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New York Naval Militia Education Benefits

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New York Naval Militia Newsletter Winter 2025 Edition

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Composed by:
CPT Douglas Hedwig, NYG

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Recruitment Incentive & Retention Program (RIRP)

The Recruitment Incentive & Retention Program (RIRP) is a benefit available to you as members of the Naval Militia. The RIRP is a tuition assistance program available to eligible members of the New York Army National Guard, New York Air National Guard, and the New York Naval Militia. The RIRP is a program funded by New York State with the intention of retaining and recruiting drilling reservists within New York State. If approved for the RIRP, New York State will pay to your school up to the current State University of New York's (SUNY) maximum in-state undergraduate tuition per semester at any college, university, or community-technical college in the State of New York recognized and approved by the New York State Board of Regents or State University of New York.


In order to qualify for the RIRP, you MUST meet the eligibility requirements outlined in DMNA REG 621-1. The basic eligibility requirements are as follows:

  • Be a current drilling reservist, in good standing both with your Federal component, and the Naval Militia, and remain a drilling reservist for the duration of the time you are receiving the RIRP benefit
  • Be a current resident of New York State for a period of 186 days prior to using the program for the first time, and 186 days per year thereafter (excluding Active-Duty periods)
  • Be enrolled in an undergraduate program working to achieve your first Bachelor‘s degree, or up to six semesters for an Associate‘s degree and taking a minimum of six credit hours per semester or four credit hours per quarter
  • Be a member of the New York Naval Militia for a MINIMUM of 30 days prior to the deadline date for the current semester you want to apply for.


RIRP is a SEMESTER-to-SEMESTER program, thus you must completely re-apply each semester.

RIRP currently covers the Spring and Fall semesters only.

RIRP covers the Spring and Fall semesters only. There is no RIRP benefit for summer or winter sessions.

The deadline dates listed below are subject to change.

Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances.

Beginning the day after the first deadline, you will have a 60-day grace period to collect all final requirements and submit them to NYNM HQ for approval. This grace period is meant to allow for processing times at HESC and FASFA; all additional remaining requirements should be submitted ASAP to allow HQ time to review them and make sure everything is correct.

Note: Your college/university will not receive notification of your RIRP application from NYNM until we have received and approved all required documentation. It is crucial you submit all documents as early as possible.

  • Spring Semesters (1st deadline)
    The completed DMNA Form 96-1 MUST BE RECEIVED by the Naval Militia Education Officer NO LATER THAN 1600 on December 13th in order to be accepted into the application period for that semester.
  • Fall Semesters (1st deadline)
    The completed DMNA Form 96-1 MUST BE RECEIVED by the Naval Militia Education Officer NO LATER THAN 1600 on August 13th in order to be accepted into the application period for that semester.

Note: FASFA & TAP are the ONLY requirements that are allowed to be used two semesters in a row, as they apply for the entire school year as opposed to the individual semester.

Utilize the NYNM RIRP Checklist (NYNMFORM 1782) which will outline exactly what you need to do in order to apply. In the checklist, you will see that the Naval Militia has an additional required form, the NYNM RIRP Acknowledgement form (NYNMFORM 1781) - this form MUST be signed and submitted with your RIRP application.

Send all correspondence, messages & documents regarding RIRP to this email address ONLY:

Personal Identifying Information (PII) should be transmitted only by encrypted email or through the U.S. Postal Service. NYS Division of Military and Naval Affairs and the NY Naval Militia are not responsible for pre-delivery loss, disclosure or compromise of PII sent by unencrypted email, non-secure media, or document delivery services other than the U.S. Postal Service.
© NYS DMNA: NY Naval Militia: Education Benefits
Page Last Modified: 27 Dec 22