals must meet certain medical, security, and licensing requirements (depending on the specific warrant officer Military Occupational Specialty, or MOS).

If you meet the above basic requirements or feel you can attain them, the Warrant Officer Branch welcomes soldiers to attend the 53rd Troop Command career day with a clean and pressed Battle Dress Uniform, boots shining, and a regulation military haircut. Interested applicants will have an opportunity for interviews during the event for vacant Warrant Officer positions in the 53rd Troop Command, or a position anywhere else in the New York Army National Guard.

The day begins with distinguished speakers who will discuss the demands and rewards of a Warrant Offcier career. Guests include the National Guard Bureau Command Chief Warrant Officer, Chief Warrant Officer Jon Warton, the New York Army National Guard Commander, Maj. Gen. Edward Klein, the 53rd Troop Command Commander, Col. Stephen Seiter, and the New York Army National Guard Command Chief Warrant Officer, Chief Warrant Officer Charles Amoroso. Other functional area experts include Chief Warrant Officer James Wynne from the Ordnance Corps and Chief Warrant Officer Howard Haider, the State Area Command Ordnance Policy Officer.

The 199th Military Band will be providing traditional military selections at the event. Immediately following the speakers there will be breakout sessions. The sessions will focus on interviews with the various proponent representatives based on your current or interested MOS career field. Chief Warrant Officer Amoroso and his staff will also conduct indivual personal records reviews.

The goal of the career day is to fill current and future vacancy positions in 53rd Troop Command and the New York Army National Guard. There is currently a shortage of qualified warrant officers throughout our armed forces. In New York there are currently more than 60 Warrant Officer vacancies. By the year 2004, with the NYARNG force structure transforming to combat support and combat service support units, the need and opportunities for Warrant Officers will improve even more.

Listed below are just some of the Warrant Officer Corps choices listed by their branch available in the State of New York: Branch 13 Field Artillery 131A Field Artillery Targeting Technician Branch 15 Aviation 151A Aviation Maintenance Technician 152B OH-58A/C Scout Pilot 152G AH-1 Attack Pilot (RC) 153A Rotary Wing Aviator (Nonspecific) 153B UH-1 Pilot (RC) 153D UH-60 Pilot 155E C-12 Pilot Branch 21 Corp of Engineers
210A Utilities Opn and Maint Technician Branch 25 Signal Corp 250N Network Management Technician 251A Information Systems Technician Branch 35 Military Intelligence 350B All Source Intelligence Technician 350D Imagery Intelligence Technician 351B Counter Intelligence Technician 351E Human Intel Collection Technician 352C Traffic Analysis Technician 353A IEW Systems Maintenance Technician Branch 42 Adjutant General's Corp 420A Military Personnel Technician 420C Band Master Branch 55 Judge Advocate General's Corp 550A Legal Administrator Branch 91 Ordnance 910A Ammunition Warrant Officer 913A Armament Repair Technician 914A Allied Trades Technician 915A Unit Maintenance Officer 915E Senior Automotive Maintenance Officer 918B Electronics Systems Maint Officer 919A Engineer Equipment Repair Technician BRANCH 92 Quartermaster Corp 920A Property Accounting Technician 920B Supply Systems Technician 922A Food Service Technician

For more information about the Warrant Officer program and vacancies in the New York Army National Guard., visit the Warrant Officer web page at, then click on "HQ NYARNG," then click on "WOPM".

Chief Warrant Officer Amoroso can also be reached for more information at (518) 786-4936.

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Orion in the Big Apple

27th Brigade Assumes Mission in Manhattan

Guard Times Staff BROOKLYN Just months following their successful rede ployment from New York State airports, mem bers of the 27th Enhanced Separate Infantry Brigade returned to military duty in New York City. Soldiers from Orion's 1st Battalion, 105th Infantry mobilized in early November for state active duty to conduct a relief-in-place with the 1st Battalion, 69th Infantry.

27th Brigade's light infantry soldiers, who supported the state and nation with security missions at airports and nuclear power plants, received soldier readiness checks and security training prior to assuming the mission in Manhattan in early November.

The troops will provide security assistance to the New York City Police Department at key bridge and tunnel crossings into Manhattan. In addtion, the soldiers will continue with their security presence patrols at the city's rail stations.

The detachment of National Guard troops, based at Fort Hamilton, has been supporting the city ever since the events of 9-11. Soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 101st Cavalry and the 1st Battalion 69th Infantry provided the task force headquarters element for the securutity assistance when the mission was transferred from Joint Task Force 42, the Rainbow Division joint task force last fall.

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A Soldier's Story - A Soldier's Medal

By Capt. Robert Giordano HQ, 42nd ID (M) QUEENS The destruction created more than one year ago by the terrorist attacks on September 11th 2001, seemed to bring out the very best in every soldier, emergency responder, or ordinary citizen during that frightful day and the months which followed. At the time of the attack, thousands ignored the chaotic danger enveloping them, only to focus on helping others.

The scenes of smoking horror is impressed on the memories of the hundreds of New York National Guard personnel who served in Manhattan at Ground Zero or at the various neighboring sites where they performed support missions. At Ground Zero, as the smoke and debris began to settle, thousands of unnamed volunteers and emergency responders poured onto the pile in desperate efforts to save who they could. In an unspoken way, the massive site, with the impact of its smells and sounds of destruction, is now imbedded deeply in the minds and hearts of those who served there.

Most Guard members responded that day, eager to help in any way possible. Many responded immediately, by instinct or proximity to the World Trade Center. Specialist Craig J. Tenzer, a Medic in the 1st Battalion, 258th Field Artillery Regiment was one such soldier who responded instinctively. He was recognized for his efforts this fall with the Army's Soldiers Medal during the unit's Defense of Liberty Awards presentation in December.

On that tragic morning, Craig Tenzer, an emergency medical technician with a civilian ambulance service, was waiting outside Kings Highway Hospital in Brooklyn for a patient pick up for Metro Care, his civilian employer. Moments after the second plane hit, Tenzer's dispatcher sent him to an emergency staging area with members of the NYC Fire Department, located on Church Street.

Just a few hundred feet from the South Tower he began performing basic first aid, helping other first responders recover from the falling debris. Shortly after his arrival at the staging area, he was asked to suit up and go into the South Tower to assist. Now, just 100 feet from the tower, it began to collapse. As the building came roaring down, dust and debris turned the sky black and Tenzer was struck in the back of the head and thrown under a vehicle.

In the moments after the first building collapsed, visibility was limited and breathing was impaired by the dust and the wave of debris which was forcing itself onto lower Manhattan. Bleeding and bruised from the fallen debris, Tenzer crawled out from under the vehicle and found his way to a nearby ambulance and began treating the police and fire personnel with first aid and oxygen.

Within the hour, he was ordered to relocate just before the second tower collapsed. As if to return the favor, an unknown firefighter grabbed Tenzer and pulled him to safety from the falling debris of the second tower.

Brigadier General Joseph Taluto, Commander of the 42nd Infantry Division, on behalf of the President of the United States and the Governor of the State of New York, presented Tenzer with the Soldier's Medal and the New York State Medal for Valor.

Specialist Tenzer's personal heroics were not the only ones that General Taluto rewarded that day. In front of more than 300 family members, friends and admirers each participating WTC member of the 258 Field Artillery received their own, well-deserved medal - the New York State Defense of Liberty award.

The impact of past events was clearly felt in the Jamaica armory that December morning. These group of Rainbow soldiers, just like other soldiers, airmen, sailors, Marines and State Guardsmen from around New York are a group of professionals, hardened from their experiences in homeland security and bracing for the future. Their seriousness was evident in their sharp facing movements, crisp salutes and stoic look as they accepted their award and marched back into their own place in our nation's history.

This solders story, like thousands of others not yet written, is a testament to the greatness that each American has shown in the face of a terrible deed.

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107th's new command chief...

Not Your Average 'Joe'

By Senior Master Sgt. Joseph J. Riccio And Staff Sgt. Paul Dean HQ, 107th ARW NIAGARA FALLS 107th Air Refueling Wing Commander Col. James Kwiatkowski announced Nov. 19 that Senior Master Sgt. Joseph J. Riccio will take over the position of 107th ARW command chief master sergeant when Command Chief Master Sgt. Russell Burgstahler transitions out of the position in February.

Riccio has a long and distinguished career with the Air National Guard. And as he answers the questions below you will get to know who he is and what he hopes to accomplish as the senior enlisted person in the wing.

How long have you been a guardsman and what jobs have you done?

I've been in the ANG since September 1967 -that's more than 35 years.

