Military Commendation Medal (Ribbon) Military Commendation Medal (Medal)


To whom awarded:

The Military Commendation Medal may be awarded to any member of the New York State Organized Militia who, while serving in any capacity, distinguished themselves by heroism, meritorious achievement or meritorious service. Awards may be made to individuals who are members of the Armed Forces of the United States, but only under exceptional circumstances and with the approval of The Adjutant General.


The Military Commendation Medal criteria, while of a lesser degree than that required for the award of the Medal for Meritorious Service, must nevertheless have been accomplished with distinction. To qualify for this medal, the achievements of the individual should have been such that it clearly places the individual above his/her peers. This medal may be awarded for acts of outstanding courage or humane service which do not meet the requirements for the award of the Medal for Meritorious Service.

How awarded:

Recommendations for the award of the New York State Military Commendation Medal will be submitted using DMNA Form Letter 48-R, (see Figure 2-7, DMNA Reg 672-1) and accompanied by a citation in accordance with the sample Figure 2-8, DMNA Reg 672-1. Requests will be forwarded to the approving authority through command channels and each intermediate commander will provide an appropriate recommendation in forwarding endorsement. Recommendations will be forwarded to the major component awards board for review, recommendation, and subsequent approval/disapproval by the commander.

Succeeding awards:

For each succeeding award, a medal device (shield) will be attached to the suspension ribbon and the service ribbon. These devices shall be:

Silver silverto represent one additional award.

Gold goldto represent five additional awards.

Approving Authority:

The approving authority for this award is the commander of each respective major component of the New York State Organized Militia.

© NYS DMNA: Awards and Decorations: Military Commendation Medal
Page Last Modified: 15 July 11