NY National Guard Equal Opportunity Office Logo

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program

Equal Employment Program protects each of us from discrimination in employment , promotion, training and other personnel actions regardless of race, color, religion, gender including sexual harassment, national origin, age, mental and/or physical disability, or reprisal (for participating in protected EEO activity).

Who is covered?

EEO is for EVERYONE (not solely for protected groups); it’s the LAW!
If you are New York National Guard technician or military personnel, applicant for technician or military employment, and feel you are being discriminated against, please contact the State Equal Employment Manager (SEEM) office for assistance.

Applicable Laws (not an all inclusive list):

  • Civil Right Act (CRA) of 1964 as amended, Title VI (Military) and Title VII (Technician) prohibits employment based on race, color, gender including sexual harassment, religion or national origin
  • Age Discrimination Act of 1967 amended 1978 prohibits discrimination on the basis of age (applies to Title VII).
  • Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits employment on basis of handicap (mental and/or physical) (applies to Title VII).
© NYS DMNA: Equal Opportunity: - About
URL: https://dmna.ny.gov/eo/about/
Page Last Modified: 03 Feb 25