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NY Army National Guard Human Resources

New York Army National Guard

Active Guard/Reserve(AGR) Branch Overview

AGR Branch Manager

LTC Robert Lange, 518-786-4488, robert.h.lange2.mil@army.mil

Manages and provides oversight of the program for Army and Air Service Members in an Active Duty status, manages hiring, assignment, reassignment, discipline, and career development of AGR Soldiers, coordinates tour continuation boards, control grade utilization, promotions, separations, and retirements of AGR Service Members, and acts as principle assistant to HRO on matters relating to AGR personnel and programs. Processes admin orders, maintains Enlisted Promotion Program (EPP), coordinates Personnel Management Action Report program, Maintains AOC/MOS qualification for AGR personnel. Coordinates training requirements between HRO and General Officer Commands (GOCOMS) on training needs. Maintains the CSB/REDUX early retirement program for AGR Soldiers. Operates as the organizational focal point of contact for personnel issues. Manages all AGR medical issues, retirements and augmentee program.

AGR Branch Sergeant Major

SGM Jeffrey Colling, 518-786-4626, Jeffrey.A.Colling.mil@army.mil

Develops and provides a career management program for enlisted AGR Soldiers, coordinates command directed transfers, EPS vacancy fills, and advertised vacancies, provides advice and assistance to enlisted AGR personnel pertaining to career development, coordinates tour continuation boards, coordinates with the State Command Sergeant Major and General Officer Commands on the assignment of senior AGR NCOs and manages the AGR enlisted controlled grade allocation and usage.


AGR Retirements/REFRAD's, DTS, Orders

SFC Arthur Vanness, 518-786-4791, arthur.w.vanness.mil@army.mil

Processes all Army requests for separations/ retirements that have been approved by the Soldier's Chain of Command and the AGR Manager.  Prepares separations documents, to include DD 214's, DD 220's, and REFRAD Orders.  Coordinates with transition points at Fort Drum and West Point to out-process retiring NYARNG AGR Soldiers.  Conducts Pre-Retirement Counseling for all NYARNG AGR Soldiers with an APPROVED retirement request.  Point of Contact for AGR Medical Boards and extended convalescent leave. Approves AGR Travel requests in DTS.  Processes personnel transactions related to AGR Soldiers.  Edit Leave Log permissions.


AGR Boards/Continuation, MEB, REFRAD's, DTS, Orders, LeaveTracker Admin

SFC Asheley Wicklow, 518-786-4626, asheley.p.wicklow.mil@army.mil

Notifies, receives, and processes AGR Tour Continuation packets, to include administrative support to the annual AGR Initial Tour Continuation Board and Active Service Membership Board (ASMB). Prepares separation documents to include DD 214's, DD 220's, and REFRAD orders.  Approves AGR Travel requests in DTS.  Processes personnel transactions related to AGR Soldiers.  Edit leave log permissions.


PCS Orders, LeaveTracker Admin, AGR Jobs, ADOS Packets, DMNA 600 Actions

SSG Christopher C. Smalls, 518-786-4833, christopher.c.smalls.mil@army.mil 

Manages permanent change of station authorization and entitlement. Processes AGR personnel transactions. Edit LeaveTracker permissions. Responsible for processing requests for fill and advertising positions on the DMNA website. Collects, screens, and sends qualified packets to units for selections. Processes selections and coordinates and conducts in-processing for new hires.  Approves ADOS packets and processes 600's for new hire and EPP selection


© NYS DMNA: NYNG Human Resources: AGR: Army
URL: https://dmna.ny.gov/hro/agr/army/
Page Last Modified: 04 Oct 22