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Officer Candidate School
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Officer Accessions

Officer Candidate School

Officer Candidate School

Consider the following:

Through Officer Candidate School you will gain valuable career training, get money for college, and be able to give back to your community and country.

Current Guard members, Prior service, and even individuals with no prior military service can take advantage of the Officer Candidate School.
In order to attend Officer Candidate School you must be qualified in the following areas:

Future Traditional OCS and Accelerated OCS Dates - Click here


Become a leader within an elite team. If you have 90 college credits and meet all other requirements. Now is the time for you to enlist and purse OCS. The New York Army National Guard offers you the flexibility of three ways to attend OCS. The three programs listed will change you physically, mentally and emotionally that will give you a jump start ahead of your civilian peers to a better future.

TRADITIONAL OFFICER CANDIDATE SCHOOL Traditional OCS (T-OCS) Course also call State OCS is an 16 month part-time course of instruction taught in lieu-of drill weekends and your two annual training from April to August the following year.

Traditional OCS is held at the 106th Regional Training Institute, Camp Smith Training Site (CSTS), Cortlandt Manor, New York. The one weekend a month is a Muda-5 (Friday evening - Sunday).

The Traditional OCS is available to Prior Service applicants who meet the following standards:

  • Have at least 90 Semester hours from an accredited college or university towards a bachelor degree annotated on an official college transcript prior to start of Phase I, T-OCS. Ninety semester hours are needed for commissioning
  • Must be a US citizen for enrollment
  • ASVAB, GT score of 110 or greater (Re-testing available)
  • Chapter II, commissioning physical must be completed and approved provide prior to phase I, T-OCS
  • Be able to obtain secret clearance
  • Have completed BCT or WTC and AIT
  • Minimum age is 18 years
  • Maximum age for appointment is 41 years of age
  • Meet the mental, physical and moral requirements
  • Be approved and recommended by your commander

At the completion of your OCS challenge awaits the single gold bar of a Second Lieutenant. To hold a commission as an officer in the Army National Guard is both a high honor and a solemn responsibility.

As an officer in the Army Guard, you will immediately assume greater responsibility. All enlisted ranks and non-commissioned officers will salute you. And you will answer these salutes with a silent, inner promise to lead these men and women with the best of your abilities-with knowledge, experience and compassion.

In the Guard, we'll ask a lot of you, but on the other hand, we give a lot in return. To start, with greater responsibility, comes a bigger paycheck. You will be welcomed at the Officers Club. You will receive a new level of military benefits. What's more, your proven leadership abilities are the kind of assets that hold positive meaning for employers in the civilian world. Want to test yourself against a challenge? Then go for one that'll reward you with gold.

NGB ACCELERATED OFFICER CANDIDATE SCHOOL NGB Accelerated OCS (A-OCS) Course is an eight-week accelerated OCS program for qualified personnel, in both the winter and summer months. Winter January-March and Summer June-August each year with two in processing weekends performed in lieu-of drill weekend before starting A-OCS.

The NGB Accelerated OCS is available to soldiers who meet the following standards:

  • Have at least 90 Semester hours from an accredited college or university towards a bachelor degree annotated on an official college transcript prior to phase I, A-OCS
  • Must be a US citizen for enrollment
  • ASVAB, GT score of 110 or greater (Re-testing available)
  • Chapter II, commissioning Physical must be completed and approved provide prior to Phase I, A-OCS
  • Minimum age is 18 years
  • Maximum age for appointment is 41 years of age
  • Meet the mental, physical and moral requirements
  • Be able to obtain secret clearance
  • Have completed BCT or WTC and AIT
  • On the APFT score min of 70 points in each event
  • All medical and moral waivers must be approved before start of the course
  • Be approved and recommended by your commander

At the completion of your OCS challenge awaits the single gold bar of a Second Lieutenant. To hold a commission as an officer in the Army National Guard is both a high honor and a solemn responsibility.

As an officer in the Army Guard, you will immediately assume greater responsibility. All enlisted ranks and non-commissioned officers will salute you. And you will answer these salutes with a silent, inner promise to lead these men and women with the best of your abilities-with knowledge, experience and compassion.