I started my career in the Connecticut Air National Guard as a radar technician. When I got back from technical school in July of 1968 I was offered a state technician job (the technician program was not a federal program back then). The pay was too good to turn down, so I put my college plans on hold and started what has been a fantastic federal career (Technician's became federal employees in January 1969).

I eventually graduated from Central Connecticut State College.

I came to Niagara in June 1971, as the 107th ARW got new aircraft (F-101s) and a new air defense mission. I held several weekend positions at Niagara besides my technician avionics job: quality services, maintenance control, historian, and safety.

As a technician I moved from avionics to my present staff position in 1994. In addition, I have deployed to Israel as an augmentee to the 107th ARW Civil Engineer Squadron and I am on the ready force as a security augmentee. I also deployed in support of JOINT GUARD to Italy as a public affairs representative and to Oman for ENDURING FREEDOM as a ground safety craftsman.

What are you proud of about your career?

I actually have several proud moments. I was the Senior Non Commissioned Officer of the Year for the ANG in 1997. Standing on the stage to receive the award with my wife, Mary, as Gen. Donald Shepard, honored me as "one of three outstanding airmen from amongst 98,000 enlisted members" was a great moment for me.

This moment was matched when I was named the Commandant Award winner as the "top graduate in the area of leadership" at the Air Force Senior NCO Academy Class 2000-1.

Most recently I was proud to be a member of our deployed troops to fight the war on terrorism. There hasn't been a day when I wasn't proud of being a member of the 107th ARW and the ANG.

What philosophy will you bring to the command chief master sergeant's job?

I believe that if senior leaders take care of the people, the people will take care of everything else. I also learned a lesson about the unit while I was in Oman for our missions during OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM. The 107th ARW maintenance people occupied their spare time with many things, one of them being jigsaw puzzles. They had this complicated 10,000 piece puzzle and when it was finished it had one piece missing. It just wasn't right without that one small piece. The 107th ARW is like that puzzle, we as members all have an important piece to play in getting the mission accomplished. Luckily for us there are no missing pieces, but if we don't all come together then the picture just isn't right.

The job of the command chief is to make sure everything is in place for the pieces to come together. One of the ways to do that is to ensure the first sergeants have what they need to do their job. The commander must also be informed of all the enlisted concerns. Both of these tasks are part of the command chief's job.

What do you think is the one thing that can be done by unit members to help themselves have a great career?

Professional Military Education (PME) is without doubt the biggest stumbling block to a successful military career. We are lucky to have many smart, talented members of the unit, who are trained and very effective in what they do. However, many of them seem to avoid or delay PME until later in their career. Then when an unexpected opportunity to get promoted comes along, such as the Exceptional Promotion Program, these people aren't considered because they haven't completed their required PME.

I encourage all unit members to get the appropriate level of PME done as soon as possible.

What challenges do you see for the 107th ARW in the future?

The unit has a great mission, one that is relevant and needed. However, in these times of shrinking government budgets, we must not get complacent and sit on our laurels. The 2005 Base Realignment and Closure talks will seek to consolidate services and bases. The 107th ARW will need to continue to show that we are the best refueling wing in Air Mobility Command to avoid any changes. Mobility Tasking will probably take its toll when people have to make their decision to reenlist. Unit members will be called on once again to be recruiters and retainers.

If we treat the members right, from the beginning, we will meet these end-strength challenges.

Is there something the unit could do better for our enlisted corps?

I believe we have done a lot since I first joined this unit to make the enlisted experience a good one, but one area that still needs some work is recognition.

I'm not talking about awards and decorations, we honor those who meet the criteria and we ensure the medals get out to the troops. I'm talking about those small things that are just as critical to getting the mission done, but aren't big enough for a medal.

Although we do it well, it is also important that leadership continues to train, equip and support our airmen at home and during deployments. Our unit members are the best at what they do, therefore, they and their families should never feel like they are being taken for granted. If we treat them with respect they will continue to be members and they will bring their friends.

Any last thoughts?

"The 107th Air Refueling Wing sets the standard for other to emulate." This has been part of our vision for almost ten years. I am honored that Col. Kwiatkowski has placed his confidence in me to be the wing's next command chief.

I have been working with Command Chief Master Sgt. Russell Burgstahler to ensure a smooth transition.

I want to let the unit know that Chief Burgstahler has worked hard to make the enlisted experience a good one. He should be thanked for the hard work and dedication he has given. I wish him luck in the coming years. Thankfully, he will continue to be in the unit during my tenure as command chief and I will be able to benefit form his advise.

I plan to support the wing commander and the other commanders as we continue into the 21st century.

I plan to communicate the commander's vision and keep him informed of the concerns from the enlisted corps.

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Visit of Appreciation

Air Force Security Unit Visits with Guard Counterparts

By Staff Sgt. Tracy A. Cain HQ, 107th ARW NIAGARA FALLS Leaders of the 89th Security Forces Squadron (SFS) from Andrews Air Force Base, paid a visit to the 107th Air Refueling Wing Nov. 20 to show appreciation for the extraordinary efforts put forth by the members of the 107th SFS.

The Air National Guard members of the 107th Security Forces Squadron were among the first to deploy to Andrews during Operation Noble Eagle to augment security opertions at the base.

89th SFS Operations Officer Maj. Mike Fabyanic, Chief Master Sgt. Brye McMillon and Senior Master Sgt. Carol Jackson (89th SFS First Sgt.) presented certificates of appreciation and a commemorative plaque to those who served alongside them for almost a year.

"This was a unique challenge," said Fabyanic. "The guard, the reserves and active all coming together. However, there was no finer group that came to join the fight with us than you folks here at Niagara. You are the finest security forces that I have ever seen," he added.

Master Sgt. Rich King, 107th SFS, was the acting first sergeant for all of the deployed troops to Andrews AFB. He remained there for 12 of the 13 months that 107th SFS personnel were assigned to the base.

"King set the standard," according to Jackson. "From the first time I met him at a meeting he set the standard. We hold all other units to the benchmark set by King and the 107th," she added. King's watch as acting first sergeant included managing personnel from the AF Reserves, Air National Guard, Navy Reserves and Marine Corps Reserves. King said of all the participating units, the men and women of the 107th SFS took the lead, and he was especially proud of the non-commissioned officer corps.

"We were performing duties on the flight line and on the base," King said. "Our NCO's really stepped up as flight chiefs and patrol leaders."

Members of the 107th SFS also headed up security for the presidential gates and distinguished visitor detail duties.

Following the lead of the NCOs, King said the airmen from the 107th SFS were also superior performers.

"[The airmen] had the cold weather posts and the rainy posts -they did an outstanding job everywhere," King said.

Senior Airman Kelly Hagelberger, 107th SFS team member, was assigned to Andrews AFB during the mission. She had just returned home after finishing basic training and technical school when she was sent on her first deployment.

Hagelberger said that it was difficult leaving family and friends, but she enjoyed some unique opportunities while deployed. She worked mainly on the flight line and as a gate guard and recalled a very special encounter with the commander in chief.

"The president had returned to Andrews on Air Force One, he was then supposed to go to his helicopter, which was next to the plane," said Hagelberger. "He got off the plane, and he walked toward us, which was the opposite way of the helicopter. He started waving and yelling, "Hello!" to all of us. Then, he walked back toward his helicopter."

That memory probably won't be soon forgotten, but to jog her memory she'll have a certificate of appreciation and a coin from Andrews.

"I think it's awesome," she said. "It's nice to be recognized after so much hard work." And after so much work the 107th will not be soon forgotten at Andrews.

"When the plane landed and you folks got out it was such a pleasant surprise," said McMillon. "It was pleasant for the whole year, and you have led the way for others to follow," he added.

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Buiding Coalitions Through Language

109th Air Wing Member Teaches English to Foreign Allies

By Staff Sgt. Martin Bannan HQ, 109th AW PRINCE SULTAN AIR BASE, SAUDI ARABIA As deployed 109th members savored every precious drop of down-time overseas, one NCO deployed to the 363rd Expeditionary Services Squadron at Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia volunteered skills he's never had an opportunity to apply here at Stratton. Staff Sgt. Ottavio Lo Piccolo, a food service technician with the 109th Service Flight here, held classes teaching English as a second language to deployed French Air Force personnel at Price Sultan.

"I saw a need to bridge communication gaps between Americans and forces of other countries deployed with them," Lo Piccolo said. Better communication promotes a friendlier spirit while reducing cultural misunderstanding.

A native of Italy, Lo Piccolo teaches English as a second language at Zolles Elementary School in Schenectady and at Capital District BOCES where he teaches adults. He holds a master's degree in the subject from the State University at Albany.

