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The OCS Enlistment Option
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Officer Accessions

The OCS Enlistment Option

OCS Enlistment Option

Consider the following:

Being an Officer in the U.S. Army means you’re a leader, a counselor a strategist and a motivator. It's similar to being a vital manager in a corporation. As an Officer, you will lead other soldiers in all situations and adjust in environments that are always changing. They are driven to achieve success with their team on every mission.

It is a rare person who has the courage, stamina and desire to serve their country as well as their fellow citizen. Do you have what it takes to reach your goals in life?

The OCS Enlistment Option

If you are not a member of the Army National Guard or Army Reserve, or an armed forces veteran, you can enlist for Officer Candidate School. If you qualify, you will attend the US Army's Basic Combat Training and begin the next scheduled Officer Candidate School upon completion of BCT. As an Officer Candidate, your pay grade will be elevated to E-6, the same as a Staff Sergeant. You must meet all enlisted enrollment criteria and as outlined below in this section and successfully complete the 14-month OCS program or 9 weeks accelerated OCS program of instruction to be eligible for commissioning as a Second Lieutenant.

Prior enlisted soldiers from any military component who have completed their active duty commitment may enlist in the National Guard under the OCS enlistment option if you meet the minimum qualifications for OCS and have the availability of OCS written into their contract to attend the next available OCS class. Prior service Navy, Air Force or Coast Guard applicants must complete the Warrior Transition Course before starting OCS.

Current enlisted soldiers from any military selective reserve can switch to the National Guard under the OCS enlistment option if you meet the minimum qualifications for OCS and have the availability of OCS written into their contract to attend the next available OCS class.

Military school requirements:

After Receiving your Commission:

Minimum qualifications:


© NYS DMNA: NY National Guard Officer Accessions - The OCS Enlistment Option
Page Last Modified: 22 Aug 16