Jamestown Armory (1892 - 1932)
Basic Information | History | Images
Street address: |
South Main Street |
City: |
Jamestown |
County: |
Chautauqua |
Year constructed: |
1890 - 1892 |
Architect: |
Isaac G. Perry |
Size : |
Company |
Square footage: |
Acreage: |
Status: |
Closed in 1932 and subsequently demolished |
Units Stationed: |
Years: |
4th Separate Company |
1877 - 1882 |
13th Separate Company |
1882 - 1898 |
Co. E, 65th New York Volunteers |
Spanish American War |
Co. N, 4th Infantry Battalion |
1899 - 1906 |
Co. E, 65th Infantry Regiment |
1907 - 1915 |
Co. E, 174th Infantry Regiment |
1916 - 1932 |
Later Porter Avenue and Front Street
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New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs: Military History
Last modified:
December 7, 2011
URL: http://www.dmna.state.ny.us/historic/links/armories/Jamestown.htm