"When you can't communicate, you have no confidence in your abilities," Piccolo explained. "I can help because I learned English as a second language before coming to America."

Lo Piccolo arrived in New York City from Palermo, Sicily, when he was seventeen. His father was a construction worker who came here to provide a better life for his family.

Attending high school in New York City, Lo Piccolo improved his English in the classroom through part-time jobs. Later he became a draftsman and joined the National Guard. When he decided to return to school to find a new career, he chose teaching English as a second language.

While deployed, Lo Piccolo held classes twice a week: Sunday and Wednesday. His class grew from three to fifteen students. He also published an article in Desert View, the base's weekly paper, offering tips to foster better communication and more effective working environments. His efforts have gained attention from base commanders as well as the American Red Cross who were prompted to continue the effort in Lo Piccolo's absence.

"I believe as allies we can work together more effectively when we understand each other's language and culture," he said. "Because I feel so strongly about this need, I will always be available to teach in the field whenever I'm deployed."

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In the fight from the start...

107th Security Forces Continue to Shine

Story and photos by 1st Lt. Tisha Wright 405th AEW Public Affairs DEPLOYED WITH CENTRAL COMMAND IN SOUTHWEST ASIA Thirteen members of the 107th Air Refueling Wing Security Forces Squadron (SFS) are making a seam less contribution to the 405th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron (ESFS) deployed to Southwest Asia in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

What makes them unique? They have left their civilian jobs and their families for more than a desert deployment. Most have been away from their home in Niagara Falls, N.Y., since Sept. 11, 2001.

"Coming here as a guardsman, we were treated like equals," said Master Sgt. Clyde Doty, a member of the 107th SFS and a deployed member of the 405th ESFS here. "[Our active duty counterparts] realize what we've given up to do this."

But no one from Niagara is complaining. "I feel like I'm making a difference," said Staff Sgt. Jason Folckemer, also deployed here from Niagara Falls. "Our guard unit has done a lot of important things, including presidential security at Andrews [AFB, Md], but out here we are really closer to where it's at."

Folckemer controls the compound perimeters here. He's is also a specialist in a variety of weapons and grenades.

These members of the 107th ARW were recalled to active duty on Sept. 11, 2001 and have worked at the guard base, at Andrews AFB, or have been deployed here ever since.

"No one hesitated on Sept. 11 [to be recalled]," said Doty. "There was no hesitation or moping around, and there have been no breaks since."

Doty is a police officer for the New York Park Police when he's not working with the guard.

"Everyone is getting some gratification out of this deployment," he said. "The morale here is unbelievably high." The 405th ESFS is a key component to deployed operations here.

"We provide security for any Air Force assets, like aircraft and personnel," said Doty. "It's a 24-hour per day job. We keep everyone safe."

Staff Sgt. Adam Piedmont and Senior Airman Chris Mamot, also 107th SFS members deployed here, are assigned to an entry control point where they search vehicles and personnel prior to entering the compound.

"We search for bombs, contraband, knives and weapons-basically anything that's not supposed to come into the compound," said Piedmont.

"We enjoy what we do," he said. "We're doing our part." Piedmont and Mamot are full-time college students when not supporting the Air Force through the Air National Guard.

Members of the 107th ARW deployed here are part of the triad of Air Force reservists, active duty personnel and guardsman who are necessary to successfully carry-out Air Force operations.

"We just do what has to be done," said Piedmont.

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Two Acts of Love

By Staff Sgt. Martin Bannan HQ, 109th AW When Maj. Philip Benjamin Crane took command of the 109th Aerial Port on October 5th, he reached another high note in a good life in America that began amid war and poverty in Vietnam. If not for acts of love and sacrifice on the part of a few, there is no telling how bad his life story would turn out.

Born as Hung Thien Tran on May 16th, 1967 in the village of Vung Tau, Crane was an Amerasian baby with no American father to claim him. The product of America's least understood and most disliked war, thousands of Amerasian children were left behind by their American servicemen fathers, many who already had families back home in the states. As half American, they were also rejected by the Vietnamese as buidoi, the dust of life.

Crane recalls a boyhood of poverty unimaginable to most of us. He lived in a two-room bungalow with his mother, grandmother and four other relatives. His grandmother cared for him while his mother worked every day. They had no electricity or running water and everyone had to help put food on the table. Many days, that was just a bowl of rice and a few pieces of fish.

"Several of us children stood outside the gate of an American military base begging for money," he said. "Whatever change I got I gave to my grandmother. I thought nothing of it. To me, it was simply life as I knew it." As the war dragged on, Crane admits he understood little about it. "I remember hearing shells explode in the distance and helicopters flying above," he said.

After American forces withdrew in 1973, the threat of a North Vietnamese invasion caused many Vietnamese mothers to give up their children for adoption outside the country. Crane joined this exodus when his mother and grandmother placed him in a Saigon orphanage that cared for Amerasian children.

"They put me there because they loved me," Crane said. The orphanage offered improved living standards and hope for a new life in America. "I got my first pair of shoes and three meals a day there," Crane explained, adding that during his stay, his grandmother still visited him, often with gifts of fruit.

In 1975, as North Vietnamese forces advanced into South Vietnam, American adoption agencies, with help from the U.S. Government, hurried to get the children out. The effort, dubbed "Operation Babylift," transported thousands of orphaned Vietnamese and Amerasian to new homes in the U.S. When the fall of Saigon looked certain, the orphanage directors and a team from Holt Children Services in Eugene, Oregon, moved to evacuate children and staff from its Saigon center."

Departure took place April 6, 1975, just weeks before South Vietnam capitulated. Crane remembers hastily boarding a waiting lime green (U.S. Army) bus unaware of where he was headed or why. "As I sat down, I looked out the window and saw my grandmother waving to me with tears streaming down her face. I waved back, not knowing that I would never see her again."

Coming to America

The bus departed for Tan Son Nhut Air Base and a Pan American Boeing 747 bound for the U.S. When Crane arrived at John F. Kennedy International Airport the following day, a new family awaited him. Hung Thien Tran would now be Philip Benjamin Crane.

The Cranes, Charles, an engineer with IBM, and his wife Dorothy, had recently inquired about refugee Vietnamese children available for adoption. A social worker with Holt Services showed them an Amerasian boy's picture asking if they were interested. They said yes and were told to be down in New York City that week to pick him up.

Crane's first recollection of America was eating a big red apple given to him upon arriving in New York. He then met his new parents, five new brothers, two of which were adopted Korean boys, and a new sister.

"I didn't speak any English and had no idea what was going on," he said. "All of a sudden, I'm here with this American family surrounded by nothing at all familiar to me."

But, this second act of love would spare him from the bleakest of prospects by giving him a future. He returned with his new family to their home in Binghamton, immediately enrolled in school, discovered new foods (cereal and peanut butter and jelly), learned English, made friends and grew up successful.

From Army Green to Air Force Blue

In 1985, he enlisted as a private in the New York Army National Guard's 204th Engineer Battalion in Binghamton and later accepted a second lieutenant's commission with the 105th Infantry Brigade in Troy. In 1993, he transferred to the N.Y. Air National Guard to serve as operations officer for the 109th Airlift Wing's Aerial Port.

After earning a bachelor of arts degree from the University at Albany, Crane attended a number of private flight schools earning his wings to fly helicopters and airplanes. His passion for flying soon landed him in the cockpit flying for the New York State Police. Among his regular passengers are New York's Governor George Pataki and other top state officials.

"America is truly the land of opportunity," Crane explains. "It took me, an orphan that nobody wanted, and gave me a good life. Had I stayed in Vietnam, I would not have the chance to make a living and feed myself, let alone have the opportunities I have now."

Crane credits much of this to his Vietnamese mother and grandmother who he believes gave him up so he could have a better life here. Currently, he is conducting a search that will bring him back to Vietnam, with hopes of finding them. "I want to say to them, 'Look what you did for me.' I want to show them that they did good."

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Soaring with

By Lt. Col. Paul Fanning Guard Times Staff EAGLE BASE, TUZLA, BOSNIA Mid-way through their active duty tour, nearly 100 members of the New York Army National Guard's 3rd Battalion 142nd Aviation are focused intently on their roles as peacekeepers.

The NATO peacekeeping mission to Bosnia is in its 12th rotation and for the aviators a routine of flight operations, maintenance and training is all a part of the regimen. The aircrews and ground staff of the 142nd are based primarily at Eagle Base with a team in Sarajevo. Their mission - serve as the task force assault battalion for Stabilization Force - a multinational military force that was originally formed in 1995 to enforce the Dayton Peace Treaty Accords. So the NY aviators fly troops, supplies and materials between the various sites in the area of responsibility and frequently support tactical exercises, like the recently completed exercise involving the airlift of Portuguese infantry.

