The Small Arms Readiness and Training Section

Weapons Qualification and Marksmanship Skills

The NYARNG objective for weapons training is for 100% of assigned Soldiers (minus Soldiers in the IET pipeline) to receive primary marksmanship instruction (PMI) and fire their individual weapon and/or their assigned crew-served weapon system in accordance with the Standards of Training Council (DA PAM 350-38). Units will train to qualify a minimum of 85% of assigned Soldiers with their individual weapons. Units will train to qualify 80% of their assigned crew-served weapons. Although personnel/mobilization policies have not caught up with the latest marksmanship programs, FM 3-22.9 (see Tab D, Enclosure 3) should be your guide to ensure that your Soldiers are proficient in this critical task. Unit weapons qualifications results will be input into DTMS and RCAS no later than (NLT) 30 days from the event date. Metrics on individual weapons qualification will be briefed monthly by MNOT during the General Officer Command (GOCOM) Chief’s Briefing.

Small Arms Readiness Training (SART) is a unit responsibility. Command Sergeant Majors will ensure that adequate number of Soldiers attend Army Marksmanship Training in order to improve and/or maintain a high quality marksmanship training program in their unit. GOCOMs should be cognizant of the need for both highly trained marksman in units scheduled for a deployment and in units that may support the pre-mobilization training of those units. Army Marksmanship Training Courses include:

  • Short Range Marksmanship (Fort Benning, GA)
  • Small Arms Master Gunner Course (Camp Robinson, AK)
  • Squad Designated Marksman (Camp Robinson, AK)

JFHQ has a State Marksmanship Coordinator (SMC) assigned to MNOT. The SMC is available on a limited basis to assist GOCOM's in the development of unit marksmanship training programs, recommend Army Marksmanship Schools that best support unit mission, and to provide guidance and regulatory oversight on the Army Marksmanship Competition Program, such as the Winston P. Wilson Sustainment Training Exercise and the Inter-service Pistol Championship Match.

© NYS DMNA: Small Arms Readiness and Training Section:
Page Last Modified: 01 May 19