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How to Apply for an NYS DMNA Technician Job

Applicants are encouraged to include the following items with their application and resume.
Any documentation not included may result in disqualification and may delay processing time.

  1. Announcement Number, Title, Grade(s) applying for
  2. Social Security Number
  3. Country of citizenship
  4. Reinstatement eligibility, if applicable
  5. Highest Federal civil service grade held
  6. High School (include Name, City, State, year of diploma or GED)
  7. College or Universities (include Name, City, and State, type and year of degree(s), major studies and number of semester hours earned.)
  8. Work experience for paid and nonpaid work related to the job applying for (do not send job description). Include job title, and if federal service the series and grade, complete duties and accomplishments, employer's name and address, supervisor's name and phone number, starting and ending dates (must have month and year), hours per week, salary, indicate if we may contact your current supervisor
  9. Job-related training (title and dates, indicate if in resident course)
  10. Job-related skills (languages, computer software/hardware, tools, machinery, and for office automation position indicate typing and/or dictation speed per minute)
  11. Job-related honors, monetary awards, suggestion awards, and special accomplishments (include date received)
  12. Annual performance rating (Last 3 technician ratings)
  13. Military AFSC/MOS + Grade


NOTE: subsequent to paneling, filling of this position may be precluded due to funding and manpower limitations.

Wearing of the uniform appropriate to the service is required by National Guard Technicians in the Excepted Service as a condition of employment.

DIRECT DEPOSIT: Selectee will be required to participate in the Direct Deposit/Electronic Fund Transfer Program (DD/EFT).

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: Selection for this position will be made without regard to age, race, color, gender, religion, union membership, national origin, lawful political affiliation, marital status or any other non-merit factor.

MILITARY SERVICE: Active military and National Guard experience are most important in evaluating applications for excepted positions. Complete information should be included in your application/Resume.

© NYS DMNA: Jobs: How to Apply for a DMNA Technician Position
Page Last Modified: 12 Oct 2011