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New York National Guard Inspector General’s Office Privacy Act Information

Data Required by The Privacy Act of 1974

Title 10, USC, Section 3039
To secure suffcient information to make inquiry into the matters presented and to provide a response to the requestor(s) and/or take action to correct deficiencies.
Information is used for official purposes within the Department of Defense; to answer complaints or respond to request for assistance, advice of information; by Members of Congress and other Government agencies when determined by The Inspector General to be in the best interest of the Army; and in certain cases, in trial by court martial or for other military matters as authorized by the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

The information in this form is submitted for the purpose of requesting assistance, correcting injustices affecting individuals, or eliminating conditions considered detrimental to the efficiency or reputation of the Army. I fully understand that I may be held accountable for any statements which are proved to be knowingly untruthful.

© NYS DMNA: New York National Guard Inspector General’s Office: Privacy Act Information
Page Last Modified: 20 JUL 2015