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CONTACT: Lt. Col. Richard Goldenberg, 518-727-7314 or
FOR RELEASE: Monday, Nov 30, 2009

New York City Army National Guard Troops Head To Far East

42nd Infantry Division Soldiers Deploy for Training Exercise in Northern Japan

STATEN ISLAND, NY (11/27/2009)(readMedia)-- New York Army National Guard Soldiers from the 42nd Infantry Division Headquarters deploy next week to Hokkaido, Japan for a two-week training exercise alongside troops of the Japanese Ground Self Defense Forces (JGSDF). Appproximately 50 Citizen Soldiers from from the division's tactical command post on Staten Island will fly to Northern Japan and Fort Lewis, Washington next week to support the training. In all, about 100 Citizen Soldiers from across the state will deploy to Japan and 60 will support the battle simulation exercise from Fort Lewis, Washington. The bilateral training exercise known as Yama Sakura, brings together U.S. and Japanese forces to better develop the U.S. and Japanese military to military relationship and provide a forum for training senior leaders and staffs for conflict. Yama Sakura means Mountain Cherry Blossom in Japanese. Since its inception in 1982, Yama Sakura has focused on the development and refinement of the Japan Ground Self Sefense Forces and the U.S. Army's efforts in coordination and interoperability. The expercise exemplifies a continued commitment by the United States and Japan to work as dedicated partners in support of the U.S. - Japan security alliance and for continued peace and stability in the region. The training involves a command post exercise, a battle simulation that will challenge the senior leaders of both U.S. and Japanese forces for high intensity conflict. "This is our profession and our craft," said Brig. Gen. Steven Wickstrom, the 42nd Infantry Division Commander to his assembled staff leaders during a combined arms rehearsal prior to deployment. "We need to do this training to improve our profession and continue to learn." The training for high intensity conflict is a return to a more conventional employment of an Army ground combat divisoin headquarters. The 42nd Infantry Division deployed to Iraq in 2005 and conducted stability and support operations as part of the wider counterinsurgency fight during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Gen. George Casey, the Army Chief of Staff, has emphasized the training for conventional warfare since 2008. "When I was a divisional commander in Germany in '99 to 2001, if you had asked me where I should optimize my training on the spectrum of conflict so I could be the most versatile, I would have said, If I can do conventional war, I can do anything," Casey said in remarks to the Army News Service in August 2008. "After 32 months in Iraq, I don't believe that... (and) mostly the Soldiers that have been to Iraq and Afghanistan don't believe that, either," Casey said. "There's enough difference, some fundamental differences between irregular warfare and major conventional warfare that we need more versatile," Gen. Casey said. For more information about the deployment of the 42nd Infantry Division Soldiers or the Yama Sakura 57 training exercise, visit our microsite at

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Photo cutlines: SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii - Japanese Army Maj. Gen. Yamaoka, commanding general of Japan's Northern Army, addresses a joint bi-lateral group of senior military leaders during the Yama Sakura 57 Battle Command Seminar, a three day planning conference held in Hawaii Sept. 19 in preparation for Exercise Yama Sakura in Japan. Photo by Staff Sgt. Crista Yazzie, US Army Pacific. TROY, N.Y. -- New York Army National Guard Lt. Col. Patrick Macklin, left, of the 42nd Infantry Division Tactical Command Post Number 2, reviews ground force movements Nov. 7 with the assistance of Staff Sgt. Michael Brown, an operations NCO for the division headquarters. The two helped prepare the division's combined arms rehearsal for the battle simulation exercise during Yama Sakura 57 to be held in Hokkaido, Japan from Dec. 1-15. Photo by Spc. Rachel Sanzo, 42nd Infantry Division.


© NYS DMNA Press Release:New York City Army National Guard Troops Head To Far East
Page Last Modified: Nov 30, 2009