LAKE PLACID, N.Y. -- A bobsled with a New York Sgt. Kenneth Stout, an infantry Soldier from the New York Army National Guard combat veteran from the 2nd Battalion 108th Infantry heads down the track during the during the 2009 Geoff Bodine Bobsled Challenge. The fourth annual race, held Jan. 3 in Lake Placid, N.Y., raises funds for the U.S. Olympic Bobsled Team through the participation of NASCAR and NHRA competition drivers. Stout, from his armory in Ogdensburg, N.Y., along with other veteran Soldiers of the 108th Infantry from New York's North Country, participated as racing partners to the NASCAR drivers.
This year's race winner was Todd Bodine and his brakeman, Spc. Patrick Furman, a vehicle driver from the Schenectady based Company E, 427th Brigade Support Battalion.
DMNA Press Releases
NY National Guard In the News
North Country Now -- Tue, 25 Mar 2025 SUNY Potsdam and New York Army National Guard hold ribbon cutting for Campus Recruiting Office POTSDAM -- SUNY Potsdam officials welcomed New York Army National Guard Major General Michel Natali for a ribbon cutting and formal signing ceremony celebrating its new campus recruiting office,... (more)
Spectrum News -- Tue, 25 Mar 2025 Henry Johnson Army website removed for federal DEI review The U.S. military has temporarily removed a website honoring the renaming of Fort Polk after World War I soldier Henry Johnson, a Black war hero from Albany, while it reviews "culturally... (more)
WWNY -- Mon, 24 Mar 2025 National Guard cuts ribbon on new recruiting office in Potsdam (video) POTSDAM, New York (WWNY) - The New York Army National Guard has a new recruiting presence at SUNY Potsdam. The ribbon was cut on the new recruiting office on Monday. In attendance were... (more)