FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY-- New York Army National Guard Sgt. William Liu, right,a member of the 24th Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Team New York National Guard assists Staff Sgt. Mauricio Caceres, assigned to the survey team of the 21st Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Team of the New Jersey National Guard, into his Level A Protective Suit during an Army North-mandated training proficiency evaluation at the Monmouth County Sheriff Situational Training and Response Simulator Facility Freehold New Jersey Nov. 1 2022. The 24th CST, which is based at Fort Hamilton in New York City was assisting the 21st CST in their evaluation. CSTs identify chemical biological radiological and nuclear substances; assesses and advises civil authorities on response measures to man-made or natural disasters.
DMNA Press Releases
NY National Guard In the News
WWNY, February 6, 2025 -- Fri, 07 Feb 2025 Community excited about efforts to reopen Ogdensburg Armory OGDENSBURG, New York (WWNY) - On Wednesday, we told you about an effort to reopen the Ogdensburg Armory with a National Guard recruiting effort underway in the north country. Now we hear what... (more) -- Thu, 06 Feb 2025 Forging lasting relationships with New York s newest state partner FORT INDIANTOWN GAP, Pennsylvania Four service members with the Swedish Army spent time with the 42nd Infantry Division learning about large-scale combat operations during a major warfighting... (more)
WWNY -- Thu, 06 Feb 2025 New life for Ogdensburgs old armory? (video) OGDENSBURG, New York (WWNY) - It has been an unmistakable presence in Ogdensburg for 128 years. But for the last two and a half, the Ogdensburg Armory has been largely unused. Its a steep... (more)