New York Military Funeral Honors New York Military Funeral Honors

New York Army National Guard
Military Funeral Honors

Join Military Funeral Honors

Do you have what it takes to be an Honor Guard Soldier?

Each month, more than 850 deceased veterans receive honors. This is our way of saying "thank you" for their service to our nation.

Our teams perform the departed Soldier's final honors, play "Taps," and fold and present the flag to the next of kin. If possible, we also perform firing party duties. If YOU have what it takes and want the priviledge, you too may be able to be a member of the Honor Guard.

Beyond having the satisfaction of honoring those who came before us and the gratitude of family members, you'll have the opportunity to earn retirement points and drill pay.

If you are a Soldier who takes pride in the military and your appearance, are willing to learn how to perform these ceremonies, have an Army Service Uniform, and can be available on weekends and some weekdays, Contact your local Honor Guard Detachment.

If you are a Soldier who takes pride in the military and your appearance, are willing to learn how to perform these ceremonies, have an Army Service Uniform, and can be available on weekends and some weekdays, fill out the form below.

Join the Funeral Honors Team

Complete the form below and and we’ll reach out to you soon

Your Information

Detachments Select the detachment(s) you are interested in serving with
Please answer the following
Do you possess a serviceable ASU (Army Service Uniform)?
Do you possess a serviceable AGSU (Army Green Service Uniform)?
Are you in good standing with your M-Day unit?
Do you have a valid driver’s license?
Unit readiness NCO contact Information

Contact your local Honor Guard Detachment if you have any questions.

© NYS DMNA: NY Army National Guard Military Funeral Honors: Join
Page Last Modified: 31 Jan 25