Defense of Liberty Medal (Ribbon) Defense of Liberty Medal (Medal)


To whom awarded:

The Defense of Liberty Medal is a Campaign Medal which may be awarded to members of the New York State Organized Militia who performed homeland defense duty in any status in response to an order by the Governor. This medal may also be awarded to civilians who worked in support of the New York State Organized Militia and are deemed appropriate by The Adjutant General.


  1. Award Period and Duty Location: The Defense of Liberty Medal will be awarded for homeland defense missions during the period of 11 September 2001 through a future date to be determined. This includes duty at Ground Zero and in any other location in the state where homeland defense missions were performed.
  2. Award Composition: Individuals performing a minimum of seven days duty in the borough of Manhattan, New York will receive the World Trade Center Device (WTC). The seven duty days for qualification are not required to be consecutive and may be waived in selected instances. The request for waiver by GOCOM Commanders is subject to approval by The Adjutant General.
  3. Award Recognition: The Duty in Aid to Civil Authority Medal and/or Medal for Humane Service to New York State will not be issued in conjunction with this medal.

How awarded:

Rosters for military personnel on State Active Duty will be provided through command channels to each respective major component awards area of responsibility. Individuals who are in federal technician, Active Guard and Reserve (AGR), Active Duty Special Work (ADSW) or volunteer status should be added to the roster, along with the period of service and mission. All rosters must be certified by the major component commander, prior to forwarding to each major component awards area of responsibility for review and award issuance, ATTN: MNP-ARB for NYARNG; MNAF/DP for NYANG; MNNM for the NYNM, and MNSG for the NYG. Recommendations for civilian personnel will be forwarded to The Adjutant General, ATTN: MNP-AWD. The period of service and type of duty performed shall be clearly defined.

Succeeding awards:

Only one award per individual will be issued for this campaign.


The Defense of Liberty Medal will follow the New York State Desert Storm Medal.

Approving authority:

Commander of each respective major component of the New York State Organized Militia. The Adjutant General will be the approving authority for civilian personnel.

© NYS DMNA: Awards and Decorations: Defense of Liberty Medal
Page Last Modified: 15 July 11