CAMP SMITH --Three New York Army National Guard Soldiers along with five other National Guard Soldiers from across the country rehearse the specific movements and commands of a full military funeral during the 80-hour Train-the-trainer Military FuneralHonors course at Camp Smith Training Site on June 21 2016.Ten Army National Guard Soldiers were selected to attend the two-weektraining at Camp Smith NY from June 13-24 2016 which is designed totrain the trainer so current Honor Guard members can return to their homestates and train others.
DMNA Press Releases
NY National Guard In the News
WWNY, February 6, 2025 -- Fri, 07 Feb 2025 Community excited about efforts to reopen Ogdensburg Armory OGDENSBURG, New York (WWNY) - On Wednesday, we told you about an effort to reopen the Ogdensburg Armory with a National Guard recruiting effort underway in the north country. Now we hear what... (more) -- Thu, 06 Feb 2025 Forging lasting relationships with New York s newest state partner FORT INDIANTOWN GAP, Pennsylvania Four service members with the Swedish Army spent time with the 42nd Infantry Division learning about large-scale combat operations during a major warfighting... (more)
WWNY -- Thu, 06 Feb 2025 New life for Ogdensburgs old armory? (video) OGDENSBURG, New York (WWNY) - It has been an unmistakable presence in Ogdensburg for 128 years. But for the last two and a half, the Ogdensburg Armory has been largely unused. Its a steep... (more)