In the Guard, we'll ask a lot of you, but on the other hand, we give a lot in return. To start, with greater responsibility, comes a bigger paycheck. You will be welcomed at the Officers Club. You will receive a new level of military benefits. What's more, your proven leadership abilities are the kind of assets that hold positive meaning for employers in the civilian world. Want to test yourself against a challenge? Then go for one that'll reward you with gold.

FEDERAL OFFICER CANDIDATE SCHOOL Federal Officer Candidate School (F-OCS) is a 12 week school conducted throughout the year at Fort Benning, Georgia.

The Federal OCS is available to soldiers who meet the following standards:

  • Have at least Bachelors’ degree from an accredited college or university.
  • Must be a US citizen for enrollment
  • ASVAB, GT score of 110 or greater (Re-testing available)
  • Chapter II, commissioning Physical must be completed and approved
  • Minimum age is 18 years
  • Maximum age for appointment is 41 years of age
  • Meet the mental, physical and moral requirements
  • Have a secret clearance
  • Have completed Army BCT and AIT
  • On the APFT have an overall score of 250
  • All waivers must be approved
  • Be approved and recommended by your commander
  • Be approved by your GOCOM

At the completion of your OCS challenge awaits the single gold bar of a Second Lieutenant. To hold a commission as an officer in the Army National Guard is both a high honor and a solemn responsibility.

As an officer in the Army Guard, you will immediately assume greater responsibility. All enlisted ranks and non-commissioned officers will salute you. And you will answer these salutes with a silent, inner promise to lead these men and women with the best of your abilities-with knowledge, experience and compassion.

In the Guard, we'll ask a lot of you, but on the other hand, we give a lot in return. To start, with greater responsibility, comes a bigger paycheck. You will be welcomed at the Officers Club. You will receive a new level of military benefits. What's more, your proven leadership abilities are the kind of assets that hold positive meaning for employers in the civilian world. Want to test yourself against a challenge? Then go for one that'll reward you with gold.


Consider the following:

West Point offers one of the most highly respected, quality education programs in the nation. A West Point cadetship includes a fully funded four-year college education. Tuition, room, board, medical and dental care are provided by the U.S. Army.

Each year about 200 Active Duty, Reserve and National Guard soldiers are offered admission to the U.S. Military Academy or the Preparatory School at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. Although some soldiers are offered direct admission to West Point, most attend the Prep School first with the majority of the applicants to U.S. Military Academy. All applications are made directly to West Point. Soldiers not directly admitted to West Point will be automatically considered for admission to the Prep School.

The choice to enter West Point is a choice to join a distinguished, time-honored profession that is rich in tradition. Becoming a cadet is only the first step in a demanding, exciting and rewarding career that can be yours as an officer in the United States Army. An officer must meet the subtle challenges of leading and motivating soldiers to do their best.

“Is USMA for you?” You are the only one who can answer that question! However, when considering your college options, take a good look at what West Point has to offer. Leadership development, a top-notch education, and a professionally rewarding career are all part of the West Point experience. The Academy provides you with an excellent background for career success and future advancement.

Being a member of the New York Army National Guard will help you build a stronger leadership foundation and increase your chances for candidatcy at United States Military Academy, West Point, New York. Contact an Officer Strength Manager for an Alumni officer that is in the GUARD to give you his personal insight on West Point.


  1. Basic Requirements
    • Be 17 but not yet 23 years of age by July 1 of year admitted
    • Be unmarried
    • Not be pregnant or have a legal obligation to support a child or children
    • An above-average high school or college academic record
    • Pass a Chapter II, Commissioning Medical Exam
    • SAT scores greater than 1000 or ACT score of 20 or higher
  2. Apply for a nomination
    • Endorsement from their company Cdr
    • Congressional nomination
    • Sons and Daughters of Deceased or Disabled Armed Forces Veterans
    • Sons and Daughters of Persons Awarded the Medal of Honor
    • Army Junior and Senior ROTC programs and Honor ROTC units of other services
  3. Start a File
    • Complete a Candidate Questionnaire
  4. Candidate Kit
    • Notification
    • Candidates who pass the initial screening will receive a Candidate Kit
  5. Follow-up nomination
    • It’s important that you aggressively pursue every nomination available to you
  6. Complete Testing
    • SAT/ACT test score
    • Medical Exam
    • CFA Physical Assessment (Six events)
  7. Await Status
    • Notification in early June
  8. Visit West Point
    • Two weeks notice is required to schedule an orientation
  9. Prepare for USMA


