WASHINGTON, D.C.--Members of the New York National Guard in-process during Joint Reception Staging Onward Movement and Integration as part of Joint Task Force-District of Columbia (JTF-DC) at the D.C. Armory Washington D.C. Jan. 18 2025. Approximately 8000 National Guard service members from approximately 40 states and territories comprise JTF-DC to support the 60th Presidential Inauguration continuing a legacy that began in 1789 when their predecessors escorted George Washington to the first inauguration. At the request of civil authorities these National Guard service members provide critical support such as crowd management traffic control points CBRN response civil disturbance response and sustainment operations.
DMNA Press Releases
NY National Guard In the News
WWNY, February 6, 2025 -- Fri, 07 Feb 2025 Community excited about efforts to reopen Ogdensburg Armory OGDENSBURG, New York (WWNY) - On Wednesday, we told you about an effort to reopen the Ogdensburg Armory with a National Guard recruiting effort underway in the north country. Now we hear what... (more)
Army.mil -- Thu, 06 Feb 2025 Forging lasting relationships with New York s newest state partner FORT INDIANTOWN GAP, Pennsylvania Four service members with the Swedish Army spent time with the 42nd Infantry Division learning about large-scale combat operations during a major warfighting... (more)
WWNY -- Thu, 06 Feb 2025 New life for Ogdensburgs old armory? (video) OGDENSBURG, New York (WWNY) - It has been an unmistakable presence in Ogdensburg for 128 years. But for the last two and a half, the Ogdensburg Armory has been largely unused. Its a steep... (more)