Who are Members 10 Reasons to Join Legislative Success Benefits Special Events


The Enlisted Association of the New York National Guard (EANYNG) represents all enlisted men and women in the organized forces of the New York National Guard, which includes approximately 18,000 members of the Army National Guard, the Air National Guard.

EANYNG is a registered, non-profit organization, dedicated to promoting the status, welfare, and professionalism of all members of the State's organized militia. This is accomplished through support of our parent organization, The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) and its national legislative initiatives, plus various benefit packages offered to both the State and National membership.

EANYNG is divided into six regions across the state from Long Island to Buffalo, each having one Army and one Air director, which, along with our Executive Officers, make up the governing body. Membership is open to all enlisted grades, E1 to E9, both active and retired, and associate members who share our common goals.

The diversity of our Executive Council is representative of the entire Guard community and enhances our ability to effectively represent the entire state membership. Our Treasurer (Ret ANG) lives near Niagara Falls; our Secretary(ARNG- AGR) lives in the Bronx, the Vice-President, (ARNG-Mday) lives in Blue Mountain Lake, and the President (DMNA Technician) lives near Schenectady.

Membership dues of $14.00 per year include $8.00 for State dues and $6.00 for National dues. A $1000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance policy is free with National membership. A detailed list of both National and State benefits are available on request.

The Enlisted Association recognizes, through our Awards Program, the outstanding men and women of the New York National Guard. At our Annual State Conference, we honor both Army and Air Guard members, who are the State's outstanding soldier, airman, NCO, and Senior NCO of the Year.

Our Robert H. Connal Scholarship Education Award, presented annually, consists of six $500.00 scholarships, which represent each of our six regions, and one $1000.00 award going to the most outstanding applicant. We recently voted to include grandchildren of members among those eligible for these awards. Eligibility criteria requires a EANYNG paid membership for a full year prior to submitting an application for the award.

The legislative efforts of the Enlisted Association is an ongoing process. We have previously introduced into legislation, bills that would:

  1. Eliminate New York State income tax on the first $1000 of a guard member's drill pay.
  2. Allow guard members free access to State Parks, toll-roads and toll-bridges.
  3. Provide free hunting and fishing licenses to guard members.
  4. Provide tuition-free admission to State schools and colleges for guard members. *** Signed into law Aug 1996
  5. Waive the Hunter Safety Course requirement for guard members applying for a hunting license.
  6. Exempt guard members from paying Drivers' License Fees.
  7. Provide free Militiamen License Plates for members of the NYS organized militia. *** Signed into law Aug 1996
Who are Members 10 Reasons to Join Legislative Success Benefits Special Events


There are many more than ten GOOD reasons to join the EANYNG but the following are some of the most important. As a member of the Enlisted Association of the New York National Guard, you are also a member of the National Association or better known as EANGUS.

  1. A voice to Congress addressing the needs of the National Guard.
  2. A scholarship program to help with your child's college education.
  3. Coordinates activities to accomplish state and national objectives.
  4. Binds National Guard families by assisting in legislative alerts.
  5. Keeps members well abreast of state events via The state newsletter published by our state President with input from our Area Director Chairperson, who is a member of the 105th AW.
  6. Always striving for better incentives to attract and retain members.
  7. Coordinates its overall activities through elected national officers and area directors who represent members of the association.
  8. Maintains a continuing representation for Guard members in Washington, D.C.
  9. Coordinates national activities through annual conferences both in New York State and on the National level.
  10. Though many miles may seperate us, your EANYNG responds to the needs as one voice.
Who are Members 10 Reasons to Join Legislative Success Benefits Special Events


GET INVOLVED - EANGUS urges all of its members to get involved with the legislative process. The biggest influence we have on Congress is our members' letters to them. EANGUS accomplishes many of its legislative goals with only a small percentage of our membership actually participating. Just think of what we could accomplish if everyone did!!

