Earn college credit away from campus and work toward your degree faster by earning credit for what you already know. The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSSTs) give you the opportunity to receive college credit for undergraduate and technical subjects. CLEP tests and DSSTs cover material generally required in the first two years of college. This means you can advance without spending time and money on courses you've already mastered.
The CLEP offers 33 exams in five subject areas, and covers the equivalent of either one-semester, full-year or two-year courses. DSST offers 37 exams that cover material generally taught in lower- and upper-level undergraduate courses. Most colleges will grant the same credit to students who pass the DSST as to students who complete the course.
For more information on CLEP exams, preparation materials and test center locations, visit the CLEP exam website: http://clep.collegeboard.org/exam
For more information on DSST test centers and preparation materials, and to view available DSST exams, visit the DSST exam website.
Excelsior College provides busy working adults with distance education programs to help them earn their degrees. Excelsior College Examinations (ECE) measure students' knowledge so they can earn college-level credit accepted at Excelsior College and over 900 colleges and universities around the world. Formerly called the ACT Proficiency Examination Program (ACT PEP), ECEs are free to all military personnel.