NY National Guard Human Resources Banner

The AGR Branch

AGR Manager

LTC Robert Lange

(518) 786-4488

AGR Branch Sergeant Major

SGM Jeffrey Colling

(518) 786-4626

Active Guard Reserve Manager Manages and provides oversight of the program for Army and Air Service Members in an Active Duty status, manages hiring, assignment, reassignment, discipline, and career development of AGR Soldiers, coordinates tour continuation boards, control grade utilization, promotions, separations, and retirements of AGR Service Members, and acts as principle assistant to HRO on matters relating to AGR personnel and programs. Processes admin orders, maintains Enlisted Promotion Program (EPP), coordinates Personnel Management Action Report program, Maintains AOC/MOS qualification for AGR personnel. Coordinates training requirements between HRO and General Officer Commands (GOCOMS) on training needs. Maintains the CSB/REDUX early retirement program for AGR Soldiers. Operates as the organizational focal point of contact for personnel issues. Manages all AGR medical issues, retirements and augmentee program.

Senior AGR Military Personnel NCO Develops and provides a career management program for enlisted AGR Soldiers, coordinates command directed transfers, EPS vacancy fills, and advertised vacancies, provides advice and assistance to enlisted AGR personnel pertaining to career development, coordinates tour continuation boards, coordinates with the State Command Sergeant Major and General Officer Commands on the assignment of senior AGR NCOs and manages the AGR enlisted controlled grade allocation and usage.

ANG Military Personnel Relations/AGR Staffing Section Provides technical advice on ANG military position staffing matters, plans and administers the program for fill of Air AGR positions, determines minimum qualifications requirements, develops candidate evaluation criteria, evaluates candidate eligibility and refers candidates for selection consideration, coordinates with NGB for re-documentation of positions, validates staffing guide requirements, develops localized AGR job standards when required in addition to AFSC regulatory guidance, produces all ANG fulltime and temporary AGR orders for the state. Verifies AGR promotion eligibility and assists in Controlled Grade management within the state.

AGR Budget/Military Pay NCO Researches and resolves pay problems for Army AGR officer and enlisted personnel, answers pay inquiries, reviews source pay documents for propriety, authenticity, accuracy, and completeness, verifies pay data against suspense items to ensure proper collections, entitlements and allotments, provides guidance and assistance to AGR personnel relating to pay actions, manages permanent change of station authorization and entitlement.

© NYS DMNA: NYNG Human Resources: AGR Branch
URL: https://dmna.ny.gov/hro/agr/
Page Last Modified: 12 Oct 22