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AGR Pay and Entitlements

AGR Pay and Entitlements

AGR personnel are paid through Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS) of the Defense  Finance and Accounting Office, Indianapolis, IN (DFAS-IN).  Pay actions take place during Mid-Month and End-of-Month. For an action to take effect on a Mid-Month pay, a document must be received and input three days after the first of the month. For an action to take effect for an End-of-Month pay, a document must be received and input three days after mid-month.

Base Pay depends on your grade and length of service. You receive Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), and Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) based on grade, dependency and duty location zip code.

BAH is a tax-free allowance for the purpose of offsetting a Soldiers housing and utility expenses that is determined based on duty location zip code.

BAS is a tax-free allowance designed to defray meal and food costs incurred by the member and is the same amount whether the member has dependents or not.  AGR Service member being paid BAS must pay for all meals or rations received from a government mess or provided on behalf of the government.  AGR Soldiers on field duty will be changed for all meals made available whether eaten or not, subject to approved missed meals.  Field duty is defined as any maneuvers, war games, field exercises, or similar operations where a member is assigned to a unit being subsisted in a dining facility operation by or on behalf of the U.S. Government of with an organization drawing field rations.  This includes, but not limited to Annual Training (AT) and schooling.  It is imperative that all AGR Soldiers understand that it is their responsibility for ensuring they submit a DA 4187, requesting meal collections for any period of orders that provide for rations.  See BAS Collection Memorandum at bottom of page.

An AGR member is entitled to receive a tax-free Family Separation Allowance (FSA) for any period of TDY or mobilization that exceeds 30 days. Partial months (after the first 30 days) are prorated by day. Individuals must submit a completed DD Form 1561, copy of orders in order to receive payment.

Clothing allowance for enlisted Soldiers is paid annually during their anniversary month.  The first year enlisted Soldiers are authorized an initial issue from there unit.  Annual payments are made to the Soldier each anniversary after the first year.  Officers are authorized an initial uniform allowance, if not received previously.

AGR Soldiers are eligible for Special/ Incentive Pay based upon the types of jobs they perform or the areas in which they serve. Some incentive pays are treated as tax-free and are usually paid monthly. An AGR is entitled to make allotments from monthly pay. The total allotments cannot exceed the amount of base pay and BAH after taxes and other authorized deductions (SGLI, dental insurance). Voluntary allotments of military pay and allowances of service members in active military service are limited to discretionary and non-discretionary allotments.



Pay & Entitlements Links

CONUS Cost of Living Allowance (COLA)

Deductions and Garnishments

Thrift Savings Plan

Servicemember's Group Life Insurance(SGLI)

Family Servicemember's Group Life Insurance (FSGLI) **Declination of FSGLI processed through Directorate of Military Personnel**

DoD Savings Deposit Program

Out-of-Service Debt

Secondary Dependency



Pay and Entitlements Regulations / Policies:

DoD FMR Volume 7A, Military Pay Policy - Active Duty and Reserve Pay

AR 37-104-4, Military Pay and Allowances Policy

Joint Travel Regulation (JTR), Chapter 10, Housing Allowance

Active Duty Leave and Earnings Statement Tutorial

Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) Collection

Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Waivers ALARACT

Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) ALARACT













© NYS DMNA: NYNG Human Resources: AGR: Army: AGR Pay and Entitlements
URL: https://dmna.ny.gov/hro/agr/army/?p=1400267494
Page Last Modified: 16 Nov 22