Exercise Support Ribbon


To whom awarded:

Awarded to individuals who performed service as members of the Army or Air National Guard of New York after 1 January 1979 in the field for not less than 3 consecutive days while participating in an exercise directed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, either as a member of a participating Army or Air National Guard unit or as an individual volunteer or augmented to an active force unit.

How awarded:

Recommendations for award of the New York State Exercise Support Ribbon will be submitted using DMNA Form 106D-R through command channels to DMNA headquarters ATTN: MNP-AWD for NYARNG and ANG-DPAA for NYANG.


The awarding authorities for the New York State Exercise Support Ribbon are each respective major component commander. A certified copy of orders attesting performance for not less than 3 days will be attached to the DMNA Form 106D-R and, if possible, a copy of the Joint Chiefs of Staff directive.

Succeeding awards:

For each succeeding award, a medal device (E) will be attached to the service ribbon. These devices shall be:

Silver silver E to represent one additional award and

Gold gold E to represent five additional awards.

© NYS DMNA: Awards and Decorations: Exercise Support Ribbon
Page Last Modified: 17 July 07
URL: https://dmna.ny.gov/awards/exs.html