Those accords ended the bloody civil war between ethnic communities and factions within the former Yugoslavia during the early 1990s. Thousands were killed during the fighting. Thousands more were uprooted from their homes as part of "ethnic cleansing" and cities, homes and farms were damaged and destroyed. SFOR is there to separate the sides, keep the smoldering embers from ever again bursting into flames, and to help, if possible, provide the survivors enough peace that they may again get on with living.

"It's been enlightening," said Chief Warrant Officer Ed DeGuisto of Company B, a construction manager by civilian trade from the Hudson Valley community of LaGrange near Poughkeepsie and a UH-60 Blackhawk pilot with the Guard. "Before I came here I really wasn't concerned with what happens here, nor did I bother to read or learn about things here. Now that I have been here awhile, I realize how fortunate we are in the U.S. to have what we have. What the people have here is no where near what we have back home." Others share DeGuisto's revelation. The New Yorkers from the 142nd are there with active duty troops and Guard and Reserve personnel from Pennsylvania, Idaho and other states. These troops work with forces from Germany, France, Denmark, Holland and Portugal, to name just a few other partner nations. And, for members of the 142nd, it is that chance to work with other soldiers, from other states and other nations that will likely be the most memorable experience of this assignment.

"Working with troops from other countries, they get to see us, we get to see them," said DeGuisto. I have learned that as soldiers we are all very much alike. We think in many ways the same and have similar feelings," he said.

"Forging new friendships and meeting new people is the best part of this for me," said Chief Warrant Officer Steven.

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New York State Family Readiness Newsletter

The Guard Is Family: From your Family Program Office

by SGM Charles Steele I would like to take a moment and welcome you to the Family Program section of the Guard Times. We intend this pullout section to be a regular feature of the Guard Times thanks to the generosity and assistance of the editor, LTC Paul Fanning. This section will be devoted to news that is relevant to National Guard families in New York. If you are the military reader of this paper, share this section with your family members.

What is the Family Program? The New York National Guard Family Program is dedicated to preparing military families to be self sufficient during separations caused by deployments, mobilizations, annual training and even weekend drills. We accomplish this by providing training, guidance and referrals to Family Readiness Groups at the unit level.

You may have already seen the term Family Support. This was originally used to describe the service provided by the Family Program office and the volunteer groups at the unit. A more proper term, and one that is used throughout the Army, is Family Readiness. This change reflects the new direction of the program. Using New York as an example, the State Family Program Office has only two assigned people, the program coordinator and an assistant. We cannot provide direct support to all the families in the New York National Guard. We can, however, provide the organization and training that will help make families ready. Just as the unit trains to be ready to accomplish it's military mission, the families should train in order to be ready for the family mission when the soldier and airman is deployed.

The backbone of this program is the unit Family Readiness Group or FRG. The FRG is made up primarily of volunteers with the exception of the unit commander and a Military Point of Contact or MPOC. The MPOC ideally should be a full time member of the unit, someone with excellent people skills and someone who wants to be involved in the program. The volunteers can be almost anyone interested in the well being and quality of life of the military families. Volunteers can be immediate family members, extended family members, military retirees or the local VFW, American Legion or Viet Nam Veterans organization. The FRG can conduct local training, assist in social events, disseminate information and provide support to families left behind by a deployment or mobilization.

You can get more information about the Family Readiness Group in your unit by contacting this office at 518-786-4774 or toll free at 877- 715-7817. If your unit doesn't have an FRG, we can help you get one started.

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Adjutant General Presents 2002 Family Readiness Awards

On Tuesday, November 26, The Adjutant General, Maj. Gen. Thomas Maguire, presented Mrs. Shirley Savage with the New York Army National Guard Family Readiness and Support Award at the State Headquarters in Latham. On hand for the ceremony was Mrs. Savage's husband, Sgt. First Class Thomas Savage, their children and grandchildren. Mrs. Savage is the Family Readiness Group Coordinator for the 53rd Troop Command's 204th Engineer Battalion in Binghamton.

The Family Readiness and Support Award is presented annually to the individual, group or unit that provides outstanding leadership and support in preparing New York National Guard families during deployments and separations.

The award citation for Mrs. Savage recognizes that from October 2001 through September 2002, Mrs. Savage volunteered countless hours to provide support to soldiers deployed to New York City in response to the terror attacks at the World Trade Center. During this time she also organized the battalion's Headquarters Company Family Readiness Group to assist unit family members of mobilizing soldiers.

Mrs. Savage was instrumental in organizing fund raising events, arranging donations of goods and services from local merchants as well as organizing social events for families of the returning National Guard soldiers.

The recipient of the New York Air National Guard Family Readiness and Support Award is Master Sgt. Roberta Goodman of the 105th Airlift Wing in Newburgh. Master Sgt. Goodman is currently deployed for support to Operations Noble Eagle / Enduring Freedom as was unable to attend the award ceremony. Maj. Gen. Maguire will present her award upon her return from overseas service.

Information regarding individual submissions for the 2003 Family Readiness and Support awards will be available in June of 2003. Please contact the State Family Program Officer (Sgt. Maj. Chalres Steele, 518-786-4656) for more information.

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Identity Theft: An increasing concern to families

Identity theft and fraud are on the rise. These are term used for the types of crimes where a person's personal information is stolen and used fro fraud and deception...usually for profit. The November 25 arrest of a Long Island man for the identity theft of more than 30,000 victims over three years reaffirms the scale and threat of losing control over your financial well-being.

Even when you are very careful, every day financial transactions can put you at risk. Criminals can obtain your personal information without having to break into your house. You can minimize your risk by watching and managing your personal information carefully.

Your social security number is a common starting point for identify thieves and maybe even the most important piece of information about you. A credit check is usually required when opening a new line of credit in your name. When a detailed credit check is run the credit bureau policy usually requires a social security number.

"Dumpster Diving" is a common illegal practice for identity thieves to obtain copies of checks, credit card and bank statements. Shredding these documents before you put them in the trash is a smart practice. To help minimize your risk of having your personal information stolen here are a few things to remember: - Never carry your social security card in your wallet or purse. - Never leave the ATM without taking your receipt. - Consider using a shredder for documents such as bank statements, preapproved credit offers, telephone calling cards, tax information, pay stubs, credit card and check carbons.

In a recent scam, perpetrators faced or emailed to potential victims phony IRS forms asking for personal data. According to an IRS press release, one such phony form is labeled "W-9095, Application Form for Certificate Status/ Ownership for Withholding Tax." The form requests personal data frequently used to provide identity, including passport number and mother's maiden name. It also asks for sensitive financial data such as bank account numbers, passwords and personal identification numbers that can be used to gain access to your accounts.

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Rainbow Support Battalion Holds Family Support Family Day

The 42nd Infantry Divsion's Bravo Company, 342nd Forward Support Battalion had their Family Day on December 7, 2002. On display at the unit headquarters at Fort Drum were many different vehicles along with other equipment. Families were able to see what their family member does at drills and what vehicles and equipment they work with.

The families came together for a brief meeting to recruit volunteers and to share ideas on how to help the soldiers prepare for the units individual readiness excercise scheduled for January. The Soldier Readiness Program is a division-wide training event to help individual Guard members and their families better prepare for the demands of Annual Training, military schools, state active duty or federal mobilizations. It was announced that a Family Readiness Briefing will be held in January as part of the soldier readiness checks. This is the same day the unit will be returning from their soldier readiness excercise on Sunday, January 19.

After the Family Readiness Group meeting, members of the soldiers' families will be at the armory to welcome back their soldiers. To make sure their families are prepared and ready in the event of deployment, they will be going over much of the same mobilization and deployment readiness information as the soldiers.

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Scholarship Program for Military Children

The 2003 Scholarship for Military Children Program began November 1st, 2002. The $1500 education scholarships are open to dependent unmarried children (under the age of 23) of active duty, Guard and Reserve or retired military families. The essay topic for 2003 is "How has being the child of a military service member influenced your educational goals?"

Applications and instructions for the 2003 program can be downloaded from http:// or They can also be obtained at any commissary. The deadline for returning applications by hand or mail to a commissary is February 23, 2003.

Eligibility will be determined using the DEERS database. Applicants should ensure that they, as well as their sponsor, are currently enrolled in the DEERS (Defense Eligibility Enrollment Report System) database and they have a current Department of Defense identification card.

Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 and planning to attend, or already attending, an accredited college or university full-time in the fall term of 2003. Students attending a community or junior college must be enrolled in a program of studies designed to transfer directly into a four-year program. Questions? Contact POC is ARH, Mr. Conerly @ 607-5851.

