CAMP EDWARDS, Mass-- Three New York Army National Guardsmen from A Troop 2nd Squadron 101st Cavalry--Staff Sgt. Matthew Smith, Sgt. Mickael Cressman, and Sgt. Daniel Washburn-- take a break during the battalion's Spur Ride event here the weekend of August 7-8. Sixteen participants, including the Squadron Commander, LTC Dave Dunkle took part in challenge which included a ten-mile forces march, weapons qualification, weapons assembly and disassembly tests,land navigation, communications testing, and a Army Physical Fitness Test. 14 of the 16 participants earned their spurs.
DMNA Press Releases
NY National Guard In the News
North Country Now -- Tue, 25 Mar 2025 SUNY Potsdam and New York Army National Guard hold ribbon cutting for Campus Recruiting Office POTSDAM -- SUNY Potsdam officials welcomed New York Army National Guard Major General Michel Natali for a ribbon cutting and formal signing ceremony celebrating its new campus recruiting office,... (more)
Spectrum News -- Tue, 25 Mar 2025 Henry Johnson Army website removed for federal DEI review The U.S. military has temporarily removed a website honoring the renaming of Fort Polk after World War I soldier Henry Johnson, a Black war hero from Albany, while it reviews "culturally... (more)
WWNY -- Mon, 24 Mar 2025 National Guard cuts ribbon on new recruiting office in Potsdam (video) POTSDAM, New York (WWNY) - The New York Army National Guard has a new recruiting presence at SUNY Potsdam. The ribbon was cut on the new recruiting office on Monday. In attendance were... (more)