Winston P. Wilson Championship

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Description/purpose: The Winston P. Wilson (WPW) Championship and the Armed Forces Skill at Arms Meeting (AFSAM), conducted by the National Guard Marksmanship Training Center (NGMTC), is an annual event to promote marksmanship training. These marksmanship championships offer service members from the National Guard and international community an opportunity to test marksmanship skills and weapon systems in a battle focused environment.

Location: The NGMTC hosts the Annual AFSAM and the Annual WPW at Camp Joseph T. Robinson, North Little Rock, Arkansas and portions of the Sniper Competition will be held at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas.

Dates for 2019:

WPW Sniper Championship:29 Mar - 03 Apr
AFSAM:02 Apr - 12 Apr
WPW Machine Gun Championship:06 May - 10 May
WPW Championship:07 Apr - 11 Apr

National Guard Marksmanship Training Center Videos

© NYS DMNA: Small Arms Readiness and Training Section: Winston P. Wilson Championship
Page Last Modified: 28 Feb 19