Sealed bids covering the projects listed on this website will be received by the New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs in the Construction and Engineering Office, 330 Old Niskayuna Road, Latham, New York 12110, until 2:00 p.m. on the bid date indicated, when they will be publicly opened and read.
Each bid must be submitted upon the form and in the envelope provided in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders contained in the contract documents. Please submit two original copies of the bid documents. No bid deposit is required, nor will the low bidder be required to furnish labor and material or performance bonds.
Bidding and contract documents may be examined free of charge or purchased in person (between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday) at the location(s) noted in the project description or at:
Division of Military and Naval Affairs
330 Old Niskayuna Road
Latham, New York 12110
ATTN: MNFE-CE, Room 401
Tel: (518)786-4931
The documents may be purchased for $10.00 plus $2.00 shipping and handling per set. Shipping and Handling charges are included in the indicated total cost and are applied to the cost of the plans and specifications regardless of whether they are mailed or picked up in person.
Payment must accompany all orders. An individual check in the amount of $12.00 must be made out for each project. Write project number on check. NO cash sales are accepted. Please make checks payable to the Division of Military and Naval Affairs.
To obtain these documents by mail please use a printout of this order form.
All bids must be received and stamped in no later than 2:00 p.m. on the bid opening date. When submitting bids in person, please allow additional time for obtaining building security clearance prior to being permitted to proceed to the 4th Floor bid reception area.
Bids must be submitted in the bid envelope provided in accordance with the instructions to Bidders contained in the Project Manual. The bid form provided must be used for the submission of the bid. No other information --- i.e., specification books, printed company financial statements, company literature, etc. --- is required to accompany a bid submission.
Providing accurate information on bid forms is essential. The award of a contract may be delayed if the information provided is inaccurate. Please ensure that the correct company name and Federal Identification Number is entered on bid forms. If the Federal Identification Number is not available, please use the company President's Social Security Number.
The table below is a partial listing of informalities that may result in a bid being disqualified. This listing is not comprehensive, and there are other informalities which may occur causing disqualification; however, many of the common types of informalities encountered are listed. If an informality in the bid occurs, the appropriate code will appear next to the bid on the Bid Results with an explanation of the code below. Bid disqualification's are final.
A | INFORMALITY - Note Added to Bid (Immaterial) |
B | INFORMALITY - Addendum Not Acknowledged on Bid Form |
C | INFORMALITY - Words Whited Out and Rewritten |
D | INFORMALITY - Bid Amount Modified Prior to Bid Opening |
G | INFORMALITY - Figures Omitted from Bid Amount |
H | BID DISQUALIFIED - Bid Form, No Original Signature |
I | BID DISQUALIFIED - No Non-Collusion Certification |
K | BID DISQUALIFIED - Other - Non-Responsive |
L | BID DISQUALIFIED - No Contractor Signature on Bid |
M | BID DISQUALIFIED - Note Added to Bid |
N | Other |