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'Questium' Website a Source of Information, Assistance for Families

National Guard Family Programs has linked up with Questium to provide all members and their families on line assistance designed to help you and your family take action with difficult issues such as stress and anxiety, as well as everyday issues such as childcare, adult care, finances and personal development.

To access the site, just follow the instructions listed below:

Link Click on "New Users Register Here," enter "ng" in the access code field. At the pull-down menu, select your home state or territory.

Enter your first name, last name and e-mail address. Choose a username and password. Select a secret question and enter your answer. Check the "Accept" box to accept the Terms and Conditions of the site. Click submit.

In a recent phone call with Questium, SGM Steele was told that New York has one of the highest hit counts on this site.

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SFOR in Bosnia

Browning, a pilot and a New York City Police officer who works as a transit cop in Queens. "This has been interesting and I am proud to be helping," said Chief Warrant Officer Edward Schulze, also a pilot and a member of the NYPD who is assigned to Manhattan North. "The active Army can't do this mission alone. So, we in the Guard and Reserve are doing what we can," he said.

"I am enjoying this mission," said Sgt. Michael Squires from Hoosick Falls, another crew chief. Back home, when he was not with the Guard or attending Hudson Valley Community College, he was working on a local dairy farm. "Eagle Base is a good base. I am getting a taste of another country here and I am seeing how other people live," he said.

"I don't enjoy being a way from home, but this is something we have to do," said Sgt. Joseph Cardella, a crew chief from Patchogue. Most of his time is spent flying and performing maintenance on the aircraft.

"We are the predominant aircraft in this area and we get the lion-share of missions in this part of Bosnia," said Capt. Paul Reo from Schenectady, who works as a physician's assistant at the Albany Memorial Hospital, and serves as the battalion maintenance company commander. One of his main responsibilities is keeping the aircraft fleet in shape for operations. "We are very busy and get a lot of flying hours. So that means we have to perform a lot of maintenance. According to him, mission performance and mission safety demand it.

The 142nd is due to return to the U.S. in the spring.

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The Truth that is America

A poem submission

The Truth That Is America Rejoice for what you have dear friends, It's more than most may know! For ours is still the only nation where people long to go.

Never forget for which we stand, and the premise of our cause, We are that vaunted final line, Without us all is lost!

The world would wish for us, Yes they would, if we had never come to be. Imagine our planet, without Old Glory, The orbit would circle tyranny.

Remember who you are, and the freedom's light, It means less faces at the kitchen table, They're out keeping us from the night.

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Training Pays Off for New York Guard Member

By Sergeant Dave Konig 56th Brigade, New York Guard CAMP SMITH As a 38-year-old school teacher with a Masters Degree in education, Sergeant Joseph Galizia of the 56th Brigade, New York Guard knows the value of good training. So, when the opportunity to take the Combat Lifesaver Course with the Army National Guard came along, he jumped at it. "My battalion commander was looking for squared away New York Guardsman to participate in National Guard training and I begged him to let me go."

The 40-hour course, taught by the 106th Regional Training Institute at the Camp Smith Training Site, was a real challenge for Sergeant Galizia. "I'm not a medic, so I had no familiarity with the material. I learned how to administer an IV, how to recognize the symptoms of heat casualty and how to administer first aid for trauma."

The Combat Lifesaver course is intended to provide nonmedical military personnel with emergency medical care familiarization. Soldiers receive training in enhanced first aid procedures and in selected medical procedures such as initiating an intravenous infusion or IV. The combat lifesaver, when mission allows, provides assistance to a combat medic and prepares casualties for medical evacuation.

"The hardest part was the IVs,"Galizia said. "We had to stick each other in the arm. I was paired off with a young kid from Jersey. It took me two tries to get him, it took him three shots to get me. He felt bad - the first time you stick a guy, you're fine. But if you miss and you have to do it the second or third time, you're shaking like a leaf!"

His National Guard training was soon put to good use. During New York Guard Annual Training last summer at Camp Smith, Galizia was put on heat stroke watch.

"It was particularly hot out,"Galizia noted. "One day towards the end of the AT I had been keeping my eye on this one young corporal. We just got back from a long march in the hills at Camp Smith and I saw him bobbing and weaving on the chow line. Then, he collapsed. A couple of other guys and I got him back to a barracks bunk. I was able to cool him down and, with the knowledge I gained in combat lifesaver class, recognize he had heat exhaustion quickly turning into heat stroke. I rode with him in the back of the ambulance to the hospital, where he was treated and later released back to duty. If it hadn't been for my training I would not have known what to do in that situation."

Since then, Galizia has also successfully completed the Army National Guard's Small Group Instructor / Small Group Leadership (SGL) course - more National Guard training he is putting to use in the New York Guard as the training NCO in the operations shop for his brigade. "The SGL course has directly influenced my ability to instruct New York Guard soldiers and get us mission capable and mission ready," he said.

Has it helped at all in his civilian career? "Oh yes, I've got my sixth graders doing PT everyday. They keep me motivated - AND I've got the best behaved class in the school!"

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NY Guard Receives New Army Leader

Guard Times Staff LATHAM Major General Thomas Maguire, The Adjutant General for New York named the new Army Division Commander of the New York Guard this December. Brigadier General Barry Hartman, a long serving member of the New York Guard received the appointment from Maguire and Brig. Gen. Thomas Cleland, the commander of the NY Guard.

General Hartman has an extensive knowledge of the New York Guard, having served since September 1992 in positions as Operations Chief and Commander of the 10th Brigade, and most recently as Deputy Commander of the Army Division for Operations and Training. He has a total of 31 years of service to the Army.

Hartman began his Army Career in 1958 as an enlisted man, and graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1964. He served in Vietnam with the 2nd Squadron 1st Cavalry as both Troop Commander and Air Operations Officer. After an assignment in the Tactics Department of the Infantry School at Fort Benning, General Hartman returned to Vietnam as Operations Officer and Tactical Operation Center Director for the First Regional Assistance Command in Hue and Danang. Subsequently he held numerous positions in Europe and the United States. General Hartman's distinguished career includes graduation from the Naval War Command and Staff College, and a Master of Arts in International Relations from Indiana University. His last assignment was Senior Army Advisor to the New York Army National Guard.

The New York Guard is an all-volunteer force that supplements the federally trained forces of the New York National Guard. Most recently, members of the New York Guard mobilized to assist in the security efforts at regional state facilities and augment the logistics management of relief supplies during the state's response to the terror attacks of 9-11.

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Naval Militia Joins December 7th Memorial

By Chief Warrant Officer Kenneth Kaskoun NY Naval Militia ALBANY The USS Slater, docked at the foot of Madison Ave in Albany, held a memo rial service on December 7, 2002. The weather on the Hudson River was so cold and blustery that morning that the De Salvo Division of the U.S. Navy Sea Cadets Corps {USNSCC} escorted bundled participants to a warm spot in the crew's wash room and mess below deck.

The ceremony began on deck at 11:00 a.m. with a military fly-over by two Army National Guard helicopters. Pearl Harbor veterans Arthur Biskin, an Airplane Mechanic, Boatswains Mate Second Class C. Harley Ebel, Nick Elacqua, a Ship Fitter, Fireman Bill Langsdton and 18th Fighter Group Member John Sloboda took their place of honor on the stern of the ship. Also present were Congressman John Sweeney, Albany Mayor Peter Jennings and approximately ten members of the New York Naval Militia.

The Albany Naval Reserve Color Guard presented the colors and the Ensign (Flag) on the stern of the ship was lowered to half-mast by two members of the Naval Sea Cadets Shaun Phoenix and Jon Schmidt. The two cadets were a credit to the corps, standing in the cold wind, at attention, for the entire ceremony.

Flowers and a wreath were cast into the Hudson River in honor of those lost at Pearl Harbor. The Tom Sawyer National Cemetery Squad fired a rifle salute of three volleys and Commander Steve Stella of the Albany Police Department played taps. Benediction followed by the Rev. William Hemple, and the colors were retired and the ensign was raised to full staff.

After the ceremony the Sea Cadets escorted the guests to the ship's Wardroom and the crew's mess deck for a brunch hosted by the Chief Petty Officer's Association, under the command of Chief Art Dott.

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Guardsmen Stump Long Island Lake

A crowd of anglers, conservation professionals and curious onlookers cheered on a cold December morning as a UH-60 "Blackhawk" helicopter from the New York Army National Guard dropped weighted tree stumps at the bottom of Lake Ronkonkoma. The aviators and aircrew members of the 3rd Battalion, 142nd Aviation Regiment conducted the GuardHELP project to construct submerged reefs tol improve the fish habitat of the lake.

