Conspicuous Service Cross Conspicuous Service Cross


To whom awarded:


The Conspicuous Service Cross may be awarded to any current New York State citizen or person who was a New York State citizen while serving on federal active duty; whose entire service was honorable subsequent to the time of receipt of the citation while serving in the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or in the Army female nurse corps, and who has received a personal decoration issued by a brigade or equivalent higher headquarters. The Conspicuous Service Cross may also be awarded to any citizen of New York State, who while serving with the allied forces, received a personal decoration published in order issued by a brigade or equivalent higher headquarters. The award of the Conspicuous Service Cross is based on prior award of at least one of the following military decorations:

or as prescribed by New York State Military Law, individual was a Prisoner of War; served at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941; directly participated in the D-Day Invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944; or has been declared by the Department of Defense as killed or missing in action.


This medal shall be awarded only to those persons whose entire service, subsequent to the time of receipt of the citation, shall have been honorable. The Conspicuous Service Cross may be awarded posthumously to a designated survivor of the deceased. Not more than one Conspicuous Service Cross shall be awarded to any one person. For each succeeding award a medal device (cross) will be attached to the suspension ribbon and/or ribbon bar. These devices shall be:

Silver silver to represent one additional award and

Gold gold to represent five additional awards.

How awarded:

Applications for the New York State Conspicuous Service Cross will be made by using DMNA Form 106A-R (Sample of Application for New York State Conspicuous Service Cross, Figure 2-9 DMNA Reg 672-1) or by letter request to DMNA, ATTN: MNP-AWD. All requests will be forwarded with substantiating documentation (e.g. DD FORM 214, WD AGO FORM 53-55). Documentation must include Honorable Discharge, list of awards/ certificates/permanent orders and indicate current New York State citizenship or New York State citizenship while serving on federal active duty. Acceptable documentation for veterans who served at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, is a certified copy of an application form for the Pearl Harbor Commemorative Medal or a copy of the Pearl Harbor Survivor's Association, Inc. membership card. If you do not have in your possession the required documentation necessary for eligibility or require confirmation of your federal award entitlements, it is suggested you write to:

National Personnel Records Center,
Veterans Special Actions Division
9700 Page Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63132

Copies only - Do not send original documents.

© NYS DMNA: Awards and Decorations: Conspicious Service Cross
Page Last Modified: 17 July 07