NY National Guard Human Resources Banner

Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) moves are governed by the JFTR, Chapter 5. If you are ordered to a duty station outside 50 miles of your HOR or previous duty station, you may be entitled to a PCS move. More than one PCS move in a fiscal year is not authorized, but exceptions are handled on a case-by-case basis (i.e., PCS to new duty station and then PCS to school).

NYARNG AGR Permanent Change of Station Policy

Department of the Army Mandatory Use of GOVCC for PCS Policy

PCS Entitlements

When you PCS from one duty station to another you are eligible for the following:

You can request an advance of travel expenses

You may choose either a Personally Procured Move (PPM) or Do-It-Yourself (DITY) move.

Other basic entitlements may include:

Temporary storage up to 90 days.

Per diem/mileage from old HOR to new duty station.

Authorization for more than one car.

Ten days temporary lodging expense.

Dislocation Allowance (DLA). The purpose of this allowance is to partially reimburse you for expenses incurred in relocating your household. DLA is not allowed for a PCS move to your first duty station (unless you move your dependents) or your last move upon separation.

PCS Checklist


Personal Property Move Section

Coordinate through the Personal Property Office (PPO) at servicing Transportation Office BEFORE the move.

After Coordinating with the PPO,  submit the following:

PCS Orders

DD 1351-2

DD 1797

DD 619

Bill of  Lading

Notification of Loss or Damage Form

House Hold Goods (HHG) Descriptive Inventory

High Value Inventory Form

Receipts for all expenses

Army PCS Travel Pay- How to complete the Travel Voucher (DD Form 1351-2) Guide


Do-It-Yourself Move (DITY Move)

Coordinate through the Personal Property Office (PPO) at servicing Transportation Office BEFORE the move.

After Coordinating with the PPO, submit the following:

PCS Orders (Generated by AGR Office AFTER funding received from NGB

DD 1351-2

DD 2278

Checklist (provided by PPO)

“Closeout” form (provided by PPO)

1 Weight ticket for UHaul (Empty)

1 Weight ticket for UHaul (Full)

Receipts for all expenses

Army PCS Travel Pay- How to complete the Travel Voucher (DD Form 1351-2) Guide


PCS Points of Contact

West Point  (845) 938-5911

Fort Drum  (315) 772-6314

Fort Hamilton  (718) 630-4857 x4039  

JPPSO-North East  (781) 377-7688

Saratoga NSU  (518) 886-0200 x114, x115, x116 and x117

or http://www.move.mil








© NYS DMNA: NYNG Human Resources: AGR: Army: Permanent Change of Station (PCS)
URL: https://dmna.ny.gov/hro/agr/army/?p=1407243925
Page Last Modified: 16 Nov 22