CONTACT: Eric Durr, 518-786-4581
FOR RELEASE: Tuesday, Sep 29, 2009
$346,000 Federal Stimulus Fund Project At Rochester National Guard Facility
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Money Finances Needed Heating and Ventilation Upgrade
Governor David A. Paterson announced today that a $346,360 contract has been awarded to a Rochester firm to upgrade the heating and ventilation system at the New York Army National Guard’s Army Aviation Support Facility here.
Jackle Corp. Mechanical Contractors will upgrade the heating system at the flight facility, which is home to the 249th Medical Company (Air Ambulance) which flies medical evacuation helicopters and elements of the 3rd Battalion 126th Aviation Regiment which flies Chinook CH-47D heavy lift helicopters.
The existing heating and air conditioning system in the flight facility hanger takes up space on the hanger floor and make it impossible to repair more than one helicopter at a time.
“These aircraft are essential to the mission of the New York Army National Guard, both when responding to domestic emergencies here at home and when operating in Iraq or Afghanistan,” said Major General Joseph Taluto, the Adjutant General of New York. “The proposed changes will allow more aircraft to be repaired more quickly, improving our capability to respond to missions.”
"I'm pleased that money from the stimulus package is going towards necessary upgrades to the home of the 249th Medical Company and the servicemen and women of the New York Army National Guard," said Congresswoman Louise Slaughter. "When Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act last February it was important to us that the money be spent to create jobs and provide necessary improvements to our infrastructure and communities. This funding greatly improves the flight facility for the 3rd Battalion 126th Aviation Regiment and is certainly a worthy investment."
Working on the new heating and ventilation system is due to begin in September and be finished in March of 2010.
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Page Last Modified: Sep 29, 2009