The New York National Guard
Inspector General's Office
To complain without fear of reprisal is the right of any Soldier, Civilian, or Family Member seeking IG help. After all, problem solving is one of the IG's primary missions!
Who We Are:
- The Inspector General (IG) functions as an extension of The Adjutant General’s (TAG) eyes, ears, voice and conscience.
- The Inspector General acts as a fair, impartial and unbiased fact-finder representing the Adjutant General.
Our Mission:
To provide the Adjutant General a continuing assessment of matters relating to the state of economy, efficiency, morale, esprit de corps, and readiness of units and activities assigned to the New York National Guard.
Our Goals:
- Keep the TAG, staff, & unit leadership fully apprised of significant issues & concerns affecting the NYNG, especially those issues & concerns pertaining to unit readiness and the care & welfare of Soldiers, civilians, and family members.
The Inspector General's office is a for:
- Soldiers & Airmen
- Commanders & unit full-time staff
- Civilians
- Family members
The Inspector General’s Office advocates for what is right by Army regulations, policy and law.
When you call the Inspector General’s Office, you can expect:
- A series of questions related to your request for inquiry
- Confidentiality
- Prompt response and resolution
The IG will do everything possible to keep confidentiality when handling complaints; however it may be unavoidable to disclose some information to properly handle the case. In such instances we will try to contact the complainant prior to disclosure.
© NYS DMNA: New York National Guard Inspector General’s Office
Page Last Modified: 11 Jan 24