  1. EANGUS is represented on the Advisory Panel for the Secretary of the VA by the EANGUS Executive Director; Mr. Mike Cline
  2. PAY RAISE - FY 97 military pay raise of 2%. BAQ increased by 4.6%
  3. Dental Insurance Plan for Retirees established
  4. AGR Retirement at highest grade held.
  5. Increase in Annual Limit of Days of Inactive Duty - points increased from 60 to 75.
  6. Disability Retirement- established for Reservist whose disability was incurred in the line-of-duty during active duty, inactive duty training, while traveling directly to or from the place of duty, or remaining overnight at or in the vicinity of the drill site.
  7. COLA Increase 2.9%
  8. 15 PAA Fighter Aircraft Maintained
  9. Reserve Dental Plan (to begin 1 Oct 97) through TRICARE
  10. National Guard Seat On Joint Chiefs Of Staff - Passed Senate needs to pass House.
  11. Tax Credit To Employers Of National Guard And Reserve Members (HR 43 introduced by Rep Michael Bilirakis R-FL)
Who are Members 10 Reasons to Join Legislative Success Benefits Special Events


  1. Internet Connection: www.eangus.org - users can access Thomas, Senate, House, New Patriot magazine and newsletter, Congressional Quarterly and Legislative Updates.
  2. Preferred Vision Care - Saves up to 60% on most eyewear
  3. Eangus Travel - Around the World Travel 1-800-637-9589 special discounts for EANGUS members
  4. HERTZ Rental Car discounts
  5. Telephone Long Distance Service ADVANTAGE 1-800-435-6382.
  6. College Counsel 1-800-248-5299
  7. Career Search - 1-800-233-1280
  8. Geico Auto Insurance 1-800-368-2734
  9. Disability, Life Insurance For Technicians - partners with the NGAUS Insurance Trust.
  10. Citizens Flag Alliance (CFA) announced a youth scholarship contest. Essay theme: The American Flag Protection Amendment: A Right of the People...the Right Thing to do. TOTAL $108,000 in scholarship awards. 1st Place $15,000; 2nd place $10,000, 3rd place $8,000, 4th place $6,000 and 5th-10th place receiving $3,000 each.
    Eligibility: Must be citizens or lawful permanet U.S. resident, Enrolled in grades 9-12 in a high school.
    For more information see the CFA Home Page on the World Wide Web: www.cfa-inc/essay.htm
    A copy of the contest rules and entry form are also available from the EANGUS National Office at 1-800-234-3264
Who are Members 10 Reasons to Join Legislative Success Benefits Special Events


EANGUS is recognized on Capitol Hill as a leader in the fight for the rights of National Guard enlisted personnel. To date, EANGUS has participated in special events and ceremonies as honored guests such as:

  1. 360th Birthday of the National Guard (Dec 97) hosted by Lt Gen Baca held in Washington DC and honoring Congressman “Sonny” Montgomery (retired).
  2. Special tour of the National Guard's deployed Forces as part of a special team headed by Lt Gen Baca, Chief of the National Guard Bureau.
  3. Wreath Laying Ceremony in Arlington Ceremony for Veterans Day 1997.
  4. EANGUS is the host of the NCO's of the year when they are guests of the National Guard Bureau in Washington.


  1. EANGUS has been invited and will be represented by the EANGUS President, MSgt Blaine Ross, to participate in a European Tour of US Bases, being coordinated by the Department of Defense.
  2. EANGUS will be represented by MSgt Ross also at a special ceremony in Nov-Dec to honor MG Donald Shepperd (MG Shepperd will receive the “Order of the Sword” the highest honor an officer can receive from the Enlisted Corps).

EANGUS is proud to be a part of the Enlisted Corps Heritage. Thanks for your support.

Who are Members 10 Reasons to Join Legislative Success Benefits Special Events

For Additional information, write to:
EANYNG, 330 Old Niskayuna Road,
Latham New York 12110-3514

© NYS DMNA: The Enlisted Association of New York National Guard
Page Last Modified: 31 October 1997 (mjs)
URL: https://dmna.ny.gov/members/eanyng.html