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New York Army National Guard Military Pay

Online Pay Issue Inquiry Form Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) MyPay DoD Financial Management Regulation 7000.14-R Pay & Entitlements Calculator AR 637-1
Army Compensation and Entitlements Policy

Common Questions and Answers

How do I register for MyPay?

Once your pay account has been established by your payroll office and your first system generated payment has been issued, your MyPay account is established and you will automatically be sent a temporary Password. Generally, it will be four weeks from the time you receive your first paycheck to when you receive your temporary Password in the mail. Once you receive your temporary Password, you must customize it within 45 days. If you do not customize the Password it will expire and you will have to request a new one. Upon initial log on, use your full SSN and the temporary Password provided to you. The system will prompt you to customize your Login ID and Password. If you have any inquiries or need to make pay changes prior to your MyPay account being established, you must contact your servicing payroll office or Customer Service Representative.

How Do I establish a Direct Deposit Account?

A Direct Deposit Account can be established through MyPay or an SF 1199A Direct Deposit Form can be sent through the member’s unit to the USP&FO for processing. The form must be submitted with the member’s SSN indicated and can either be completed by the Bank Representative or a voided pre-printed check with complete name/ address can be used in lieu of the Financial Institution’s certification. Note: updating MyPay does not update your account information your account information for travel reimbursement. You must send the travel section an SF 1199A directly.

What is the criteria for BAH Type I?

BAH Type I is received when a member is on Active Duty for 31 Days or more based on a single order. If an order is amended the date of the amendment would have to be 31 days or more to end of the order for a member to receive BAH I. Member’s who are on Active Duty in Support of a Contingency Operation receive BAH Type I regardless of the number of days.

What is BAH Type I based on?

BAH Type I is based on a member’s Rank, Dependency Status and HOR zip if you are maintaining a residence. The exception is AGR members receive BAH I based on duty station unless in support of a Contingency Operation and then it is based on HOR.

What Forms/Documents do I need to submit to receive BAH Type I

A DA Form 5960 must be submitted with either a Mortgage/ Lease/Rental documents or a copy of a current Tax Bill if you no longer have a Mortgage. The Lease or Rental agreement can be notarized otherwise a Privacy Act Statement will have to be completed and submitted with the Lease or Rental agreement. The DA Form 5960 must be signed and dated by the member and certified by the member’s Unit Commander. A copy of the member’s orders must accompany the DA Form 5960/ supporting documents and be sent to the USP&FO Military Pay section through the member’s Unit. *NGR 37-104-3

What is the criteria for Conus Cola?

Conus Cola is received when a member is on a single order for 140 days or more and the member lives in a High Cost Area as determined by DFAS-IN. If an order is amended and the amendment date is 140 days or more to the end of the tour a member would be eligible.

What Forms/ documents do I submit to receive Conus Cola?

A DA Form 4187 must be submitted requesting Conus Cola and submitted with a copy of the member’s orders. The member’s unit should submit to the USP&FO Military Pay section for processing.

What is Conus Cola based on?

Conus Cola is based on Rank, Dependency Status, HOR zip code and Years of Service. This information needs to be provided on the DA Form 4187 when submitted for payment.

How do I update my dependent status or address change?

A member must complete a DA Form 5960 and provide a Marriage Certificate or Divorce Decree which must be submitted to the Personnel Section for processing. To update an address a member must complete a DA Form 4187 and submit to the Personnel Section for processing. The member has to ensure that is completed. It is critical that these type of changes are completed in a timely manner because this could affect the member in a very negative way if they are not.

What does Held Pay Status Mean?

Held Pay Status means that a member’s funds are frozen as a result of a check that is returned or funds that are returned to DFAS-IN because of a wrong address/ closed direct deposit account. The funds will be released once the member establishes a new Direct Deposit Account. If this is not taken care of in a timely manner the funds will be returned to the Treasury after 90 days and the member will have to request an Out Of Service Claim in order to receive the funds . Just a reminder, if you open a new bank account do not close the old account until you have confirmed the funds are deposited into the new account. This will help prevent a possible Held Pay Status issue.

Please Note:

The USP&FO reserves the right to require Service members to produce additional supporting documentation in order to pay entitlements. Please read excerpt for NGR 37-104-3 regarding this issue.

* NGR 37-104-3


1-7. Management Controls

  1. AR 11-2 provides the conditions for establishing and using management controls
  2. The USPFO will design and implement management controls to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse of Federal

funds used to pay ARNG soldiers. Pecuniary liability for erroneous payments is established, in part, based on such controls.

1-8. Documentation

  1. A written record of a transaction shall consist of:
    1. A signed document or series of documents supporting each transaction that requires payment of funds from the U.S. Treasury by an officer, agent, or employee of the U.S. Government, authorized to make such payments (31 U.S.C. 1501). These documents contain a complete record of the transaction.
    2. A person who, in the regular line of duty, has personal knowledge of the fact or facts, certifies or otherwise verifies each statement of fact contained in such documents. Appropriate certification or substantiating documents supporting each item of pay and allowances due a soldier and each charge against a soldier.
  2. The USPFO or DFAS may require additional evidence prior to processing pay and/or collection action. An officer, agent, or employee of the U.S. Government authorized to make payments is not required to authorize pay on merely formal evidence if, in his or her opinion, the facts do not justify the payment. Such an individual will identify the additional evidence or reasonable explanation to justify the payment since this individual authorizes payments at his or her own risk.
  3. Types of documents. There are three types of documents used to effect payment and collection actions.
    1. Substantiating documents are either written or electronic records of a transaction that provide for an entitlement or collection action. An example is a promotion order.
    2. Supporting documents are requests for an entitlement or collection action. An example is a DD Form 827 (Application for Arrears in Pay).
    3. Source documents are official documents for entitlement or collection action, such as an official pay table.
  4. Document retention is prescribed in AR 25-400-2 or Table 1-1, DJMS-RC ADSM Book III (JUSTIS End Users Manual). AR 25-400-2 requires retention of substantiating documents for payments of Inactive Duty Training (IDT) and Active Duty (AD) for 6 years and 3 months. If the State Records Holding Area is unable to store the documents, the USPFO will forward them to its supporting Federal Records Center.

For pay inquiries, call 1-800-469-9167 or email

© NYS DMNA: NYARNG Military Pay
Page Last Modified: 30 Oct 24