The project was a partnership between the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the New York Army National Guard's Long Island Flight Facility, Long Island Bassmasters, Suffolk County Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation, and the State Department of Transportation (DOT).

According to DEC Regional Director Ray Cowen, DEC staff and members of the Long Island Bassmasters fishing club had wanted to use stumps to create fish habitat and improve fishing in the lake for several years, but had no way to deliver such heavy objects to the middle of the lake. The solution was found through GuardHELP, the New York National Guard's community support program linking the Guard's training requirements to community needs across New York State. Launched in 1998 by Governor George E. Pataki, GuardHELP has put the Guard's unique skills, capabilities and equipment to work for dozens of communities throughout the state.

"Lake Ronkonkoma is Long Island's largest freshwater lake and historically has been an important bass fishery," said Fred Henson, a Fisheries Biologist with the DEC. "We just would have no capability of moving these stumps ourselves."

The GuardHELP project provided an opportunity for troops based at Army Aviation Support Facility #1 at MacArthur Airport to train "slingload" operations - a critical skill for the Blackhawk aviators and crews. Instead of merely moving objects around at a military installation, the crews accomplished their training while providing a lasting benefit to the people of Long Island.

Maj. Gen. Thomas P. Maguire, Jr., The Adjutant General said, "The interagency and community partnership involved in this project typifies the GuardHELP program perfectly. The sportsmen and women of New York State and Suffolk County get an improved gamefish habitat in Long Island's largest freshwater lake, and the National Guard soldiers get an excellent training opportunity and a chance to give back to their community. This is a great win-win."

"It took a lot of planning, coordination and effort to make this project happen, but it was worth it," Director Cowen said. "Developing strong partnerships among government agencies and concerned citizens is the best way to conserve shared natural resources like Lake Ronkonkoma, and this project will produce many long-term benefits."

The project was made possible with donated assistance from local businesses and volunteers. North Shore Express carting company of Sound Beach transported the stumps to Lake Ronkonkoma County Park. Barrasso and Sons Mason Supply of Islip Terrace provided concrete blocks to sink the stumps. At the lake, members of the Bassmasters attached concrete blocks to the stumps and prepared them for airlift. Smaller stumps were bound together and larger stumps were airlifted individually. The Lakeland Volunteer Fire Department supplied a pumper truck and crew to keep the beach wet to minimize flying sand, and an ambulance and emergency medical technicians in case of emergency.

"It's been a partnership effort all the way," said Henson. "I think this is going to pay big dividends for the community and the fisherman."

Nearly 180 stumps of varying size were used. Most of the stumps were provided by the State DOT from land cleared to extend the Long Island Expressway Service Roads. The soldiers from the flight facility checked the loads before the mission training began. On the ground for the slings were Master Sgt. Les Allier, Sgt. Brian Nangle, and Spec Bill Rennie from B Company, 3-142nd Aviation and Sgt. Ian Buck from A Company, 642nd Division Aviation Support Battalion.

"We'll get to rotate all the soldiers here through the different jobs," said Allier, the non-commissioned officer in charge (NCOIC) for the pickup zone. "With the cold and blowing sand under the rotor wash, everyone will get their chance," he said.

Fishing is an important recreational activity at Lake Ronkonkoma. A DEC study conducted during the summer of 2000 estimated that anglers spent more than 13,000 hours fishing Lake Ronkonkoma between May and October.

"I grew up on Long Island and fished this lake," Henson said. "It's very exciting for me as a biologist to be part of this project working with the National Guard, the Long Island Bassmasters and others to pull off something like this."

The stumps should begin attracting baitfish and bass immediately, but it will take a few years to see how well the new habitat encourages an expansion of the bass population. The stumps will provide fish with places to feed, rest and hide. Such places are scarce in the lake today.

"These stumps that were going in today with the help of the National Guard will last for over a hundred years and act to improve fishing for a long lifespan," Henson said.

For the aviation soldiers from the Ronkonkoma flight facility, the mission was a full day of hookups, pickups and drops. "At the JRTC (Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, La.) last year, I got to work with maybe one or two slingloads during the whole rotation," said Nangle in between slingload pickups. "Today I'll get a few weeks worth of slingloads. This is just great, it's like a whole AT (annual training) in a day," he said.

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More than 'Just Say No'

Guard members influence futures of schoolchildren

Story and photos by Spec. Kathleen A. Edgcomb 138th MPAD BUFFALO Four days a week a New York Army National Guard Soldier makes a difference in their local community - by teaching local fourth graders about the effects of drugs and alcohol to their bodies.

Sgt. Roxanne Traylor is an instructor for Brainstorm, a New York National Guard Counter Drug Task Force program. Brainstorm, a drug prevention program for fourth graders, is a Department of the Army sponsored program adopted by the Counter Drug program. It was designed by "1-2-3 Contact" and is produced by the Childrens' Television Network, said Capt. Michael Imagna, Western Region Commander of the New York National Guard Drug Task Force.

Brainstorm is a four-day, four-part program designed to educate children about the effects of drugs and alcohol to their bodies, according to Traylor. Part one of the Brainstorm program addresses the affect of drugs and alcohol on the brain, while part two looks at how drugs and alcohol affects a person's nervous system. The third and fourth sessions educate students about the different types of illegal and legal drugs. Review sessions are incorporated throughout the program to reinforce the dangers of drugs and alcohol to the students.

Many think Brainstorm is associated with the Drug Alcohol Resistance Education (DARE) program, but it is not, said Traylor. DARE is a state-run program, not affiliated with the National Guard, that addresses drugs and alcohol issues with fifth graders.

"From what I understand DARE is a more in 'your face, don't do this, don't do that' program," said Traylor. "We are designed differently, to allow children to make their own decision about drugs.

"We don't want to leave the kids with the old clichi 'just say no'," said Traylor. "We try to provide them with the necessary information so they can make the right decisions for themselves."

"The brainstorm program is a great program because it actually guides kids to decide for themselves about the consequences of putting drugs and alcohol into their system," said Imagna. "It teaches the kids that drugs are bad without actually telling them not to do drugs. It provides the tools for children to make their own decisions."

"As a program, we know that peer pressure is a big issue for kids, especially starting in fourth grade," added Traylor. "It can be a mean and harmful thing and we try to let them know that they can make their own choices. Brainstorm is designed to steer kids into making the right choices about drugs and alcohol, because it is hard to say no when your friends are pressuring you. We show them some of the consequences of taking drugs hoping to prevent them from caving into the pressure."

For the past two years, Traylor, the only Brainstorm instructor in Buffalo, has talked to teachers and students at many of the Buffalo Public Schools. The program has been in existence in Buffalo for three years and in Rochester for four years.

The program has been well received by students and teachers, according to Traylor, who believed she reached about 1,800 students with the program last year.

"Even though it is only a four-day program, the children really retain and remember what I teach them," said Traylor. "Prior to the start of the program I give the kids a pretest to test their knowledge on drugs. And after the program they take another test to see just how much they've learned.

Traylor said children often come up to her months later at school or even the mall and tell her all the things they remember.

"Just the other day I was at School 71 to drop off literature to a teacher and many students came to give me a hug and asked if I was back," said Traylor, happy to know she changed their attitudes about drugs. "They were telling me all the things they learned."

"It's nice to know when I leave a classroom that what I do really does make a difference," said Traylor.

"Unfortunately we can't get to all of the schools because there aren't currently enough teachers to teach the program," said Traylor. "But we are working on that. We hope to extend the program and get out there and promote it more."

"Brainstorm starts to contact teachers a year ahead of time to set up a time to come in and talk to their classes," she said. "Many teachers are thankful for this because they aren't really sure how to get a hold of us. We start in September lining up for the next year."

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Air Force Eliminates Captain Central Selection Boards

Armed Forces Press Network WASHINGTON, D.C. The Air Force will eliminate captain central selection boards for active-duty, Guard and Reserve officers beginning in 2003. The move will not only streamline the process for eligible first lieutenants - placing the decision point for promotion closer to those who know the officers best - but will benefit the Air Force in other ways as well, according to Col. Dale Vande Hey, director of personnel programs for the Air Force Personnel Center at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.

"Aside from placing the promotion decision maker closer to the officer, it also saves the Air Force time, money and productivity by eliminating temporary duty trips for board members and preparation time at the centers," Vande Hey said.

Promotion decisions will now be made at the major command or equivalent level, Vande Hey said. Previously, active-duty captain selection boards were held at the AFPC, while Reserve and Guard captain selection boards were held at the Air Reserve Personnel Center in Denver. "With the possibility on each board to promote 100 percent of those eligible, and with an historical 99 percent activeduty selection rate, it only seemed logical to make this change," Vande Hey said.

