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About the Chaplain Corps

LTC Sean P. Gardner - Chief of Chaplains, New York Guard Chaplain Corps LTC Sean P. Gardner Chief of Chaplains New York Guard Chaplain Corps

The Chaplain Corps of the NYG is comprised of religious leaders and special staff officers who are ready to serve their fellow guardsman, their families and community to provide military religious support. Under the Direction of the Chief of Chaplains, Chaplain (LTC) Sean P. Gardner, the State Guard Chaplains serve at all levels, from Battalion on up to NYG Headquarters, with one goal in mind, the overall spiritual and moral welfare of the individual guardsman and the unit. Pro Deo et Patria (for God and Country)

Military Chaplains provide religious support for all faith groups, moral leadership, emergency religious services, Religious Support Team (RST) readiness and professional expertise to the Commander on free exercise of religion, morals, morale, and the ethical impact of command decisions. Military Chaplains also provide religious services, rites, sacraments, ordinances, religious education, pastoral care and counseling, religious education, family life ministry (Strong Bonds, marriage and family counseling), institutional ministry, professional support to the command, management and administration, humanitarian support (disaster support and relief), Suicide Prevention training and religious support planning and operations.

NYG members are encouraged to seek out their unit Chaplains in times of need. Your Chaplains are there to support you. It is our Honor and Duty to take care of our Soldiers and their families. If you’re not sure who your unit’s Chaplain is, please contact your Commander or NYG Headquarters at 518-786-4430.

To become a Chaplain in the NYG you must:

  • Have proof of Ordination by a federally recognized religious body
  • Have an ecclesiastical endorsement by the ordaining body
  • An advanced degree in one of the disciplines of ministry and theology

To become an Assistant Chaplain you must:

  • Have completed at least two years of college or presentation of the equivalent
  • Letter of recommendation from ecclesiastical supervisor
  • Have two years of practical spiritual leadership

To become a Chaplain’s Assistant you must:

  • Be an enlisted member, E-1 to E-7, in good standing
  • Be interviewed and approved by the Supervising Chaplain
  • Be able to assist the Chaplains in various roles from ministry preparation to administrative duties

** Additionally, all applicants must successfully complete a background check, medical exam, and the Initial Entry Training.

For more information about the New York Guard's Chaplain Corps, contact LTC Sean P. Gardner:
Cell: (347) 994-9882

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© NYS DMNA: New York Guard: Chaplain Corps
Page Last Modified: 06 Mar 25