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Story by: JFHQ Public Affairs Office -
Dated: Thu, Nov 18, 2010
Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, Marines and New York Guard members familiar with the New York National Guard website can easily spot links for the New York National Guard on social media such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook or Flickr. Those icons are right along the top of the agency’s website at
But what’s with the little red envelope?
Whether we all use them or not, social media websites and especially the New York National Guard’s website provide a wealth of information and more importantly, resources to our men and women in uniform and their families.
Now the New York National Guard, through National Guard Bureau, is piloting a project with GovDelivery, the world’s leading provider of government-to-citizen communications solutions. Their subscription service, starting with the little red envelope, provides a fully-automated and on-demand communication system.
That red envelope icon provides an opportunity to subscribe and get notices by email, text messaging or social media for the information individuals want. A simple click and an email entry will subscribe members and offer the option to get automatic updates every time new materials are made public.
Whether troops want to know about education benefits or deadlines, job opportunities, family services or upcoming events, read the latest Guard Times news magazine or the Adjutant General’s most current message for the force, subscribing to GovDelivery puts the information you want into your email inbox.
The New York National Guard website alone receives more than one million hits each month as our force, our families and our public across the state, the nation and the world look into the New York National Guard.
GovDelivery now puts that information out when you want it and where you’ll want. Subscribers can manage what information they want, when they want it and how they should receive it.
Find the red envelope and put your email in to start the process. If it works well for you, share the word with your fellow Guardsmen.
Why go searching through the web for information that you can have delivered to you.