The New York Army National Guard's newest member, Pfc. Keith Muniz, receives his oath of enlistment as a Citizen Soldier September 29, 2007 at the Niagara Falls Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). Muniz, from Fredonia, N.Y., joined the Guard's Company D, 427th Brigade Support Battalion as a Wheeled Vehicle Operator (88M).
His enlistment puts the New York Army National Guard strength at 9,600 Soldiers - achieving The Adjutant General's strength objective for the 2007 fiscal year. With Pfc. Muniz are Sgt. Maj. Larry Linville (rear left), the senior NCO for recruiting in Western N.Y. and Sgt. Clifford Withey from Buffalo's recruiting and retention command. The N.Y. Army National Guard finished the year with an end strength of 9,622.
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NY National Guard In the News
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