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42d ECAB

3-142nd AHB

642nd ASB

42d Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade Commander

Colonel Jason Lefton, 42d Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade CommanderColonel Jason Lefton earned his commission in June 1996 from Marion Military Institute and joined the New York Army National Guard in August 1996. His career began as a Field Artillery Officer in the 1/156 FA BN. After completing Field Artillery Officer Basic Course at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, Colonel Lefton first served as Fire Direction Officer and then as Support Platoon Leader. While serving as Support Platoon Leader, he completed Air Assault School and supported the Hawaii Army National Guard during a JRTC rotation. Colonel Lefton also served as a TAC Officer and Instructor for NY State Officer Candidate School at the RTI from 1998-2000.

Colonel Lefton joined Army Aviation in November 2000 and attended IERW at Ft. Rucker, Alabama in January 2001. After completing IERW and UH-60 AQC, he returned to Albany and joined 3/142 AVN. In May 2002, Colonel Lefton deployed to Bosnia and Herzegovina in support of SFOR 12 as an LNO for MND Southeast and also served as the Task Force Battle Captain. Upon his return, Colonel Lefton joined 1/142 AVIM BN, completed UH-1 AQC and served as the S2/S3 for 3 years including a deployment in support of OIF II. He completed the Captain Career Course November 2005 and the CH-47 AQC March 2006. Colonel Lefton then served as the DET CDR for 3-126 HH preparing the Unit for Afghanistan. He then transferred to 3-142 AHB and served 2 years as the S1 and 2 years as the BN XO during OIF 8-10. He served as the B Co 642 AVIM Company Commander from November 2009 until March of 2012. He served as Commander of AASF#1 NY from December 2009 to February 2013. He served as the 42d CAB Assistant S3 and deployed to OEF-KU serving as the 42d CAB S3 and the 42d CAB XO in support of USARCENT. He served as the 42d CAB XO and fulltime AO successfully leading the staff through Units Set Fielding 1,2,3 and a Warfighter. He has served as the 3-142 AHB BN Commander from 9 September 2017 leading the BN Hurricane Irma and Maria response to Puerto Rico. Significant achievements while in command of 3-142 include sending one flight company to NTC, 10 Aircraft across country to Ft. Irwin and back, test BN for the new ACFT, multiple AT events and a rigorous ARMS inspection. Colonel Lefton currently serves as the State Army Aviation Officer. He is a graduate of the USAWC DDE program class of 2020, both CGSC-ILE-CC, the Advanced Operations & War fighting Course, and the Aviation Maintenance Manager Course.

He holds a Masters in Strategic Studies from the USAWC and an MBA from the University Of Phoenix. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Rhetoric and Communications at the State University of New York at Albany and played on the University Rugby Club. He has civilian work experience as a fully registered representative in the financial services industry. He holds a Commercial Helicopter Pilot license and Single Engine Airplane license.

Colonel Lefton’s awards include: Combat Action Badge, Master Army Aviator Badge, Air Assault Wings, Bronze Star Medal (2), Meritorious Service Medal (3), ARCOM (1), AAM (3), National Defense Service Medal (2) Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal (3 Stars), GWOT Expeditionary Medal, GWOT Service Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal (3, Bronze Hour Glass), Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, NATO Medal (Former Yugoslavia).

Colonel Lefton is married to the former Heather Zimmerman and lives in Niskayuna, NY. They have two sons, Mack and Seth.

Current as of OCT 29, 2021





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