Pandemic Response Service Ribbon


To whom awarded:

(1) Military Personnel. The Pandemic Response Service Ribbon and certificate will be awarded to members of the New York State Organized Militia who faithfully perform duty in any status in response to an order by the Governor to participate in a pandemic response operation. Organized militia personnel of other states and United States military forces who participate in a New York State pandemic response, in support of the New York State organized militia, may also be awarded this ribbon. This ribbon will not be awarded for participation in any operation in addition to the Medal for Humane Service to New York State or Duty in Aid to Civil Authority Medal.  Only one state award is authorized for each civil support operation.

(2) Civilian Personnel. Civilian personnel will be issued the Pandemic Response Service Certificate. This certificate and lapel pin may be awarded to civilians who worked in direct support of the New York State Organized Militia in a manner that is deemed appropriate by The Adjutant General for recognition.

How awarded:

Military Personnel. The initial award of the ribbon will be for the COVID-19 missions by command certified organization rosters. Applications for future awards will be accompanied by DMNA Form 106D-R and a copy of the Division of Military and Naval Affairs orders directing the individual to the duty concerned or a certified roster of personnel for NYARNG, NYANG, NYNM, and NYG who participated. Upon review, MNP-AWD will issue the necessary inventory to the respective major component’s awards section for forwarding to the requesting command, as applicable, for presentation.

Silver silver to represent one additional award.

Gold gold to represent five additional awards.


Civilian Personnel. Certificate recommendations for civilian personnel along with requests for the lapel pin will be forwarded to MNP-AWD by memorandum with a description of the duty performed in support of the pandemic response.

© NYS DMNA: Awards and Decorations: Guard Help Ribbon
Page Last Modified: 17 July 07