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US Property & Fiscal Office - New York

State and Federal Contracting with the NY National Guard

There are two seperate (State & Federal) offices at DMNA responsible for contracting related to the New York State Militia Forces (other agencies deal with non-milita projects and purchasing).

State Projects

State-funded projects are managed by DMNA’s Facilities Engineering Branch.

Resources for bidders:

For contracting opportunities with other New York State agencies, please visit the relevant agency site. You may find it convenient to start at New York's statewide homepage - or

For help with your own business, nylovessmallbiz is a New York State web site for starting and running small businesses. It includes information on various programs and services, on-line permits and licenses, access to business counseling and financing and tax information.

Federal Projects

Federally-funded contracting opportunities are managed by the
Purchase and Contracting section of the US Property & Fiscal Office.

© NYS DMNA: New York USP&FO: - State & Federal Projects
Page Last Modified: 14 Nov 22