Medal for Merit medal for merit


To whom awarded:


The Medal for Merit may be awarded to any current New York State citizen or person who was a New York State citizen while serving on federal active duty; or, a non-New York State citizen who is an active member in the New York State organized militia, and as an active member in the New York State organized militia, served with units of the New York State organized militia while on federal active duty for purposes other than training and/or annual training; whose entire service was honorable and who were recepients of a valor, achievement, commendation, or meritorious service decoration, of a lesser degree than required for the award of the Conspicious Service Cross, or whose service was in direct support of combat operations while serving in the United States Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard. The award of the Medal for Merit is based on prior award of at least one of the following federal decorations:


This medal shall be awarded only to those persons whose entire service, subsequent to the time of receipt of the citation, shall have been honorable. All of the Aforementioned qualifying awards must have been earned while serving on federal active duty in the armed forces of the United States. The New York State Medal for Merit may be awarded posthumously to a designated survivor of the deceased. Not more than one New York State Medal for Merit shall be awarded to any one person, nor shall this medal be awarded to any person who was previously awarded the New York State Conspicuous Service Cross. For each succeeding award a Medal device (New York State Shield) will be attached to the suspension ribbon and/or ribbon bar. These devices shall be:

Silver silverto represent one additional award and

Gold goldto represent five additional awards.

How awarded:

Applications for the New York State Medal for Merit will be made by using DMNA Form 106B-R or by letter request to this agency, (DMNA) ATTN: MNP-AWD 330 Old Niskayuna Rd. Latham, NY 12110. All requests will be forwarded with substantiating documentation (e.g. DD FORM 214, WD AGO FORM 53-55). Documentation must include Honorable Discharge, list of awards/ certificates/permanent orders and indicate current New York State citizenship or New York State citizenship while serving on federal active duty. If you do not have in your possession the required documentation necessary for eligibility or require confirmation of your federal award entitlements, it is suggested you write to:

National Personnel Records Center
Veterans Special Actions Division
9700 Page Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63132

Copies only - Do not send original documents

© NYS DMNA: Awards and Decorations: Medal for Merit
Page Last Modified: 17 July 07