The 2002 National Defense Authorization Act permits the service secretaries to eliminate captain promotion boards when the promotion opportunity is 100 percent. Despite the absence of a central review, individuals will still need to be "fully qualified" to be promoted. This means everyone who is determined to be qualified can be promoted. By comparison, promotion to the ranks of major through colonel are based on the "best qualified" criterion, meaning promotion board members rank-order qualified candidates by merit and only a pre-determined percentage of the total eligible are promoted.

First lieutenants meeting the time-in-grade and time-inservice requirements will be initially recommended as either "promote" or "do not promote" candidates. Members who receive a "do not promote" recommendation will be provided an opportunity to rebut that recommendation. Promotion recommendation lists are then compiled and certified quarterly at the major command level and forwarded to the AFPC. Center officials then forward the list of recommended officers through the secretary of the Air Force for presidential approval.

Recommendation to captain for Air National Guard officers will take place once a year, one year preceding the projected pin-on date. For more information, active-duty officers should contact their local military personnel flights, and Reserve and Guard officers should call ARPC at (303) 676-6398 or 7193.

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In the Battle of the Bulge, Leave Out Dietary Supplements

By Spec. Rachael Tolliver Courtesy of the Fort Drum Blizzard FORT DRUM Just like gymnasts, wrestlers, weightlifters and jockeys, soldiers must "make weight" to stay in their career field. Because of an emphasis on weight, soldiers may be tempted to use "all natural" supplements for weight loss. However, recent studies and several incidents involving supplement use have shown that "all natural" does not necessarily mean "good for you."

"(A lot of these supplements) aren't needed in a wellrounded diet," said Maj. Steve Brewster, chief of Preventive Medicine at Fort Drum. "People think 'all natural' is a good thing, but poison ivy is natural and you wouldn't roll around in it."

Gaining weight is not a sudden occurrence, and losing it is also not sudden, said Brewster.

People who want to lose weight, he said, cannot eat a minimal amount of calories and take a pill. They need to eat a balanced diet and get plenty of exercise.

"There is no way around it. We need to do 30-40 minutes of exercise a day, both aerobic and anaerobic," he said. "People expect something for nothing - this is a problem in society (and we are a mirror of society), but society is not criticized for weight like we are in the Army."

The supplement industry, which is no longer just about vitamins "A-Z," has morphed from a market for weightlifters who want to bulk up, to people looking for strength and endurance, and now to dieters, said Col. Brenda Forman, theArmy Medical Department Activities' chief dietitian.

"The dietary supplement industry has done a great job marketing their products and appeal not only to those desiring weight loss, but to those trying to improve performance as well," said Forman.

As people have turned to various supplements for help in the battle of the bulge, the lack of research and the reported health problems from the misuse of supplements have set off alarm bells in the medical community.

"The medical community is very concerned about supplements that contain ephedra and ephedrine alkaloids," Forman said. "There have been over 800 adverse events reported to the FDA and even deaths among military members, possibly related to ephedra."

Another concern of Brewster's and Forman's is the relationship between the ingredients in the supplements and their effects on the body. Many of the weight loss supplements, to include those containing ephedra, are diuretics, Brewster said. When people use these types of stimulants to lose weight, the diuretics squeeze the water out of their bodies, causing them to lose water weight, not fat weight.

The relationship of dehydration to ephedra is important because when a body is dehydrated, it does not have the fluids to function normally.

During physical exertion, not only do people lose more fluids, but they also elevate their heart rate. When ephedra is added to the mix, the side effects - which include elevated heart rate, increased blood pressure, heart palpitations, myopathy (muscle injury), a rise in body core temperatures, stroke and memory loss - create a potentially life-threatening situation.

People who take medications while taking supplements may be putting themselves at risk for problems with their heart, liver, kidneys or other important organs. In safety bulletins posted at Fort Drum, on Army medical web sites, and on FDA web sites, people who take an allergy, asthma or cold medication containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine are advised to NEVER take ephedra. This is because mixing them increases the harmful effects on the body's various systems.

According to Forman, AAFES and commissary officials agreed in August to discontinue selling all products containing ephedra in all stores to include General Nutrition Centers on military installations. However, these products have been replaced with "ephedra free" varieties that make similar health claims for increasing metabolism and improving performance. She said new literature suggests that "ephedra free" products pose health risks similar to those seen in ephedra products.

Reported and unreported incidents from the use of ephedra are Army wide.

A soldier stationed at Fort Drum, is among many who have tried an ephedra product lately.

"I'd heard it is supposed to give you a boost of energy," he said. "I had a PT test one morning, and I thought I needed an extra boost of energy."

But this soldier said he received his worst PT score ever. "I am a 13-minute runner, and I ran a 16:30, then threw up everywhere. I was depleted, and winded and struggled to stand up more than on any run," he added. "It was terrible."

He said he was jittery and shaky, and he felt that cost him on his push-ups. He said his stomach hurt, and by the time the running part of the PT test came up, he was exhausted from trying to knock out his sit-ups and push-ups.

"It was like drinking too much coffee," he said. "It was energy, but not good energy. I retook the PT test two weeks later, and ran a 12:58 without the ephedra."

He said "for obvious reasons" he has not used ephedra products since the incident, and he doesn't recommend the products to other soldiers. But his reaction to ephedra, while painful and unpleasant, was mild compared to other reported incidents.

The TRADOC News Service reported that in late April, a soldier at Fort Hood, Texas, who was thought to be taking ephedra, died of a heart attack during PT. In an Aug. 13 report, CBS Evening News reported on an otherwise healthy 35-year-old Army pilot who collapsed during PT when his heart stopped. The only medication he was taking was Ripped Fuel, advertised "as a high-tech thermogenic formula designed to enhance metabolism for increased fat burning." Then too there are the countless cases of heatrelated injuries in soldiers who take ephedra.

For health reasons such as these, the military asks that soldiers stay away from most supplements unless otherwise directed by a physician.

"Education is the best tool we have to insure soldiers and their families are protected from potentially dangerous dietary supplements," Forman said.

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Guard Initiates New Crisis Intervention Program

By Jeffrey T. Mitchell, Ph.D. Special for the Guard Times WASHINGTON, D.C. The National Guard Bureau of the United States Army and Air Force has developed a Crisis Intervention training program for its personnel. It is called the “Trained Crisis Responder” program. The program will train guard personnel throughout the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands. The program was developed by Chaplain, Lieutenant Colonel Charles E. Woods, USAF in conjunction with the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation.

The “Trained Crisis Responder” (TCR) program is part of a Community Readiness initiative on the part of the Guard Bureau. Its purpose is to prepare National Guard personnel to manage the crisis intervention needs of individuals and groups who have been exposed to natural and technological disasters. There is considerable emphasis on preparation for terrorist events.

The primary idea behind the program is that National Guard personnel are typically the first military units deployed to disaster site. They have good technical training to manage the physical aspects of the disaster, but currently lack the crisis intervention skills necessary to assist the communities they are serving. The TCR program will fill that training gap.

National Guard personnel who participate in the TCR course are presented with skills training on the following topics: Nature of terrorism and disasters; Critical incidents, stress and psychological crisis; Psychological crisis intervention; Mechanisms of action in crisis intervention; Crisis communications; Crisis intervention with individuals; Demobilization for large groups of response personnel and Crisis Management Briefings (CMB) for large groups of non-operations personnel impacted by a disaster. TCR National Guard personnel will function within their regular duties. They will not ordinarily be deployed as a specialized team unless command personnel decide otherwise. They will provide psychological self aid and buddy care in conjunction with their normal duties. They will also assist the victims of an incident and the communities impacted by a disaster.

The TCR personnel are essentially providing emotional first aid until CISM teams and Red Cross shelters and services can be established. They are in no way a replacement for CISM teams and Red Cross mental health services. In fact, they are not trained to the level of CISM teams nor do they have mental health expertise. Once CISM teams or Red Cross services are in place the TCR personnel will offer assistance to those more formal crisis intervention services if necessary. If their assistance is not required they will continue to provide self- aid and buddy care to Guard personnel for the duration of their deployment to the incident. Their TCR services are limited to what they can provide as trained individuals, not members of a formal team.

It should be noted that TCR personnel are NOT trained to provide small group interventions such as defusing and Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD). Those services demand considerably more training than is provided in the TCR program. Training in the TCR program does not make a person eligible for membership on a CISM team.