  1. NY Army National Guard Officer Candidate School (OC). The best leadership training program going! All soldier once accepted into Phase 1 OCS are paid no lower than E5/SGT typically $290.80 for one weekend plus Annual Training ($5,089.00/year) and are non-deployable until completion of their follow on Officer Basic Course (BOLC II & III).
  2. Enlisted soldiers receiving Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) will remain eligible while attending OCS and will remain eligible upon commissioning or appointment, subject to the original restriction that their SLRP will be paid within the same time period established in their original enlistment documents. Effective 01 Mar 09, newly commission officers that have SLRP in order to qualify for the Officer Accession Bonus upon commissioning, their SLRP must be completed prior to their commissioning date by either having the final payment processed in normal fashion under the contract, or by paying off their loans where no further payments are possible under the SLRP contract.
  3. Soldiers who contracted under Selective Reserve Incentive Program (SRIP) bonus who served more than one year of their enlistment incentive contract, to include OCS time, do NOT have to pay back SRIP bonus and. will be terminated from SRIP without recoupment.
  4. 100% Tuition Assistance to cover tuition cost and fees, not to exceed $4,500 per fiscal year (1 October - 30 September) up to their 1st professional degree.
  5. The Montgomery G.I. Bill, which pays up to $11,124 for college (or other approved technical training).
  6. The Army National Guard G.I. Bill Kicker, which pays officers up to $12,600 for College (or other approved technical training).

Enrollment Instructions:

  1. Contact the OSM for your region here.
  2. Download the packing list.
  3. Download directions to Camp Smith.
  4. Download Officer Candidate Guide


Do you see yourself standing in front of a platoon of soldiers-young men and women who look up to you for leadership, who'll rely on your decisions in peace and in war, who'll trust you with their lives? If you can see yourself in this picture, attending Officer Candidate School (OCS) may be right for you.

Army National Guard officers stand out because of their unwavering dedication and commitment to serve their country and community. Army Guard officers understand that the opportunity to lead others is a truly honorable calling. They relish greater responsibility-especially as a reward for overcoming challenges.

If you have a strong ambition to better yourself... if you've aspired to be a leader... if you're intensely motivated to attend OCS and become an officer... if this is what you want to achieve, in the Army National Guard, YOU CAN!


You have the intelligence, capability, drive and potential to accomplish great deeds-to become more than you are. We want to give you the opportunity to realize your potential as an officer in the Army National Guard.

Officer Candidate School (OCS) is an excellent way to start on this path. It is an efficient and effective school designed to bring out the very best leadership qualities in you. You have what it takes to reach your objective. And the Army Guard can help take you there.


There are major benefits to becoming an officer. One is money. Because officers shoulder greater responsibility and must meet higher qualifications, they receive larger paychecks than those in the enlisted and non-commissioned ranks do. Consider the pay of a Sergeant (E5) with four years of service compared to a Second Lieutenant (O1) right out of OCS who has the same number of year (per weekend drill). The Sergeant (E5) RECEIVES $340.68 versus the Second Lieutenants' (O1) $487.40. It pays to become an officer.

Add to this the fact that those who elect to climb the ladder of success by selecting the OCS route are accorded prestige for their efforts. An OCS candidate is held in high regard. And those who do make it through OCS are commissioned and recognized leaders and, therefore, granted an even higher level of respect.

As an officer, you will have the opportunity to serve in critical leadership roles. You can look forward to assuming greater responsibilities. You will acquire the leadership and management skills that are highly valued in both military and civilian careers. You will become an officer in the Army National Guard.

In the Army National Guard, we offer you the flexibility of three different paths to Officer Candidate School. They are:

  1. State OCS
  2. Federal OCS
  3. Accelerated OCS

All of these Army Guard OCS options have the same basic requirements. State and Accelerated OCS programs require a minimum of 90 college semester hours to be accepted and commissioned at the end of the OCS program. Federal OCS programs require a Bachelors degree to be accepted and commissioned at the end of the OCS program. Each of the three OCS paths take place at different schools around the country and at different times of the year.

© NYS DMNA: NY National Guard Officer Accessions - Officer Candidate School
Page Last Modified: 18 Nov 24