Employees who sustain an injury or sickness related to their job should report it as soon as possible to their supervisor and to the New York State WC Accident Reporting System (ARS).
The toll free regional number is 1-888-800-0029. Have a paper and pencil ready. You will be given a WC Incident Number. Maintain this number. Please contact State Human Resources (MNHS) with the incident number or give it to your supervisor to submit it for you.
WC determinations are not at the discretion of the supervisor. Any incident involving an injury to an employee that occurs at or in relation to a work assignment should be reported by the supervisor to MNHS - (518) 786-4830.
More information regarding WC claims can be found on the Governor's Office of Employee Relations website. https://goer.ny.gov/workers-compensation
Employees whose disability lasts more than 7 calendar days must charge leave for the first 5 working days of the initial waiting period. Accruals will be restored on a prorated basis depending on the outcome of the WC determination. Employees whose disability lasts no more than 7 calendar days must charge leave accruals for lost time and are not eligible for restoration of accruals.