A primary concept behind the TCR program is that CISM teams may have many of their members committed to action in the actual emergency. It may take time to mobilize teams from outside an area to provide the CISM services necessary at a disaster. The TCR personnel can fill in temporarily until the CISM resources arrive and get established. In addition, TCR personnel will be able to refer emergency services operations personnel to CISM teams and disaster victims to the Red Cross throughout the course of the disaster response.

The Trained Crisis Responder (Terrorism and Disaster Response) training has been offered at several locations in New York State through The State Surgeons Office and Det 6 (Med Det). To date, over 200 military personnel (all services) and approximately 100 civilian counselors who work with military and military families have completed this training in our area. This is in addition to hundreds of others who have completed the Critical Incident Stress Management Basic Course and the Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support Course.

For information on upcoming CISM training, our local trainer is Maj. (Dr.) Allen L. Hershman through Project Liberty (FEMA) at 845-692-0022, Ext. 222 0r Ext. 264; Lt. Col. Chuck Holmberg, Deputy Commander - Det 6, 518-266- 4512, or Capt. Jerry Ladouceur,518-626-5690, New York State CISM Team Director.

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Tax Forms Now Available On-line for Guardsmen

Army News Service WASHINGTON, D.C. Defense Finance and Accounting Service is putting pay information at the fingertips of the military community. Beginning in January, the 2002 W2 tax forms will be available online through DFAS' myPay system.

A personal identification number is needed to access personal accounts. Service members, retirees and civilian employees who do not remember receiving their PIN or do not remember the number can go, and click on myPay, which is under the "Money Matters" heading.

"We decided to put the W2 form online because we get a lot of phone calls from soldiers who are deployed, have lost their originals or for some reason need another copy," said Catherine Ferguson, a DFAS spokeswoman.

Some of the other finance actions that can be performed online: purchasing savings bonds, managing allotments, viewing and printing travel vouchers.

Customers with questions about myPay can call customer support at 1-800- 3900-2348, Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. EST.

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24th Annual TAG Match Set for April 2003

Guard Times Staff LATHAM The Adjutant General for the State of New York hosts the 24th Annual Combat Rifle, Pistol and Light Machine Gun Championship Matches April 25-27, 2003. The events, open to all members of the New York National Guard, Naval Militia and New York Guard, will be held at Camp Smith at Cortlandt Manor, New York.

The team competitions will be used to select the combat teams that will represent the New York Army and Air National Guard at the Winston P. Wilson Matches held later in the year in Little Rock, Arkansas.

"The purpose of these matches is to foster marksmanship training in the New York State military forces," said Major. Gen. Thomas P. Maguire, The Adjutant General. "They promote unit level marksmanship programs and provide unit commanders with an additional tool to assess the small arms proficiency in their unit," he said in an announcement.

Commanders are encouraged to extend the maximum training support to service members to compete in this year's matches. A program of instruction will be forwarded to commanders later this winter for more details and applications.

The points of contact for the event are Capt. Dana Brewer or Master Sgt. Randy Ross at (518) 786-4644.

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Looking to 'Run' the Guard?

Guard Times Staff LATHAM Members of the New York National Guard who want to place more emphasis on their physical fitness resolutions for 2003 can look to join the New York National Guard Marathon Team. The team is recruiting competitive runners for the National Guard Marathon Trials later this spring.

Up to five runners are authorized to participate on the marathon team, and competitive runners can expect to compete in Lincoln, Nebraska for the Lincoln Marathon on May 4, 2003. Both males and females may compete for placement on the team. Competitors for the Lincoln Marathon will travel on official orders for the May 4 marathon.

Marathon Team members will be selected from individuals who have the fastest times run from an official marathon (26.2 miles) completed during the past year. Soldiers or airmen interested in teh program can contact the NY National Guard Team Coordinator, Chief Warrant Officer Russ Hoyer at (518) 765-2980.

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The Border Legion Returns!

Guard Times Staff BAD HERSFELD, GERMANY Former active duty Guard members and veterans can plan for the Border Legion 2003 Reunion to be held in Germany from May 28 to June 1, 2003. The reunion will center on Fulda, with separate events taking place in Bad Hersfeld, and Bad Kissingen. The reunion is open to all past and present Troopers who served with the 11th Armored Cavalry and 14th Armored Cavalry Regiment, as well as all the separate units who supported the Regiments and comprised the Border Legion.

The Border Legion served along the inter-German Border for almost a half century, providing a constant presence and display of U.S. and NATO resolve during the Cold War.

This reunion is dedicated to honoring the selfless service of the thousands of Troopers who patrolled the frontier of freedom. They stood ready to meet aggression and, by so doing, not only preserved peace but enabled freedom to prevail. These soldiers and their U.S. and NATO comrades helped create the new political landscape of today's Europe.

Registration is already underway. For more information, contact: Glenn Snodgrass, at (703) 676-2672 (Ofc), (703) 250-3064 (Home), or Don Snedeker at (703) 676-4019 (Ofc), (703) 241-0794 (Home),

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SFOR Troops Save Fellow Soldier's Life

By Ivana Avramovic Courtesy of Stars and Stripes European edition EAGLE BASE, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA It was one of those strange coincidences that triggers goosebumps.

And saves a life. Only after it's all over comes the realization of what could have happened if an American soldier doing last-second shopping hadn't delayed the bus's departure from a spiritual retreat, if one of the bus passengers wasn't a surgical physician's assistant who has worked in trauma centers, if firefighters hadn't completed an extraction exercise just 30 minutes earlier.

'Gotta be dead'

The bus was loaded with about 40 U.S. Stabilization Force troops returning to Eagle Base from a spiritual retreat two weeks ago at Medjugorje, in southwest Bosnia. The bus's departure was delayed slightly by a soldier finishing some shopping. Shortly after getting under way, the bus encountered a serious traffic accident.

Interpreter Jasminko Konjic was sitting in front when he saw smoke coming from one of the smashed vehicles.

"I instinctively told the driver to open the door, and I rushed to see if anyone was hurt," he recalled. "I saw it was an SFOR vehicle and two people I know."

He waved to his fellow passengers to help.

Among them was Capt. Paul Reo of Company E, 3rd Battalion, 142nd Aviation Regiment. He was sleeping when the bus stopped and was unaware of what was happening. But he saw the others leaving the bus and followed.

"The first time I saw the car in the distance, I thought the person's gotta be dead," said Reo, a surgical physician's assistant who has worked in trauma centers.

Master Sgt. Jeffrey Oehrlein of Task Force Med Eagle was one of the soldiers to reach the accident, and he sprung into action.

"My head just started clicking: 'These are American soldiers. I gotta call Eagle Base,'" Oehrlein said.

He asked for a cell phone and quickly dialed.

Meanwhile, Reo took a look at one of the victims, Spec. Crystal Young-Terrell, who was trapped in the driver's seat of the crashed Toyota Landcruiser, with most of the front of the car on top of her. She was bleeding badly.

Reo asked for a combat lifesaver's kit so he could put her on an intravenous line. A passenger quickly produced one.

"She was able to answer basic questions," Reo said. "You could tell [Capt. Greg Hall, the other victim] was psychologically shocked."

With help from a global positioning system that another soldier happened to have carried on the retreat, Reo identified the location and passed on the coordinates to Task Force Med Eagle's medical evacuation team.

From training to reality

Meanwhile, a group of local residents who had gathered around the accident made repeated attempts to free Young-Terrell with sledgehammers and other tools, not realizing that a slight move could be dangerous.

"The important thing was just not to touch her. The main thing was just to make sure we didn't move her and to get the Medevac team as quickly as possible," Reo said.

It took the medical evacuation team and firefighters 11 minutes to reach the accident site from Eagle Base - a distance that takes 90 minutes to drive.

The helicopter landed on the road in an area cleared by Reo and local police.

"It was a very small landing zone," said 2nd Lt. Thomas Kirkpatrick, the pilot in charge. "There really wasn't any extra room to land."

Ironically, firefighters had started training on extraction with the evacuation team just a few months previously.

"We had just completed an extraction exercise 30 minutes before the call," said Kyle King, one of the three Brown & Root firefighters who responded.

The firefighters removed Young-Terrell from the vehicle and put her and two passengers on the helicopter.

Young-Terrell arrived at Eagle Base hospital in critical condition with her liver lacerated, both legs broken in three places, and other serious internal abdominal injuries. She was stabilized and evacuated to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany the next morning. The next day she was flown to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., where she is in fair condition.

"If we weren't there, I'm almost positive she wouldn't be living," Oehrlein said.

The rescuers said that everyone who pitched in felt good about their effort.

"That one rescue made our entire rotation over here worthwhile," Kirkpatrick said.

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© NYS DMNA: Guard Times Magazine: November - December, 2002
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2003 (djk)